LGBTQ+ is important to me but I have no faith in blizzard to ever add any meaningful content in the game besides a few winks and nods so as not to offend the chinese and russian government
What’s there to agree with? Some people like others of the same sex. It’s part of humanity. And if the game wants to include humans so does the potential inclusion of LGBT. LGBT people exist. Get over it.
Stop trying to start something that isn’t there. You’re taking my comment out of context. Stop getting butt hurt.
Representation in a video game is important stuff.
I’m lgbt, I’m NOT part of the “movement” the movement is like the BLM movement - toxic & false narrative of imagined oppression.
I’m LGBT and have never been discriminated against, EVER.
i’m married to a Jamaican man and he’s never been either, EVER.
We’re a mixed race couple and no one has EVER had an issue with us, ever!
Congratulations on YOUR stereotyped, snowflake, butthurt, cancel culture nonsense thinking.
No. you said you don’t want to see LGBT people in a video game. What’s out of context about that?
How is seeing straight people acceptable but LGBT people not?
None of these are “telling us how to act” though. Telling us they may not approve of certain things, maybe, but last I checked I didn’t have a brain slug forcing me to share radical viewpoints on whatever nonsense we’re supposed to be mad about.
So you only want it for human storylines?
In all seriousness, you all want them in quest lines? Because I don’t read quest text and know very few players who do.
Thank you for saying this —the voice of a person in a married heterosexual relationship who never experienced marginalization was sorely missing from this discourse.
Ah no I said I didn’t see the point in more representation of it in a game. That’s what I meant right there by you taking my comment out of context.
I would want it where it can make sense. Certainly not in every quest line.
We have quests and stories that reference a straight relationship. Why is a gay relationship suddenly a bad thing?
I didn’t say it was a bad thing. I don’t know of any NPC’s in a relationship because it’s not relevant to me regardless of orientation. And I can’t be bothered to read quest text or even think about it after the quest is done.
The people who bring up this argument the most are the ones who are so blinded by the narrative that they can only see negativity, even though it’s usually meant to be peaceful discourse. This is why I laugh when I see some shrieking snowflake complain about white fragility; you people are a parody of yourselves and you’re certainly not helping to advance your cause.
She’s a woman; women are plenty marginalized. Thanks for playing Oppression Olympics tho.
Took me less than 5 seconds to think of one…no wait tyranda! there’s another
rofl you aren’t any of those
I laughed out loud at that. 2020 Oppression Olympics hahah =D
have a major character be gay as **** in-game or gtfo blizzard
So because someone disagrees with you they don’t count? You’re as disgusting as anyone who actively rallies against LGBT.
Agree with this statement right here. Everyone voice and opinion counts even if you disagree with it hehe.