Why LGBT Representation matters

You can say that all you like but I remember very vividly when Matthew Shepard was lynched in 1998. Before that gay was far from normalized. Hell, just in 2015 49 people were massacred for no reason other than being gay.

Representation makes a difference. Trust me I know. My mother is a very, very conservative Middle Eastern woman. In 1998 she would of told you being gay is a vile sin. In 2020 she watches Ellen and Schitt’s Creek and loves LGBT people. Just if you want an anecdote on why this kind of thing matters.


Representation is important y’all!

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


Laying off thousands while their ceo is considered overpaid. Telling us bigotry shouldn’t be tolerated me while having a sexist and racist writer. The whole blizzchung incident. Each action directly shows how the company acts.


It’s amazing, these people saying LGBT are accepted openly now truly live in bubbles. They can’t comprehend that their experiences are vastly different than others.
Like congrats, you live in an open minded area. Others are not as lucky as you.


Overpaying their CEO isn’t telling how to think.

Yeah found some links about the writer you mention. Pretty bad.

Blizzchung incident: They aren’t telling you how to think, but they aren’t offering their platform as a soapbox for politics.

But anyway, the most powerful thing you can do is unsub. That’s the only thing that’s going to speak to to them. Adding one more whiny forum thread isn’t the answer.

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I’m confused. Why are we talking about LGBT in a video game? Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against the community but I don’t understand why representation is needed here. I would like to keep the real world out of the game I play to escape it.


This. So much this!

Blizzard has no right saying they are for equality of LGBT when they are more than happy to censor that stuff in China/Russian so they can make a buck.


Thats why I think they should get rid of all violence, war, and death in the game. Too much real life stuff!


Mental Health should also be represented, I feel like it don’t get represented enough, with all the suicides in the LGBQT community and people on some form on Mental health assistance like ODSP and such, there should be awareness days set for these people and more information like quest lines should be added to the game that everyone is forced to do!!! #LGBQTLIVESMATTER

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Yeah this one single person, on a dead online game forum. They truly represent lgbtq people.


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You are entirely too sane and rational for this world, Tkz.


I’m bi and I will never count myself being part of the LGBT ever. The way they present themselves has been so bad it is just causing more hatred.

Somehow that group can’t comprehend that forcing someone to accept you isn’t acceptance and it never will be. Every single piece of media doesn’t need representation.

They seem to forget this game is literally you playing a character that is almost a psychopath if not already.

Why would you need to know the sexuality of characters when your sole purpose in this game is to kill just about anything that moves? Hell even the ones that don’t move!


How do you know the LGBTQ community wasn’t rep’d if no NPC’s told us their orientation?

Violence, war, and death in the game is a bit different then somebody saying they want more LGBT. In a video game I don’t understand why more representation of LGBT is important and frankly I never expected it. But like I said I have nothing against LGBT I just don’t think it’s necessary to promote it in WoW or video games in general.


Found the Russian bot. This is a lot of “I’m not racist but…”


I don’t care if you’re LGBT just like you don’t care if I’m straight, stop pretending it matters as much as you ‘think’ it does. In the end we all die so who cares?


Really? I guess you’re the bot that’s gonna try and start an argument because I don’t 100% agree.


LGBT only accounts for around 5% of the US Population.

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I have a friend who talks to some bisexuals and they ALL HATE that there is the one npc with one line of text alluding to a same-sex relationship. It’s tragic because all of us are FORCED to play this game and, therefore, accept their lifestyle.