Well we now know blizz made mathisas shaw and flynn that way, and they are in the china client. I think blizz is already standing up for that value against the chinese then.
This all depends on geographical location. Where I live in California, you are correct. Move over to the South, not so much.
Shut up you. . you … homophobic Trumpster!! You don’t know how I feel! I am in fear of my life from those mean hateful bigots with red hats!!!
this definitely warranted YET ANOTHER THREAD… smh
I do not understand the sentiments of people wanting to be represented. I play games to escape reality and be in some form of fantasy land. I have never once looked at anything in WoW and imagined myself or my situation and how it relates to anything I see in game. I am not part of the LGBTQ community obviously so I am sure there are plenty of things I do not understand. I am just saying I have never wanted to see myself or my life in the fantasy games I play. I enjoy seeing things that do not exist in my life and can’t help but wonder why some people want more ‘reality’ in their ‘fantasy’?
I wouldn’t get exciting about the same fan fiction tier writing- then again even fan fiction authors often understand concepts like narrative consistency and economy- from Blizzard now being applied to the LGBTQ community.
I mean, on the one hand it’s nice that now we get to cringe at both Malfurion shouting “TYRANDUH!” for a half hour and the fact that Blizzard’s smooth talking pirate character is a pirate of both varieties of booty, but on the other we need to be holding Blizzard to higher standards in general.
If FF14 can deliver an incredible plot involving a centuries old race riot between elves and dragons that both sides have long forgotten the driving impetuous behind and make it work in an MMORPG setting I don’t think we’re exactly twisting Blizzard’s arm behind it’s back to have believable romance. Just romance, not gay romance, not straight. Whatever Blizzard’s method is, it doesn’t work and it hasn’t worked.
When will enough representation be enough though, I’m curious.
Until it is ingrained into your subconscious.
Haha, yea that normalization especially for the world is never going to happen unless in the future we become sexless robots.
Unfortunately it will never be mainstream. I am sorry but the majority of people in this world will never look at everyone as equals. Everyone best relates to people like them. Religion, race, sexuality, etc each person will most often be comfortable around people like them. It would be nice if this was not true. Unfortunately reality is rarely as kind as fiction.
Ahh, this is where cancel culture meets the justice system
Until you stop putting tags and labels on yourself and stop being X people, Y people, Z people and just become People…
People who care about other People…
This to me does not matter.
Call it what you like, but I’m a Human, who lives with all kinds of Humans, who deals with all kinds of Humans.
When you label them and pigeon hole them you create divides and end up segregating and I’m tired of it.
Start acting like people, not people who are better than other people, or calling people worse people because they don’t share your label or pigeon hole.
Can all this stuff please stay on Twitter, where it belongs?.
It doesn’t belong here.
Are you sure about this? I belong to every single letter of LGBT and I feel overrepresented and therefore constantly associated with very annoying behavior because of it. It is very tiresome.
This is something that is happening for many decades in all forms of media. This is not something new, it is just companies using us as a marketing scheme. This is not something revolutionary, in fact is something so normal that even suggesting going against us could get you jail time.
I don’t need a character talking about how their sexuality is the same as mine in the game for me to feel represented, also why is it important for anyone to be represented in the game?
People are obsessed with sexuality and skin color when they are probably the most boring and irrelevant character traits conceivable. This is a fantasy world with different politics, different races, different laws of the universe, a world that is constantly at war. There are just so many better things to focus on.
what is representation for you ?
putting some required quest that you see two lgbt doing some romantic stuff , just to SHOW to the public some lgbt “representation” ?
if you think that is representation, i’m against this idea. Because a straight couple doing some romantic stuff in some required quest is weird too.
This kind of stuff needs to be optional, seconday and the player needs to search for this.
NOW - if you ask for representation, like mathias shaw, just a npc, that gives quests without any weird stuff going on in the background, like if he just ask you to do some thing in some area and that’s it…ok , he is in the lgbt group and is acting NORMAL. That’s ok for me.
According do a this linked below study in 2017, about 5% of all US adults are LGBT.
A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5 % of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1 % of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9 % of men.
Yes, those who identify themselves in a survey. When you consider how many people ‘come out’ later in life, even after being married and having children, I’m not sure how accurate this number is.
Then you have everyone who are bisexual but don’t identify as bi, because they see no reason to and live their life as if straight.
If it had been 10 years ago and I was bi, there’s no way I would have told anyone.
Labels have pros and cons.
They can be used to divide, to create an us vs them mentality, and to disciminate.
But they can also be used to find like minded people and create a sense of belonging for people who feel like they are a freak and that there is no one else like them.
I agree that different doesn’t mean better or worse, but i dont think that representation is saying one group is better than another group. In fact, representation is actually saying that all groups deserve to be represented to create a sense of belonging for a greater number of people.
If it doesn’t hurt anyone, what’s the issue?
I think that it does belong here because these topics are the result of an interview that blizzard did, explaining the ways that they were making shadowlands more inclusive.
Edited for typo.
It definitely matters. I think the tone and taste matters more than a broad brush narrative that blizzard has accustomed themselves too.
Then it stands to reason to say that this move of representation was ultimately justified by profits more than anything instead of taking a risk to make a moral stance.
Progressive is profitable in North America but not so in Asia.
Why bother congratulating faceless corporations?