Why LGBT Representation matters

This was not actually the case, but it was the story a small group of right-wing edgelords fabricated.

“People” on the whole didn’t hate Captain Marvel. It got decent reviews and made over a billion dollars.

Only reason it made so much money was because of the franchise it was related to (MCU)

Plus sites like Rotten Tomatoes are liars, they prove it with this movie and also with Rise of Skywalker

How are they liars? All they do is aggregate and average scores

I’m not gonna try to claim it was one way or another for Captain Marvel, however it IS worth noting that the opinion of critics is not the same thing as what “people think”.

Public perception and critics often disagree on if a movie was good or not.

Such is why I also mentioned that it made a billion dollars.

And let me clarify:

I haven’t seen, and don’t care about, the movie. I don’t think profit indicates quality.

But I do think a movie doesn’t make a billion dollars if nobody liked it.

Oh we talking bout captain marvel? The Mary Sue movie? Yeah was boring af, focused more on gIrL pOwEr then a good plot, or acting.

It’s, “than,” when one is being comparative.

There’s a pretty massive difference between the audience score, and the critic score. The critics gave it high marks. The fans gave it a 47%.

Yes, it made money. So did The Last Jedi. It was still disliked by the fan base.

While divisive, the movie wasn’t actually disliked by the fan base.

Some of the fan base disliked it. Some of the fan base liked it.

This is what happens, because there is no monolithic hive mind.

User scores are also very easily manipulated and not exactly the best metric for the pulse of an audience; there’s no way of ensuring the person leaving the review has even seen the movie, and many films will be bombed on sites before the movie has even released.

Due u thunk eye care bout Howe its’ speled?

I think people should generally have a decent grasp of English before they start speaking derisively about poor writing.

I thought they hated her becauae of her acting, and the rumours that her costars can’t stand her personality…

You… you know there is a difference between story writing and spelling, correct? No, no, this is GD, ofcourse not.

There is a difference, of course, but I don’t think it’s coincidental that the people who harp the most about “Mary Sues” and “girl power” also often can’t write very well.

Guys he caught me, I used the wrong version of than, therefore I cannot state widely agreed facts about a movie that is essentially a dumpster fire that manages to be boring.

The Last Jedi has a 44% on rotten tomatoes, and similar scores on iTunes, Amazon, and everywhere else it is sold. How bad would it have to be before you admitted that the majority of the fan base didn’t like it?

I get the sense you’d make an excuse and claim the numbers were somehow manipulated. It’s beautiful cognitive dissonance.

You simply discredit any evidence you don’t like.

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I do not think that the echo chamber you and your chuds go on about is actually a widely-agreed fact.

I think the average person who is not terminally online would not even know what a Mary Sue is.

As already said ad infinitum, representation matters because it’s so lacking.

Yes, the lack of representation is a symptom of the horrible class system we’re all forced to live in, and efforts need to be taken to combat that, but I’ll still take having more LGBTQIA+ characters in my fiction thank you very much.

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There is literally no movie or no percentage where I would find the user ratings to be helpful at all, for the same reason I don’t find twitter polls persuasive.

So the movie being a meme and only really existing for people to talk down on and basically tank Brie Larsons reputation doesn’t make it being garbage a widely agreed fact…?

What a shocking turn of events.