Why LGBT Representation matters

This, again, only really happens in specific online circles.

She has an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA award, an Emmy, and a SAG award. What reputation?

I liked it. It had nive throwbacks to the 90s, hints at a Cree invasion avengers movie, and decent action scenes. Nice set up for other heroes like Photon. I appreciated the Cree lore As I havent read the comics much. Enough to be surprised in the movies when the plot changes.

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by online circles, i assume you mean the internet, and exactly, what reputation, it’s gone now lmao.

No, only certain parts. There are quite a few subcultures online where she’s very popular.

Amazon isn’t a poll. Neither is iTunes. They are marketplaces. If Rotten Tomatoes was the only place saying it maybe you could claim manipulation.

It’s everywhere across all platforms. Either there’s a global conspiracy by the ists and phobes, or maybe people just didn’t like the movie. I can guess which you believe.

You’re starting to harp a bit on who can have opinions, too. You’re trying to increase your moral strength while casting doubt on your “less educated” opponents.

That has no place here. Even if it did I promise I have much more authority to speak on story than you do. I make my living telling them. The Last Jedi was bad. Captain Marvel was bad.

The majority of both fan bases agree, whatever you believe.

What have you published?

oh boy we are talking about those films. This can only propel the thread even further down the spiral of stupidity.

Google Chris Fox. I have 30 books in print, and a pen and paper RPG. I’ve earned 7 figures doing this.

Edit: and if I was going to impersonate someone I would pick someone a lot cooler than me.

Rise of Skywalker is the best example, the score remained at a solid 86% audience score without change trough the weeks, despite that the number of reviews grew by the thousands the number did not change, which is downright impossible.

The score is 100% fake and manipulated, they made it blatantly obvious

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It has 4.5 stars on amazon and amazon links an aggregate review from IMDb of 7.0. On iTunes it has 3.5 stars.

Neither of those are terrible, but I also don’t have to actually own the product on iTunes to leave a review for it; I’m not sure for amazon.

Ooo you write scifi?

why anyone would argue against diversity and inclusion is beyond me

How does that stack up against every other Star Wars movie in existence? Compare them to each other.

And fantasy =)

On Amazon? ESB has 5 stars to TLJ’s 4.5; return of the Jedi has the same 4.5 star rating.

On iTunes? ESB has 4 stars to TLJ’s 3.5; ROTJ has 4 stars to TLJ’s 3.5. ANH has 3.5 stars, making it identical to TLJ.

Interestingly, Force Awakens has 4.5 stars on iTunes, making it the highest rated of all or them.

Do you think TFA is overwhelmingly the favorite of the fanbase?

Cool. What are your thoughts on lgbtq+ representation?

I find it hilarious that people are using, “but LGBT peeps ARE being represented,” as an argument that there is somehow too much representation.

When, in fact, it’s a sign that humanity is making progress.

I guess they just expect the rest of us to just dust off our hands, and say, "Job’s done!"

Yeah… I’m gonna have to say no, “job’s NOT done,” and I don’t think setting an arbitrary goal for when it IS done should be a priority.

Keep up the good work, Blizz! And stick to your old-school philosophy: "It’s done when it’s done."


I would like your comment, Objection, but I’ve run out for 34 minutes. (Why are likes finite? Is there a like economy?)

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I hope one day people will stop complaining about lgbt showing up in stuff and act like it’s normal like straight relationships. It’s tiring hearing all this hate all the time.

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That’s because they only use reviews they’ve verified to alter their score.

It’s not a secret conspiracy; it took me a fifteen seconds google search.
