Why LGBT representation in games matters:

Gonna take a lot more than some vidya characters to bring them rates down

Everyone deserves to be represented! I literally cry of happiness every time I see someone of my sexuality in a game, it really means a lot to me. Please add more cute gay couples to Azeroth!

I have this weird feeling you don’t say the same thing about straight people being in the game

So many of these threads seem to end up turning into a “if you don’t join the pride parade then you hate us.” lol


I’m also not making threads every single day demanding for straight ppl story lines. Also not demanding an entire month be set aside so that corporations can pay homage to my straightness and have a big half naked parade…


Yea, trolls making threads that have been called troll threads since the first one and people still take them seriously

That’s the rest of the year, and majority of history

Yea I don’t get the nudity part of those

I think they are being overly cautious on this subject, just in case, some are legitimate.

Okay, and? Nobody ever said that was okay, either. Whataboutisms are not a valid argument here. We’re not talking about the treatment of heterosexuals, or males, or anything like that. We’re talking about LGBTQ+. Bringing up that there are those who identify as LGBTQ+ that treat heterosexual/cisgendered people with disrespect and prejudice is not an argument to make against why we shouldn’t have LGBTQ+ representation in a video game. LGBTQ+ play this game. They share it with us, and no amount of erasure is going to really change that.

Because that’s not how activism works? Do you think that the representation of marginalized groups in media came about because people had a sudden change of heart?

I mean, kudos to Blizzard for adding a transgender character in the game, but it’s literally just one character, and it’s buried in text menus for the player to find.

It’s also worth pointing out that this was a clear troll thread, and you fell for it much like everyone else who’s rolling their eyes at the idea of possibly sharing this game with other people.

And that’s your personal approach, and I respect that.

However, if there’s an active movement that wants more autist representation in the game, and they play it just as much as you do and pay for it, who are you to tell them no?

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I guess we can always go back to a time when Warcraft had only 1 female character per game. The past is not as romantic as you imply and these “superflous characteritics” are important enough to actually matter.

Probably because you don’t need to. They’re literally a dime a dozen in this game.

Sure, if it works, I’d be game.

After all, I don’t care about what characters are, I care about who characters are.

The representation represents the real world. There are enough trans in Azeroth, friend.


Your free to do that. I actually care to see more facets of the real world be reflected in game(both storywise and sometime gameplay wise). As much as I love Warcraft’s RTS, I am not blind to its own shortcomings.

It actually makes the world more believable/vibrant.

I’m not what you’d generally call a “normal” person, but you don’t see me asking for more mentally ill representation. Can’t people be more than just their orientation or diagnosis these days?

I’m glad you found representation in this game as a real life 9ft purple spacegoat.

I also feel quite validated as a free thinking zombie.


Wow that was flagged quick lol
And it was a talonel thread too LOL
Good keep flagging these ridiculous troll threads. No real life politics in game.


We dont want, nor do we need them.

  1. its not politics
  2. Yea wish blizz would just delete these guys threads, as much fun as they are to screw around in, I’m so sick of the troll threads
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As a Filipino I would also like to demand representation in this fantasy game. My people have been murdered and oppressed by the Japanese for many many years. We are treated worse than dogs.

I see no way that demanding that every person in the world who has ever suffered demand representation in this fantasy game could go wrong. /s


Or you know, I actually feel represented by a race who values faith/willing to actually do what is right in the face of near insurmountable odds and bonus being shunned because of how they look.

For a person who seems to want deep/interesting characters you seem to focus only on skin deep characteristics.