Why LGBT Representation matters

Thanks for making my space feel safe :heart:

It seems like people don’t stop talking about it lately, how much representation do you need, jeeze…

I’m gay and I’m sick of it, i don’t need my life verified by a corporation and i don’t want to be your poster child, get out of here with that crap.


You’re asking the difference between roleplaying as LGBT and being represented in game? I don’t even begin to know how to answer that. One is your actions, the other is the story world you encounter.


LGBT is a minority. 5-15% are what most studies I’ve seen quote as a percentage. I am very happy with this level of representation, as opposed to the 0% that is the standard.

So to answer your question, I would like to see minority representation. In SL, we so far have 3 characters out of hundreds. 3 characters. This is literally what so many people are saying is ‘shoving it in my face’ and ‘pandering’.


I failed at quioting, the second part of my comment was in response to glavemistake.

Where do you get 5 to 15%… a study from 2017 says less than 5% (Actually 4.7%, but I rounded) of Americans are LGBT.

To put it into perspective, a little less than 10% of all adult US people served in the military.

Surveys in Western cultures find, on average, that about 93% of men and 87% of women identify as completely heterosexual, 4% of men and 10% of women as mostly heterosexual, 0.5% of men and 1% of women as evenly bisexual, 0.5% of men and 0.5% of women as mostly homosexual, and 2% of men and 0.5% of women as completely homosexual.[1] An analysis of 67 studies found that the lifetime prevalence of sex between men (regardless of orientation) was 3-5% for East Asia, 6-12% for South and South East Asia, 6-15% for Eastern Europe, and 6-20% for Latin America.[4] The International HIV/AIDS Alliance estimates a worldwide prevalence of men who have sex with men between 3 and 16%.[5]

This is from the wiki on demographics of sexual orientation.

My personal opinion, they shouldnt have made an announcement. Just make lgbt characters as they come to you. To those complaining about lgbt representation… why do all the characters need relationships in general, its a video game right? who cares? Why can Jaina be a love interest to Arthas and Kael’thas… or Malfurion and Illidans little love triangle with Tyrande… notice they are all straight? An occasional lgbt relationship in side characters like Shaw and My favorite pirate ever is well warranted. Pelogos being trans is an awesome way of having a trans character in a fantasy video game. I just dont need existing characters that are established and straight to become lgbt. I do want more new lgbt characters so i can ship them… and you know… wrathion/Anduin please… just imagine how cute they’d be together.


It’s a very complex picture. What i find interesting is that many surveys show younger age groups have higher percentages, which suddenly drop over the age of 50. Do more people suddenly become straight when they hit 50?

My view is that younger people are more likely to be honest when answering surveys about their sexuality.

Yes, because some folks are done experimenting.

I am only concerned with stats for America though, since I am an ignorant American. Plus I dont like that other countries openly kill LGBT people. other counties boo. America yay!

I’m from Australia so I like looking at the worldwide picture, as our population isn’t very big. America is a skewed picture imo because of the cultural conservativeness you have there, especially regarding sex.

Someone doesn’t know China’s policies.

Quae and Kinelory have been around since vanilla.

Now see here good sir and or madam I have to advise you this is a World of Warcraft Forum and any and all forms of common sense or fun are most definitely not allowed, as they completely violate the Code of Conduct and all associated rules relating to internet decency.

I base this belief on the precedent set by Blizzard’s crack moderation team and the copious number of completely legitimate 404s that have been spawned today. So please. For the good of Azeroth, you must desist with all common sense oriented dialogue IMMEDIATELY, then return to Outland through the nearest Dark Portal.

And do not contact the Wendy’s Twitter. She cannot save you.

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“Their pro-LGBTQIA+ stance” could not have more clearly been talking about Blizzard, not China. Learn to read.

EDIT - Also, there are LGBT people in China! Even if their government is backwards and oppressive, to act like you know jack squat about China without considering its people is beyond dumb. Sit down.

Is Australia very open regarding non-heteronormative sexuality? I’m not familiar.

I think on the whole, more so than America yes. I think we are less culturally influenced by religious discourse around sex, and less culturally conservative about sex in general. I do live in Melbourne though, which definitely falls on the progressive side of the scale in Australia. Melbourne is also a very queer-friendly city in my experience.


It only matters in markets where they can profit from it, ie: the western markets. I guarantee you the Russian and Chinese servers won’t have this.

Thanks for the info!

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Eh? The LGBT community is one of the most well represented communities out there today, so I don’t understand what you mean that there isn’t enough. I’m a gay man and one huge furry, and even then I don’t feel the need to be represented in a video game.

Video games exist to get away from reality, why don’t we just treat it as if LGBT is normal and not draw attention to it? All you’re doing is enabling pandering and making the community itself look like a bunch of jackasses.

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Why do you feel this way? Aside from tokenism gay characters almost never show up in mainstream media in any substantial way.

Name me one blockbuster movie or game in the last year that has had a major lgbt character in it. I can think of one.