Why LGBT Representation matters

Apartheid ended in 1994, many people alive today directly contributed and benefited from it.


Not evidence, show me proof. Not text.

i mean so they should just keep what was stolen? so if someone stole my kid and they got old and passed the kid along to his brother im not allowed to get my kid back?

my question is when is it not ok to take back land that was stolen? your telling me if my father lost his land im not allowed to take it back from the captures son? are you that dense?

stolen land is horrific and there is no mercy given to those who profit from it.

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If you can’t provide links. I see no reason to take any of you seriously. But since you’re all too lazy and rather assault me. I’ll do it myself.

Interesting. While that is sad that happened, they’re going to destroy themselves by running out the very ones who are keeping their economy afloat.

its basic knowledge apartheid ended like 25 years ago. people live to around 70.

common sense dictacts some of these people are still alive and benefiting and if not there children which is only one generation back.

meaning its very fresh and retribution is still completely reasonable. if your saying that direct people who stole land dont deserve punishment and retribution that i feel sorry for you son, but i dont align myself with opressors.

justice will come and it aint always pretty.

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Yeah, i guess they will apologize for bringing that homophobic metal singer at the blizzcon right?? right??? hehe oh .


So not getting any bites ? Awww…poor girl.

Would this be the freak show of homophobia coming from white nationalists? They really seem to be afraid of anyone who isn’t white like them.

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Look. I get what you are saying. I do. Why stop there though? Why not have some 2nd amendment issues to deal with while we are at it? That is important. How about what is defined as consenting adult age? Or the 50 other issues of the day for that matter.

I watched Umbrella Academy, within the span of 1 season a character went from very much not gay to very much gay. No reason, no story, just someone felt the need to add representation. Same happened to Iceman in the Xmen. Not gay for 40 years now all of a sudden gay. So no, it doesn’t have to be here because there is already an over the top push for representation everywhere else.

2nd reason. Are you going to be happy to go up to some gay NPC and seeing people /spit on them? Is that good for the cause? How about when you have your pride tabard on and someone is doing the same thing to you? Good for the movement? No, it isn’t.

RL there are some protections but there is none in this game, nor should there because all that POLITICS can be avoided entirely. Adding a gay character does nothing for your cause in a video game. None. I go back to my analogy of Rice Crispies with Crackle being gay. Kellog proclaiming him to be a gay elf does nothing, not even a ripple other than show that some marketing team is pushing their cereal to a new market and the same can be said of this game. If Blizz decides to add gay characters it would be in the interest of marketing and marketing alone…how shallow is that?

Kinda weird how Blacks that actually lived under apartheid don’t agree with you on this though. You’re just making rationalizations for being a scumbag and a criminal thief.


I’m under the conclusion they don’t care if whites get attacked and are under racism. So I’m done with them, anyone can be a victim of that and it’s disgusting racism still exists.

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Awwww don’t worry honey, I’m doing just fine.

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Of course you are!
(pats fox on her furry little head)

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I don’t need to click that to know you don’t care, you’re a hypocrite and that’s that.

Idk why I bothered with you but I was foolish to even try.

ohh ya the white people who stole land that isn’t thiers and trying imperalizing the world are deg scumbags and criminal thiefs. people who try to get retribution for it arent

WoW is supposed to be a RPG, which means at least trying to have believable characters in a living, breathing fantasy world. That means characters form relationships and sometimes, they can be romantic ones.

and sometimes that means there might be parallels to other real world issues. Welcome to story telling, writers like making things a reflection of the real world.

If you “just want to play a video game” I might recommend not playing story heavy games, or ignoring the story in it because in case you didn’t notice WoW preaches a lot of things beyond just LGBT characters.

I am neither part of their cause nor an ally of it, so talking about what’s “good for the cause” means nothing to me. I’m not trying to further their goals.

Where I stand on it is that it’s not exactly overbearing given that it’s literally 3 characters in Shadowlands, it’s easily ignored if you don’t care, and people seem to enjoy it being there.

It’d be one thing if it were overbearing but when Overwatch can have Soldier 76 mention an old boyfriend in one sentence of a story that was about something else entirely and wasn’t even in-game and people freak out about “politics in games!”?

I have a hard time taking it seriously when people say they just want to play games without thinking about political stuff.

As it stands it’s a minimal part of Shadowlands that can be easily ignored and is otherwise harmless. Just let people enjoy things when that’s the case.


You don’t know the definiton of racism.

I know more than you think.

What’s the definition?