Yet you are here.
Please Blizz confirm Khadgar gay
I don’t believe you’re right. First off, there isn’t that much research and second, what there is doesn’t cover enough time to really show anything.
However, whether it works or doesn’t, I don’t think anyone should be able to tell adults what they can or can’t do in that arena. If you think that having a doctor turn your bits inside out will make you feel better, you do you. And if you think that being counseled into being straight will, rock and roll.
I just wanted you to know that I support gay rights, but I am concerned with an increasing level of victim mentality in game, it just seems everywhere I go in this game people feel offended or ‘harassed’ by every little thing, I’ve copped a few false accusations myself…
To be fair I do remind people as Sylvanas said, we are all NOTHING, so maybe people are taking me too seriously when they should consider it just RP.
But even so I think people need to settle down a bit, I think we’ve made a lot of progress, honestly I don’t really care what gender or sexuality a person is at all really, as long as they aren’t a complete trouble maker.
Lol fun fact we actually get over represented. LGBT people are like 5% IRL and like 20% in movies and TV nowadays.
lol no but nice try
What did blizzard do, are we still talking about the farmers?
Oh I hope Blizzard doesnt turn into SJW’s. That will really make me quit.
I’d say that the percentage in someplace like San Francisco is probably closer to the real amount. It’s just that being in the closet is a thing.
it matters because… it isnt enough? wat??
They already are.
Yeah. Conspiracy theory. Sure.
I just want to point out how many white nationalist/supremists we seem to have in wow and on these forums including the two who liked your post, one being from the notorious facist racist guild.
Yeah…it’s quite disgusting.
Blizzard does not have the power to change Chinese laws.
No they don’t, but if they really stood for it don’t you think they would tell China “take it or leave it?” and not release the game there?
Its cause they aren’t taking a stand for it, they’re pandering so you pay. Just like they pander to the Chinese so they pay.
We exist and there’s nothing wrong with us, so our visibility in the world, which includes spaces like gaming, is a normal and perfectly fine representation of reality. It’s only a problem for people for whom it’s a problem, and those people are morally wrong.
You said Pooh hehehe
You’re free to disbelieve me all you want but I maintain the net research supports me. But you do raise an excellent point! We do need more research in trans issues. It’s a shame that that community’s health needs have been neglected for so long.
I’m just going to say, I urge you to do some research into both the efficacy and the damage caused by conversion camps. There’s a reason states are starting to ban them.
Their health needs are being ignored by design to appease the idiocies of one group so another can pretend to be morally superior.
Again, if you want to take a knife to yourself because you “think” you’re not what you are, you do you. That doesn’t make it a good thing. And I never said conversion camps were good. What I said was that if you’re and adult, and you want to tinker with your body and mind in some foolish quest to change what you are, you go right ahead.
Finally, it’s ABSOLUTEY HILARIOUS that, for the most part, the people that defend self mutilation in the name of identity criticize conversion attempts. Which are far less invasive and permanent.
Again, if you want to take a knife to yourself because you “think” you’re not what you are, you do you.
Dude, that’s harsh!
Take your agenda out of my game
Choose to be gay then. Let me know how well that works out for a year. If it simply is a choice do it then pick to be gay for a day.
That is flawed logic because as many gay men have been married to women so too could a non gay man be with another man. Neither of those change what he is attracted to. The lifestyle you live IS a choice. How you feel is not.