Why LGBT representation in games matters:

World of Warcraft deserves so much more than the community it has. The sheer amount of willful ignorance you have to have to make comments such as this makes me realize that this community is so laden with toxicity towards anything that might be deemed “unconventional”.

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If blizz adds what these threads wants then they have to add crap like blm/antifa. More and more real life groups would want thier stuff added to the game. So yeah it’s politics. Best to keep it out of the game and in the real world where it belongs.

Oh so you do care more about who they are over what they are.

I care about BOTH things. You can multi task you know.

Yet you only listed things that have absolutely nothing to do with what they are, but ok.

Why would I need to list what they are when you listed them(rather inaccurately but fine) for me already? Or did you forget calling draenei’s purple spacegoats?

So you wouldn’t be able to relate to who they are if they looked like, say, green blobs?

Fluffy Japanese Cheesecake Recipe:

  • 1 Tbsp unsalted butter (for greasing the pan & parchment paper)
  • 6 large eggs (50 g each w/o shell) (10.6 oz, 300 g without shell)
  • 10.6 oz cream cheese
  • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • ¾ cup heavy (whipping) cream (¾ cup + 4 tsp to be precise)
  • 4 ½ Tbsp sugar
  • ⅔ cup cake flour (10 Tbsp; if you use a measuring cup, fluff your flour with a spoon, sprinkle it into your measuring cup, and use a knife to level it off. Otherwise, your flour ends up with more than 80 g.
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice (about ½ large lemon)
  • ½ cup sugar (8 Tbsp; for beating egg whites)
  • 2 Tbsp apricot jam (for glaze)
  • 2 tsp hot water (for glaze)

Steps here, posting it all would be very, very long without paraphrasing. Enjoy. :white_flower:


Draenei are purple spacegoats. I mean really their entire race is spacegoats

As a straight, non trans, etc. person, I commend you for this. Not because I’m homophobic (I entirely support all love regardless), but because you stand for what is right. You give credit to your community because you stand against the desensitization and discrediting of it. I wish you and all like you the best. Stay strong and never change for anyone or anything. While it may not seem like it, people like you make progress because of your way of thinking. Have a good night.


Being lgbtqwtfbbq doesn’t make you special or better than anyone else and supporting them doesn’t make you brave or virtuous. This isn’t Iran, Saudi Arabia, some African banana republic where they’re at severe physical risk. Assuming you’re not just trolling, which is very likely.


Its not escapism from people. Its escapism from ideas like representation and social justice, neither of which have to do with being in a dungeon with another player as an example.


If they created scenarios or stories that had to do with real world events you’d have a point. Since none of the events in the game were created to represent real world events… it doesnt make even a tiny bit of sense.

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This video is mesmerizing

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Caring for fictional characters sexuality makes no sense to me. its such a minor trait that doesn’t matter in the setting of Warcraft at least for me I don’t care who likes to bang what I want to kill dragons and stuff.

The problem with the idea of “Representation” is that people here take it too far. If its in the game, cool. If not, then don’t go bearing your teeth and ready a tweet with irrational hate like it is your job. Its someone’s game, not yours. If you want actual representation, do the appropriate thing by going out in the world and try to educate people, not on forums like these and try to make developers hate you more by asking for it. Its their job to make games fun us players, not feel like we’re going through a political situation.

So, the bottom line is. If you’re ASKING for representation, this isn’t the good place to ask for representation for your advocation, this is for gamer’s many escape from reality, not to have you add more of it into a game. I play games for just that, nothing more, why is it so hard for people who feel entitled to throw their “Need for representation” around in something with a sole purpose to have fun?

Again, I don’t mind if we see a few tidbits of gay, lesbian, etc, in WoW or any other Blizzard game, or any other game for that matter. Its cool they pushed that through but that was THEIR choice to make that happen. So, stating this one more time… This game isn’t the right one, if not, the WORST choice to try to push your advocation for representation. Just accept it that Blizzard even allowed some to begin with, not demanding more. You make LGBT look bad for it, you can ask for more but you cannot demand, let them do their job because they got worse things to worry about. You are in your own sense of prejudice in that ruins its for the more sensitive people who likely does need more, and when it comes to it, they actually go elsewhere to get noticed, not here…


Bottom line for all the people saying it’s a troll thread:

Why is it a troll thread? This is a serious issue.
Just like it was a serious issue for blizzard to add actual PoC customization for human models.

It’s only a troll thread if you guys perceive it as an offensive topic. So really ya’ll just oust yourselves as homophobes.

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And more reason why you fail to represent LGBT as a whole and why it is a joke to everyone else. You tried to use a game to do something that no one wants to see, its political at its finest, its not fun, not entertaining. Its just a bothersome piece of reality people do not want to deal with.


Yes I agree. We need more LGBT representation in the game. It’s important and it matters. Just ignore those who are against it. They are obviously homophobic or ignorant on the matter. This forum tends to lean more conservative (sadly…)

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no one is against lgbt characters. There are people against A HUGE AMOUNT OF TOPICS TELLING IT ALL DAY !


That’s just it.

If that was even remotely true then those people would simply mute the thread.

Too bad it’s completely false and people come here because they’re triggered by the fact that LGBT+ people exist.