ah yes cause being represented in basically everything isn’t enough
Homophobia has increased, not decreased - portions of younger generations are becoming intolerant of constant exposure to something which they do not identify with, and being told to either identify with or tolerate it or they are all bigots.
You understand this isn’t going to go well, right, and you’ll create a more vicious counter-culture than has ever been seen?
But when those hate crime rates multiply by exponent in ten years and people ask you why it was okay for children to be exposed to things like pride parades where deviancy is on display, at least feel vindicated in how far you’ve all made it.
Would you like sources that contradict all of those? I can find a few more than two.
This is going to sound disingenuous, and I’m probably going to get hate for this but…
Who cares?
And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You’re a person. You shouldn’t have to cling on to something like that.
Surely there’s more to your personality and humanity than just your sexuality, it neither makes you inferior nor superior to anyone else, you’re just as much of a person as we are.
Please, do not let this be the only defining feature you have, and show everyone how normal it should be to be anything within the LGBTQ community.
Utter bs and nonsense. If hate crimes increase against gay individuals its because more people are willing to identify as being LGBT than in decades past. There is literally no society on earth where tolerance does not increase from exposure.
Why does the sexual orientation of fictional characters have to be known, discussed or talked about. For all we know, every character in WoW lore could be LGBTQ, and that wouldn’t bother me at all. It shouldn’t matter, not to grown adults.
I don’t log off the game and think to myself if thrall likes to sleep with men or women. They’re video game characters bruv, just let them have their own fictional universe and stop with this insistent pseudo-narcissistic movement about making the entire world and everything in it bend to your personal, real-life preferences.
Not a single character in this game talks about how much they love being attracted to the same or opposite sex, why does it have to be a thing.
https: //www. dw .com /en/homophobia-on-the-rise/av-53958244
This covers Poland, where LGBT groups are not anymore open at all, in fact they’re much less open due to the current administration which made it clear it’d accept no advancement of LGBT trends for the past 25 years - LGBT groups act the same, live in the same dark state most in the West did.
Yet, hate crimes are on the rise there and numerous other parts of Europe where you’ve got groups actively seeking out homosexuals, and some of these groups belong to migrants too, so the multiculturalism isn’t helping when whole portions of cultures brought in absolutely hate you. Do you really think exposing Wahhabi, ultra-conservative Muslims leads to them becoming more tolerant?
How many fairy tales do you watch? I have a dose of modern reality to give you. Your mother? Exception, not the rule, son.
the LGBTQ+ community wants representation in video games, which is fine it doesn’t bother me…but I would really like to know is for what reason…is it awareness about LGBTQ+ issues, or is it just to feel like you have something to relate to in game. Or is it it a combination of both. OR is it something different altogether…again I just really would like to know
Oh thank GOD! I wasn’t getting enough social justice in my gaming experience, or news, or sports, or media, or politics, or university, or work, or social media, or daily interactions, or …
I just threw one on there becuse Blizz, using the same system China does, won’t let me and because apparently the term itself is “offensive”, even though it’s the term used by that group.
https: // medicine. yale. edu/news-article/26859/
https: // www. heritage. org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence
https: // pubmed. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/29730870/
https :// transcare. ucsf. edu/guidelines/mental-health
In fairness, I don’t like Heritage myself due to their latent political bias but the sources are still valid - if you’d like, though, I can expound with more and link only .gov or peer-reviewed studies. Plenty abound.
Socially-granted studies made by people who want their best to make something abnormal, normal, even though all biology contradicts it don’t convince me much.
So your example is a nation where white supremacy is on the rise? I don’t think that proves the point you think it does. Homophobia is very rampant across the globe. It has been for centuries since the Dark Ages. There is no denying that. Its been increasing recently in some part of the globe largely because its become a scapegoat for anti-Western values. You can see from in countries like Turkey. Which was one of the first and only Islamic countries in the world to host a pride event and now they villify it because it been identified with western imperialism which their limp dictator loves to incite against.
As for your rant for Wahhabism. I am a straight, Christian, Arab male. You really need not educate me on the dangers of radical Islam. Parts of the Middle East were actually doing quite fine with the acceptance of gays prior the US unlawful invasion and proxy wars which in turn gave the most ignorant, backwards individuals the most power. Using that to prove your point shows nothing but your own ignorance.
I don’t need to be validated by a game. Never have, never will. If the writers want to do it, let them, but I don’t see the need to demand for it.
There’s never going to be 100% consensus on anything but the majority of research supports it and the community seems to ask for it. I’m not trans, but many trans people in the community speak to its importance.
Many historians argue this is a misconception. Plenty of non-Western cultures had concepts of multiple genders or were far more accepting than we imagine but British colonialism illegalized lots of that and created a stigma against it.
Don’t care about your SJW issues. Now back to pixel characters and like shinny things.
It’s nice to see some threads never die.
I much preferred it when biologically aberrant sexual behavior was a topic left avoided in this fictional fantasy game. Just the frequency of threads like these erupting on the forums is proof that is was a mistake to capitulate and use WoW to weigh in on this socio-political discourse at all.
For such a small % of the population, the (Western) world sure seems eager to fall over itself rushing to signal it’s virtue in recognizing and celebrating you for your stunning and brave sexual tendencies. Hard to believe as recently as 2008 presidents were still publicly opposing gay marriage. Now homosexuality is probably the single greatest “virtue” American politicians can extol. And boy do they. Every chance they get. Right and left alike. Just like the media. Just like Hollywood. You’re pretty much top of the heap now, all knees have bent. So congratulations. But of course it’s just a “good start”. That’s all it ever is. How much public worship and over representation will it take to finally satiate the lot of you and put to rest your little rainbow crusade?
In such a short time, the LGBT community has gone from demanding tolerance, to demanding acceptance to dragging simple cake bakers all the way to the supreme court and demanding their obedience.
Give it a rest already.
You are what you are. That’s fine. I don’t really care one way or the other. That’s what tolerance is. Now quit shoving it down everyone else’s throats and demanding more. Because that I actually do care about.
Hell, If I had the choice, I’d prefer to play an English translation of the version of WoW China gets at this point. I’m just sick to death of all this. I really am. Knowing they don’t have to deal with this kind of stuff every. single. day. like we do in America, it makes me a bit envious.
There I said it. +1 to China. They do some things better than us.
How quickly everyone forgets that Khadgar has been in-game for years.
Yeah. Conspiracy theory. Sure.
Sort of like Critical Race Theory… OOOOH WAIT!
That conspiracy suddenly ain’t so theoretical anymore these days, is it?
In fact, I think it’s safe to say the Frankfurt School’s doctrine has had a rather profound impact on your own capacity to reason, or lack there of, considering what I’ve seen from you here so far.
Maybe it’s time society took a good step back and a long hard look at all the other so-called conspiracy theories to evaluate whether or not they have any merit based on the facts presented, rather than the narrative of the thoroughly discredited gatekeepers and their sycophantic zealots, who seek to control the Overton Window with now meaningless words and phrases like “racist” and “conspiracy theory” in order to prevent civil discourse around these topics from ever occurring at all.
To that end, thanks for the link, Comrade!