Why LGBT representation in games matters:

One crazy person, vs a guy who made several of these threads cuz they always get bites

Not a good idea to judge an entire group based on a crazy person

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Crazy knows no boundaries. Crazy abides in all of us, from the highest to the lowest (but mainly in the highest if you know what I mean) and it can appear at any moment.

Only in a nation that has nothing better to complain about…

Let me put it this way since it’s too difficult for you to understand:

Telling LGBTQ+ players that they should make their own game because you feel entitled to say that LGBTQ+ characters don’t belong is not even remotely the same as LGBTQ+ players asking for some representation.

One is asking for a couple gay characters to coexist with straight characters. The other is asking for the erasure of gay characters.

Nobody is shoving LGBTQ+ characters down your throat, my guy. Literally one character is LGBTQ+ in the game and it’s in an off-handed dialogue text that you have to actively search for, but go off about the checks notes leftist agenda infiltrating the escapism of a video game.

Have you seen all the nonsense surrounding stuff like TLOU2 or Star Wars sequel trilogy?

They all act like OP if not worse, the far left.

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I couldn’t care less if LGBT is in the game or in my life, but can we stop forcing this to happen and just treat the subject and everyone who is a part of these communities like they are, oh I don’t know, just normal people?

If you force something to happen you are only going to have angry people on one side or the other, you may even make both sides angry. Forcing someone to accept LGBT very much will make some people in the LGBT community angry because some people want to stop being alienated and by forcing the subject you are in fact alienating them.

Why can’t we just say “Thank you for the content, we look forward to seeing more”?

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I mean if we’re gunna group the entire lgtbq+ with the far left, are we gunna group you with the far right?

I know those guys have done just a couple of crazy things

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So sorry for the homophobes who have to treat people as humans.

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I aint grouping all of them.

But again, far left act like OP or worse.

Actual LGTB people that are sane dont even seem to care much about representation in the first place, they like it yes, but they arent begging like crazy for it.


Same thread, same “discussions”

How is this not just nuked for spam every time now?

Make your own game and you can put in it whatever you want. You already have a story. I play an elf in the game. I can be anything I want to on that elf I don’t need the company to create RP around my elf.

Make your own RP, bliz even has servers for it. Besides, I’m not the one complaining about “muh representation” endlessly on these forums.

Representation shouldn’t come at the expense of a narrative. Representation can be included seamlessly if the person in-charge actually gives a crap about the story they’re trying to tell over appeasing some niche community of unpleasable maniacs. This is why the term “get woke, go broke” was coined; everyone, LGBT people included, are sick of it.


Exactly thats why garbage like Batwoman bombed so hard.

They only care if the character sleeps with someone of the same gender or is black, they dont care about proper writing.

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Nah. I pay for the game. I play it. I think I’ll keep asking for whatever it is I want in the game, but thanks for broadcasting your ignorance so I know to never take you seriously when your name crops up in the future.

I like representation

When they showed flynn was bi, it got a little eyebrow raise outa me cuz normally bi is reserved for women “cuz its hot durhur”

I also don’t want them to rewrite entire characters to be lgbtq+ fitting though (like the whole make anduin marry a guy thing, the dude is straight and confirmed)

Just gotta stop listening to the crazies and the trolls man, you see a thread like this, you can just go “Hey a troll thread” and turn 360 degrees and walk away

It goes both ways dude, I’ve seen people in the LGBT community treat those not a part of the community with prejudice, hell I even see gay people mistreating gay people in the same way non gays mistreat non gays.

Why can’t we just say thank you when something does go right instead of being like this? Let people know we are happy to have these changes and that’s it’s OK to be different because none of us are the same, none of us are ‘normal’ and no matter who you are, what you do and whatever your deal is, we are all human and we need to learn that it’s fine.

You don’t see me running around asking for autist content to be put into the game, I’m just happy people are learning to accept that we are here, that’s it’s perfectly normal to not be ‘normal’ and to not be called retarded anymore.


Hard pass. Keep that to yourselfs.


I wish it was that simple but several companies actually listen to these lunatics…

Troll thread but I will bite…

Stop demanding people worship at the alter of your sexuality. No one cares. What you do and who you do it with is your business… Don’t make the rest of us have to bow down to it…


Its stupid stuff like this that make me glad every single day that I am one day closer to the long dirt nap.