Why LGBT Representation matters

Straight relationships are just as real as LGBT relationships, yet only one of them is grounds for making a thread…

Just because a game has straight relationships (very few matter at all), it doesn’t mean they have to add LGBT relationships too. You don’t need representation everywhere, especially in a fantasy MMO.


You guys do know that there are a few gay couples in game already right? Plus a NPC coming in shadowlands that is male that was female.

One of the couples is in shrine of the Seven stars on the Inn side just before the door, there is a female human and a female dwarf with the same last name.

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I don’t see that anywhere in what you quoted or anywhere else in my posts.

I have said there is a large difference in how WoW quests are delivered and written and ESO. I have said that there are multiple LBGT characters in ESO (Orsineum especially) and one guy is a pansexual deity. I play the game so I’m obviously okay with that.

My point is I can remember this because the ESO quests themselves are memorable. I don’t think people would notice if it’s in WoW or not. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be there, but it will just be ignored like every other fetch quest.

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Trust me they notice. That’s why these threads are being made. And it’s going to have more once they realize one of the Bastion soulbinds is FtM

Only cause they shoe horned it into the game. Where the others were very smooth.

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I have to say as well though that if you really want rep in video games? You should at least patronize the ones that are already doing this. Money talks!

And I say this to everyone who is complaining about this game, but feels they aren’t heard regardless of the issue!

Well it’s not that I want to pressure rep to be added. It’s that when it does get added it shouldn’t be a big deal.

going to have to press X for doubt on that one

It shouldn’t be a big deal and I hate to say this to you but before Corvid this representation issue was a non issue. regulated to players wanting High elves for the Alliance.


So much to unpack here:

Anecdotal evidence is not total evidence.

Situations can occur to others without them occuring to you.

A great deal of systematic oppression has and does occur to gays and Blacks daily. It’s fair for people to want to push back against said oppression.

People want to see and be with others like themselves. It’s healthy. Hence one of the reasons why representation matters. There’s something about not feeling like the only one that can bring great comfort to those who feel and are alone.

In the end, it’s just a character or two in a game of thousands of them. Chill, it’s gonna be alright.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much of as big NO here.

As a part of the LGBT community all I can say about this post is: cringe.


You can attack Blizzard for sucking China’s boots AND applaud their pro-LGBTQIA+ stance. These things are not mutually exclusive.

They get swept under the rug.

That’s not even getting started on LGBT veterans.


The WoW forums aren’t the place to address that.

The WoW forums are the place to talk about it for those that want it.

You don’t have to want it.

You also don’t have to act like you’re better than people that do.

Four years ago the largest mass shooting on U.S. soil happened in the Pulse nightclub about 10 miles from my house. Do I need to mention it’s an LGBT nightclub, targeted for such?

I was physically assaulted in high school regularly for being gay. I was beaten bloody by my mother’s boyfriend to the point that I moved out of state to live with a grandparent to get away from it.

You trying to say that you know what young people are all about, saying we didn’t have it hard?

I don’t have any sympathy for your hatred the of LGBT community. It’s hypocritical.

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I like representation.

Just don’t make LGBT characters that have the personality of a cardboard box like The walking Dead.

And don’t make token diverse characters that don’t really have much to them at all like The last of us 2.


I have tried avoiding these topics, but I will post my toughs here. I feel people use the word “forced” too easily. For example, a male NPC casually mentioning his boyfriend has been described as forced, I disagree. Would he be mentioning a girlfriend, nobody would bat an eye.


Try living in the 1960 in the 1970 WE had the same issues you had so no you do not have it harder than we did and that is the first issue the modern LGBT group needs to get over. do I need to remind you of the RIOTS in NEW YORK the massive suicide rates, drug overdose linked to the LGBT group not even to mention when AIDS started. I lost many friends to AIDS I lost many friends in 911 cause of Terrorism I lost friends in the Military to both.
SO you are no different to me.

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It’s not a competition.

I’m saying you’re wrong telling young people they have it easy when you have no clue.

You’re just old and bitter and can’t get past your own experiences to see that people still have these problems today.

LGBT have always had problems, your generation didn’t suddenly make it all go away.