Why must they gate literally everything?

Most of the old 1 part quests got replaced with bonus objectives instead because it is a cleaner method does not take up space in your quest log and does not require a quest giver.

It is the advantage of the updated technology behind questing system.

The point of the time gating is to set caps on ‘required’ content as in the end the modern wow player base has on average significantly less free time than we did 16 years ago and to keep those people playing it requires a feeling on meaningful progress without impacting other areas of life.

It’s there to make ppl not feel like they are falling behind. The problem is it ruins it for people who just want to play. If someone wants to sink the time in and do the content faster, why shouldn’t they get to?

Just add something new each month and people will stay subbed. There is no reason for weekly gates.

The game is currently designed to reward you for not playing at all. It’s almost better to just wait until the tail end of a major patch to catch up fast and ge tthrough everything with no hassle. Sad.

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If you finished everything in a few days you honestly should probably play less or actually slow down and appreciate the quest stories and zones etc.

There’s so much to do in this game, if you think there isn’t then no game in the world would satisfy you since you just smash through everything.

And not gating it would have obvious issues if you take a second to think of others…like people would feel pressure to play all day and grind to keep up…you would progress to a ridiculous power level and just one shot all those who play at a normal pace.

You’d also reach the absolute max within a week or two by the sounds of it and then also still complain there’s nothing to do.

I read every quest dude. Tons of spelling and grammar errors as well… IDK what more you want. Almost everyone on my friends list (who plays SL) is basically done for the week.

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EVE Online. No guardrails. If you’re bored, it’s your fault.

because of the lack of content.

You didn’t reply to my other points?

Bottom line it would be terrible for the game to allow players to reach the end ungated as people like you would reach it in a week and complaining of no content while also one shotting lower geared players because the power imbalance would be ridiculous.

People didn’t like the grind and feeling left behind in bfa and this would make it 10x worse. For the health of the game and vast majority of players time gating is a good thing so they have time to relax, enjoy the game and do other things instead of grind.

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Like I said the majority of the subscription base has only a certain amount of time and if they dont feel they can keep up in the time they have then they leave. Which leaves less of a value proposition for acti-blizzard and so that it why it doesn’t happen.

Hell we have already been told raiding only still exists because of LFR. Because people doing normal+ is not sufficient to justify the content.

First of all, if someone nolifed the game, they should 1 shot you imo. Second, they already gate the raids which is where you get gear to 1 shot anyway. There is no reason to weekly gate questing…

I’m not even mad about the raid lockouts. I’m mad I can’t do my solo quests to progress the story.

Don’t you mean there is no reason that you will agree with to weekly gate questing.

it will take a year to get to 40 renown

Yes. Of course Bobby has his reasons. They are green.

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Nonsensical answer. Try again, troll.


Not really considering a year is 52 weeks and you gain a minimum of 2 renown a week meaning it is at most 20 weeks but actually more like 16 considering the 1 renown from campaign chapters, so actually under 4 months to max renown


I have my reason to not want weekly gates. I want to play through the damn quest chain, man.

…Or they could simply let us progress at our own pace and if we “finish everything” then simply stop playing for a while come back later like in other mmo’s where this is perfectly fine to do and is absolutely no detriment to the game. Just saying.

Some “problems” are not actual problems.

If people whine about running out of content because they somehow zerged 6 months of content in a week, they can be safely ignored and perhaps they’ll learn a valuable life lesson.

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if they had made legion soloable id have more to do than wait for the next week

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If someone wants to play, let them play.

And the rest of the quest chain isn’t ready to be released. But I’m sure you will just deny that being probable or possible. You will just echo your nonsense that it’s just Blizzard being greedy because obviously Blizzard upsetting their customers will keep them subscribed.
But please… keep on being a Karen about things.

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How is it not ready? And maybe they shouldn’t release an unfinished game then.

I’m reporting all your personal attacks btw.

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