Why LGBT Representation matters

Might be where you live. I live in a southern town and ive been called hateful things.

I have never seen blizz say, point this character is gay! either… so…

What sorry I don’t understand what you just said

Its simple to understand you live in a more better area for lgbt people. I however do not have that luxury. So yes they are more than likely to not have the same problems as me. Its not difficult to understand.

There is a youtube channel where people share many coming out stories, many people lose their families, get disowned, or have a rough life. You can check them out. I doubt your friends would tell you something like that unless you asked, since alot of that stuff is personal.

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I think there was a blue dragon that was trans. I think chromie might be trans though i might be mistaken on that.

Where I live no one cares if your LGBT. Just you be you all we know. I know a few LGBT growing up never had a single problem. My best friends Brother was LGBT and he is a cool person. No one ever gave him a hard time.

i’m not gay but agree with this statement. keep it in the closet.

Sounds like a nice bubble to live in. Wish it was like that for most people.


The bigger problem is that “Not caring” is not good enough for many of the internet slacktivists. Many, many people are of a similar mindset of “Live and let live.” But this neutral or non-preachy stance is being villanized as much as their supposed opposition. I’d argue this “With us or Against us” mentality has really reached it’s boiling point to where people instantly revile signs of LGBT themes because it draws the crowd that use it as a means to “push out hate”.

We all want to be happy, as well as we want to live in a society that anyone can seek their heart’s desires for as long as nobody is abused, hurt, or preyed upon. But forcing yourself and your ideal life onto others is going to cause more problems than good.

I don’t want representation for the sakes of being represented. Well developed characters connect to more than a niche quality. Those who reach wide beyond that gets more notice. If there is an LGBT character to be had, I want to know more about their character rather than their sexual preference. I want them to be someone I could share their fictional story with someone else and both derive the same delight.

No just be your self. Don’t go out of your way to bug other people then you will just start stuff. Best thing i ever seen if people don’t like you find people that will. If your family rejects you my be you just need to find people that will care about you instead of dwelling on people who don’t care a bout you find people that will. Some people it just takes time.

This is the part I get caught up on.

Why does every LGBT character need to be deep, good, and nuanced to be justified, when the same standard isn’t applied to straight characters?

I want good stories featuring LGBT character of course, but I also want LGBT characters (and POC, and so on) to have the freedom to be bad, too.


While I don’t mean to question your own experience, I come from a rural community where many claim this – “Oh, we don’t care if you’re black, or gay,” etc etc., but, despite the claim, it’s usually the opposite.

They “don’t care” only insofar as you blend in. The moment your difference becomes obvious, they care. Very much so.

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Meh we got very minor straight characters. I don’t see the problem in having a variety of importance in representation from background npcs to main characters. That arguement is always strange like you need to hold someone high all the time. That’s not true equality or fair representation.

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I’ll be honest I don’t care about people most of the time, but my family and friends. I’m not going to act like I care about anyone. I learned a long time ago you cant help everyone. Now I do help people every now and again to be nice.

Straight characters are not defined by their sexual preference or relationship. And when they are; they’re almost universally bad. (Or in a 18+ Readers novel shelf). LGBT characters aren’t Unicorns or some miracle or marvel to be had. Being gay or straight shouldn’t be the defining feature because people are more than that.

I’m not expecting super deep, nuanced detail. But enough to relate. Allow me to propose one little “fan favorite” couple that some people may be familiar with.





These two have a minor, but notable background NPC tale going on. Dating back to Burning Crusade. We get a ton of personality out of them where they behave like bickering couples toward one another. Close friends or not, their dialogue and history lands them some ground. Veteran players can follow these two and gather their history.

I would totally be behind these two being a couple because their relationship makes far more sense. They have personality, history, and been a notable pair in their appearances.

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Gay, Straight…I don’t care.

As long as the characters are written well.

That’s the end of my opinion.

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That’s the thing though. There are tons of bad characters whose sole trait is that they’re straight – see practically every sitcom on the planet.

That’s why I said

So they need to have this convoluted dating history ingame? And every straight character doesn’t?

Well of course on that point. We should all have the freedom to have good and bad examples.

I prefer to have a surplus of good examples to build a solid foundation on so we’re not weighed with baggage of terrible examples that turns people off as it does now.