Why LGBT Representation matters

Only thing that is “demanded” is to be treated equal. Which is something I support. I honestly don’t see how having the representation in the game hurts anything.


I’d be mad if my land was stolen and I had experienced it in my lifetime as well. Retribution doesn’t feel good when your receiving it does it? It’s reasonable for people to want retribution for something that only happened 25 years or so ago.

It’s not retribution when you’re attacking those literally keeping your economy stable and providing your nation food.

They run out the farmers, they’re sunk. That’s it. You have your land back, but at what cost? Word will get out what they have done, tourism will plummet, and bye bye nation…


Could say that about farms running through slavery in the south in America before the civil war. Still had to be done though. They can figure out how to maintain a stable economy after retribution has been delivered to the thieves.

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I’m a descendant of a man you’ll probably hate if I told you.

Humans are pathetic. All about screaming about retribution but all they do is fan the flames of hatred with their own hatred. Out of some sense of justice.

Chaos is great and all but it does nothing…

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But if being LGBT is normal then why does normal need representation? Just as straight is normal there’s no huge themes or holidays for being straight.

Nah, you’re a descendant so I could care less. We’re talking about the apartheid something that only ended 25 years ago. Retribution in this case is deserved.

I don’t care about something that has been dead for two decades, neither should anybody, but nope, just clutch your pearls demanding retribution for a sin that has been shut down already.

Vengeance does feel great, but it often corrupts and destroys people into becoming their own monsters.

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If someone committed a massacre two decades ago and never got justice for said crime but it’s been two decades would you let it go just because it’s been two decades?

By commiting one back? Absolutely not.


Idk man, seems like a lot of you people that push this agenda are just as combative as the people who disagree with you. Just live your fkin life, stop shouting about pride and being a victim. Everyone gets discriminated against, you’re not special.


No, by doing justice, by delivering rightful retribution, in this case it would be taking the land they stole back.

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If that’s what you want to believe.

I’ve already seen what misguided crusades of retribution and vengeance painted as justice has done to people.

Being angry and upset over being wronged is totally understandable. However, vigilantism will one day destroy you. All you’ll see is hate…


The most discriminated member of society today is a straight, white, Christian male.


Lets take the time to explain how this works.

What you want is peace and to have justice. So what is your goal? To commit the same atrocities you’re seeking justice for? What about the friends, relatives, and the people who suffer from your justice? Wouldn’t they want justice in return for your atrocities you committed in the name of your justice? Everyone feels the same pain in losing something dear. So in seeking vengeance in the name of justice you create more vengeance for others. So if one comes to call vengeance justice such justice will only breed further vengeance and trigger a vicious cycle of hatred.

So basically by doing what your enemies do you cause more victims on the other side who will in turn want to do the same you did to them and the cycle of hate continues.


You pretty much smacked that nail on the head. Thank you for explaining that.

They say the best form of vengeance is forgiveness. You eliminate all flames of hated, prevent bloodshed, and show your heart is bigger than those who have wronged you. Like a beacon that is willing to blind them in light.


Nah, all that needs to be done is for all the thieves land to be taken. I’m not recommending to segregate them and commit way worse atrocities than just taking land I’m suggesting to take their land as retribution for their actions. It’s like having your assets seized by the government when your found to have committed crimes by the FBI in the USA.

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and having their lands taken will lead them to starve alongside their familes, thus death claims many. With their deaths their friends and relatives will look at you and blame you for what you have done. And will wish the same upon you, and in turn your friends and family will look at them and this cycle repeats till everyone involved is dead or forgiveness can be found.

Edit: I’m not saying punishment shouldn’t be delt and people should get away freely with criminal acts. But if this crime was committed decades ago it should be up to those who were involved to find the proper solution.


That cycle will not stop till everything has been claimed by death. Or, until someone finally says “enough! I don’t want to fight anymore!”.


Nah, they’ll just have to find a job like every other person who has been cast on the streets. Sucks for them.

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