Why my small community would love wrath servers

Be skeptical sure. But openly mocking others for doing what you’re also doing?

P a t h e t i c

It is possible to find faults in blizzard without also insulting those who don’t agree with you

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… not a whole lot of selfawareness going on here is there?

On your part? None at all it seems

So you want a Wrath server so you can spend a few more weeks/months preparing to kill lich king?

Meh, it’s an addon, so obviously not an officially supported version of the game like Classic Era client HC is.

That is just to say that it’s your own preference, and if you feel rushed, it’s because you selected to use an addon to play a version of the game by rules you wanted to enforce for yourselves.

Of course, there’s an interesting thing about those rules, being SSF that makes it such that even if there’s little interest outside of the SSF community, that’s enough for people who would participate in that version of the game. While it does seem like there are small numbers of people who may be interested in a long living Wrath server, it doesn’t seem like anyone who doesn’t play SSF would benefit from, or particularly wish to play on the same servers as those who are playing by those rules though.

Good luck! This is the sort of thing where offline mode, with the ability to connect peer-to-peer with others for raiding or dungeon content might be desirable, but that doesn’t seem to be something that there is any interest from the development team in developing or supporting.


Wrath is my favorite expac I could play it on repeat all the time, and I know a lot others in my community would do the same. And yes, working with small numbers has made progression difficult, and we’ve had some high impact losses along the way. Sometimes it feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back when key players die.

There you go again editing you post rather than replying.

If you’re referring to that solo fund mode, it’s just another option on existing Hardcore servers.

There is nothing else I need to say. I’m not going to keep repeating myself, and I’m not going to waste my time with those well established trolls either. You complain about me cleaning up my work but don’t seem to care about the trolls leaving their drivel around. If you want to go after something, go after that.

Edit: :point_up:

There’s nothing else you need to say so you edit out what you’ve already said, things that people have responded to. If they didn’t quote you in their replies it’d of made no sense because you’ve removed the context.

This is your first reply to someone in this thread, you’ve edited your first post 4 times adding people who’d replied to you which by itself I have no problem with but when you do that and someone responds to your edit only for you to remove the initial edit and replace it with the new response makes the thread feel disjointed.

edit: you’re > your


Drain is a well established troll. He has no opinion but zug zug vanilla best zug zug

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Youve also got to factor in the disdain that people have for cataclysm in general so it would indeed fragment the playerbase by more then that

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