I know.
We need to let Blizzard know we support China on these matters.
I know.
We need to let Blizzard know we support China on these matters.
This. I do not want to log in and be reminded of right wing vs. left wing. I do not want to see any of it.
Representation is given where it counts…REAL LIFE. I go to pride parades and have even been in them…that is a part of real life. This is a game, it is not required, needed nor does it serve any purpose. Making characters gay in WOW is as useful as claiming Crackle from Snap, Crackle and Pop is gay.
If you want to get into the semantics of it, none of the story is “needed” in this game. They could just throw raids and dungeons at us with no explanation and call it a game.
but this is a lore heavy game and is supposed to still be a RPG. Story and characters are important to those kinds of games people that’s a big part of what a lot of people enjoy in them.
It doesn’t need to be there but at the same time it doesn’t need to not be there. Especially given that we’ve had plenty of characters with romantic relationships in this game.
Could be because there actually is no white hatred except in your white nationalist mind.
Willfully ignoring something doesn’t make it fantasy.
Are you willfully ignoring something?
I’m not the one making claims.
Hypher’s posts spoke for themselves.
She/he is the one making the false claims and trying to spread the hateful white national racist message here.
Maybe so, but you are spreading lies that whites don’t suffer racism and persecution.
Because no body cares about a freak show.
So you’re another one? Getting any followers for your stormfront group?
That’s a hell of a lot of representation for a group that is a 0-4% part of the population depending on geographical location!
How about you ask those white farmers in South Africa all about how privledged they are, being forced to give up their land, being treated like third class citizens.
Racism is everywhere and everyone, somewhere, regardless of race, has been a victim of it.
I must ask, are you really using Afrikaners as your example of a victim of racism?
dancing to come on eileen, saying “i sure hope it does” every time you pass a road work ahead sign, various mayonnaise casseroles, and special points if your a guy always refering to your girlfriend as the old ball and chain and complaining about responsiblities in order to watch the game.
am i close? or is that just white people things
Why? Do they not count? Because they’re not REAL victims?
land they stole, opressors dont deserve respect when others reclaim what was theirs.
I’m going to need hardcore evidence of this, and don’t you tell me because their ancestors did it they deserve it.
Do you not see the irony in AFRIKANERS complaining about RACISM?
Hopefully the representation comes in the form of NPCs targetable by the enemy player faction so i can roll that side. World PvP is back, baby!