I don’t believe there’s a medication for Asperger’s Syndrome. I believe there’s socialization therapy that teaches those who want to learn how to interact with other people better.
Jesus Christ. You’ve been through hell like I have about that.
All it takes Puré is to have friends and individuals who understand and can make you feel not so strange to everyone.
You’ll find them one day. If you haven’t already. But you gotta be social.
This goes for anyone in the LGBT, you’ll find alllies and friends one day, but you must take the initiative to seek them.
I’m also a good sounding board. I have a few friends that are extremely blunt. Sometimes they will bounce things off me first since I see both sides of the coin. Both the good and bad
I was constantly bullied throughout my entire childhood. From preschool to high school. I came home with bruises and missing items. I struggled making friends, I struggled being normal and getting along with people. My father abandoned me at the age of 9 and i had a abusive stepfather. Found out I was born an accident from my dad who told me i was lucky he didn’t believe in abortion.
Anyone I flirted with throughout the school / college years i was instantly labeled as a creep and avoided. I was pretty much alone and unloved other than by my mother at least until my step mother came along. So i’m at the point now where I have seen the evil side of humanity, and if you don’t wish to accept me for who i am then i don’t need them in my life.
Bioware Dragon age series and mass effect
The last of us 2
Blizzard themselves with saying how armor design is offensive showing off too much skin for females.
The drama with Anita Sarkeesian, and how she had a heavy part in writers. This social media movement that has a rule book on what is offensive, and what stories need now to be progressive. I don’t care about the adding, but the taking out elements. Aka toxic “males” or needing mostly women being all powerful, and men needing them all the time. It is ok to have that stuff, but sexy armor, toxic males all of that stuff belongs as well.
These same people heavily push toward LGTBQ progressive and that is fine having it in stories, but they also want to protect me from the things I like.
You’re just trolling.
Just remember that even shadows can only exist if there is a light around to cast them. You must seek that light.
What’s wrong with dragon age and mass effect D:
OP, your title should be Why LGBT representation matters to me.
I do not care: to me, a RPG game should be as far away from IRL as possible.
I’m not depressed at least not currently, cant say the same for the majority of my life time as i tried to commit suicide. Though luckily my fear of death prevented me taking such actions for the two times i tried. I’m just going to keep going foward with my faith to hold me together at least until that fails but i dont wish to think about that.
The newest dragon age quality went down a ton. Many of the evil things you could do, they limited heavily on it. But brag about pandering to LGTBQ at the same time. Meaning people put LGTBQ in the crossfire.
oh your talking about the newest stuff not the old dragon ages and MEs I agree, those are pretty garbo. Carry on.
Welcome to the club. I still get bullied and called weird and unnatural to this day by people who don’t know me from Adam and I’m 40.
Welcome to the club. My mother was a narcissistic sociopath and my father had anger problems.
I’m unlovable and settled on never having a relationship. You get over it after a while.
It does sound like you would benefit from therapy.
Just as a general reminder, from one aspie to another, Asperger’s Syndrome is not an excuse to be less than excellent to others.
Nope, it matters to me as well.
If you don’t care, do what Roux said, play other game.
never used it as an excuse for anything. My biggest wish as a child was to be treated as normal like everyone else and not be bullied / pittied for being different.
Though i do hope i find someone as all i want is to be loved and to love them back.
That isn’t wow.
This has nothing to do with LGBT.
None of this explains how a character like Pelagos existing is taking anything away from anyone.
Anyway, representation is fine… but pandering and acting like a business cares about you is another. This pandering is for profits. Nothing more or less. So it is ok to be happy to have it. Business tends to turn movements into jokes.
To a homophobic person any and all representation no matter how small is pAnDeRiNg.
It’s basically an invalid point.
So aggressive.
That has plenty to do with it. I gave examples of other games that have that issue.
I also explained that it is not about what they added, it is the people who do it, and how Blizzard taking away sex appeal for some dumb reason that has to do with either religious values or feminist views of the human body. While also adding LGTBQ elements that take a crap on the values. So it must be for feminist reasons.
The people who are so progressive, these writers all the time talk about hating white males, or needing to be progressive. They champion the LGTBQ cause, and the qualities of Blizzard content and armor design has fallen over the years because of it.
That is my two cents, It is not about what is being added, it is about the people who are doing the adding and limiting creative tropes that many people enjoy.