I’m not touching that comment with a 10 foot barge pole.
Religion is a social cultural system, sexual orientation is not and is something you are mostly born with.
Yeah good point, even if it was made at a joke I imagine someone’s probably popped a blood vessel reading it.
Because none of them “exist” in Warcraft lore? Where as there is nothing in Warcraft lore that says LGBT+/or people of color cannot exist.
We do have full religions. Wow is full of religions. Animist is also well represented with Loa. If you mean exactly the same down to Bible verses, that’s not how the genre works. Just like I wouldn’t expect to see rainbow flags in game.
Why does it have to be Christian. Maybe they worship their god called Sol.
IDK, we seemed to get along fine for 16 years without a wide array of skin colors that magically began popping up with an expansion launch. Explain to me how these things have existed past anything other than the only logical answer which is rapid and wild genetic mutation.
Good luck trying to make that point though.
I mained a cow since Vanilla.
If we can create lore out of thin air for a lgbt character, then we can have a new npc who proselytizes Christianity.
That’s not a good argument either honestly. I think they are doing this not just for PC reasons, but because their character creation is very lacking compared to other games.
It wasn’t meant to be a valid rebuttal. I gave an argument just as moronic as the post I was responding to.
Well, I am still waiting for boob sliders. At least ESO and FF14 got that one right.
In vanilla days, human females were nice on the eyes.
I just want to increase my Goldshire profits.
In the past it’s always been a HMP with the aggressively obvious troll threads but now every time it feels like Orcs are taking over. Is this a new wave??!!
They have been on a campaign to bring Garrosh back.
More customisation is great. It’s so hard to find skimpy mogs for my male characters, for example.
Sometimes I just want the family jewels to be able to breathe.
I know right? The fact that I am forced to wear pants is discrimination of the highest order!
All I want is good story. I don’t care how it happens!