Why LGBT Representation matters

They should add LGBT with depth, NOT because they are trying to pander or meet some quota. The smart LGBT people will not be fooled when its just lip service.


Just wondering…if someone kills these ‘inclusive’ npc’s in game is it going to be considered a hate crime?

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I am sure these NPC’s are going to be essential.

that is where you are so wrong We laid much of the ground work you now walk on. If I am bitter it is how the LGBT group has become the very opposite of what it use to be to a militaristic group that think they are owed everything.

Your not owed anything from anyone, live your life as you want. Stop asking and demanding people must bow down to forced demands. Most people don’t care who you are with or who you love.


Is it really representation? Seems to me like its acceptance and justification that is the goal here. Folks who are LBGT want to feel like they are a normal and accepted part of society and I believe that is already the case and I fail to see how 2 blingtrons making out instead of fighting is going to change anything about how anyone feels about LBGT.

Much of the story of WoW happens in a players imagination as we don’t know what Stormwind guards do when the night shift relieves them or which tavern Sylvanas heads to when she desires company or just wants to drink and complain about the cost of decent arrows. The story of what happens between battles and cutscenes is up to you.

No group has a right to demand their beliefs be advertised just so they can feel justified to be a part of that group or feel more accepted, and I would feel the same way if PETA wanted some NPCs to protest meat eating and sell non-meat alternatives or if BLM demanded that Jaina be a black character.

The story of World of Warcraft should be left up to those who write it, and to a players imagination, and should not be changed due to any group or belief.

I’m just an elf in a fantasy world, I don’t know of such things that plague the real world, as this IS my real world.


Sneks need to be a playable race.


A statement we can all get behind

Only if Sneks are gay.

If you wanna RP a gay Snek go ahead, I will be a gay fish!

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Yes fantasy is an escape. But it is also a genre that is very much based on reality and mimics reality as art. All races are humanoid to a degree, all have emotes and facial expressions and dances, we interact daily with stories and relationships that mirror real life, we see relationships in game. The wow world is chock full of politics, sex and religion.

It’s just not accurate to say it doesn’t reflect real life and therefore representation doesn’t matter.

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Honestly, it sounds like you are the snowflake.

But there is a difference between proper representation and tokenism. If a characters only defining trait is that they are LGBT, then that is tokenism. A common example is the one off “gay best friend” of “X character” you saw in 80’s and 90’s sitcoms.

It is usually why good shows these days tend to hint a characters sexuality while putting actual character development forward. There is a big difference between a fully fleshed out character that happens to be LGBT (an example would be Adora and Catra in the reboot She-ra series) and a character who’s only primary trait is that they are LGBT.

Usually bad writers pick option 2 because it is the “easy way” out. Thankfully though blizzard took option 1 with Shaw and Flynn, having some casual banter during their interactions during the war campaign, which happened after we got to know the characters individually beforehand. Honestly speaking of the new She-ra, Flynn reminds me of Sea Hawk. It is hinted that Flynn swings both ways, much like Sea Hawk.


Why is there a need for anyone to know your sexual orientation in a video game. I’m genuinely confused.


Great you be that I will be the 2 handed attack sword that fly’s thru the air.

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Its just nice to see someone who is like you in game. I mean seeing someone else who is bi like me can warm someone day up a bit. Makes the world a bigger place i guess.


Is that you Kayne?

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Who gave this 50 likes lmao :skull::skull::skull: guys stop you’re embarrassing yourselves

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The problem is, relationships are a part of rpgs and game. If an NPC can’t mention his partners gender without creating discussions like this in the forums, we have a problem. People are obviously still weirded out by the concept, hence the need for more representation.


Depends what the game’s focus is. Warcraft very rarely is about love.

Also, about 5% of the US population is LGBT. How much representation do you feel is the right amount? Cuz honestly, especially now, LGBT seems to be in the lime light everywhere.

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It isn’t that people are weirded out. It’s that we’re sick of seeing developers feel socially obligated to include a token gay couple to virtue signal and they come off as in bad taste. Similarly when a company does it you have more people who clap like circus seals saying they’re so understanding who got ballistic when people tell them the truth that this is more than likely them trying to score a quick buck. Ironically the people who engage in this tend to have a very specific political tinge to them that is anti-Capitalist. Yet they get played like fiddles and shell out dollars and publicity for free to companies who engage in woke advertising. You chumps get played by the businessmen you complain about.

I’d say most of the forums wouldn’t care if they saw a gay couple that was fleshed out and interesting. Not one either that’s so hollow with it’s only knowledge to their existence being the token gay couple, or one that’s so overbearing that the company has to shove it in your face.