Why LGBT representation in games matters:

  1. Arguing that Warcraft is, essentially, escapism from LGBTQ+ people is not a good look, especially considering LGBTQ+ people do play this game.

  2. You cannot argue the concept of escapism when Warcraft has actively dealt with real world politics like, for example, literal war and genocide.


It is a whole different level of confusion, I won’t lie.

I once had someone say I “act homosexually” (think of a less friendly word) to get women

As I was there with a guy

Was weirrrd logic

So make your own game. You can have as much representation as your little heart desires.

But it’s fictional war and genocide. Unless you have some weird psychological attachment to, say, the draenei, them being murdered en masse and forced off of their home planet shouldn’t really affect you.

This isn’t your game. LGBTQ+ people play this game, and pay for it, as much as you do.

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I would also argue that making a game that advertises itself as “only straight people should play this” wouldn’t go over well in this day and age.

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No and it’s not yours either to dictate what others participate in.

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And it’s fictional LGBTQ+ characters. Unless you have some weird psychological attachment to, say, the sexuality of a certain character, them being gay shouldn’t really affect you.

I kinda do. I want Anduin to marry a cute princess and make many royal babies.

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agree to disagree.

i dont care what you prefer as long as you’re not standing in fire :wink:

it’s great and all, but no need to yell it on rooftops until everyone’s tired of hearing about it lol

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It affects when they shove it down your throat.

Theres a time and a place for said topics, WoW isnt one of them, you already have LGTB characters in there, we dont need stupid stuff like an LGTB covenant.


I don’t know how anybody stands any twitter community tho, not really an LGBT specific thing.


That’s true. I’m sure twitter as pro-fascist communities too.

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Correct, the game does not need this

But that’s a troll thread, like this one, and you took both seriously


You never know with these people.

Some of them are legit that crazy.

No, its very obvious

He has a history.

I mean, you remember that guy that pretended to be a female deer from Twitch?


Some of them are just THAT crazy and are totally serious about the nonsense they talk about.

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… Haruka Karibu?