Why LGBT representation in games matters:

video games are not for social justice they are for simulated murder


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Give it a few years. We’ll have real groups springing up advocating to stop needless virtual slaughter.

Thats the problem, when these idiots try to make everything about representation it just ends looking like a parody of it, a failure.

An example i can think off being Vampyr, that game tried HARD to shove feminism in your throat despite being a game about a vampire hunting other vampires and trying to cure a weird flu.

Like, theres a place and a time.

I’ll agree I’m not a fan of cancel culture. Not the way it ended up anyway.

I do like that a lot of us can at least agree on that lol

Lets seeeeeeeee


When you have a million millenial news outlets spewing articles like “Here’s Why The Internet Abuse You Spew is Valid”, the people seeing past the veneer recognize it.

What’s new? The people seeing past the veneer are being aggressively whacked with a claw hammer’s wrong end by the MSM, governments, and cultists alike. I’m gonna be honest? The people getting hit aren’t taking it too well, and thus we have the current chaos.




I can’t wait for the virtual PETA deciding that your futuristic Tamogatchis are too lifelike and they don’t deserve to be put through the misery of you caring for them.

Mind you, anyone who’s seen me with a Tamogatchi would say they have a valid point…

Agreed. Altho I have a few moments with my OCs where I get a bit preachy but it’s mostly just me venting and not trying to sell a bloated product

I’d be in prison for life if they knew how I treated my Pokemon.



Ya’ll member when peta said don’t shear Wooloo when shearing is actually good for the sheep?


I’m also going to admit I don’t really keep up with the gay community outside of… like… cursory support. So… ya’ll are all right in my book. Great fashion sense, very affectionate… but I’ll never join your twitter communities. Frankly I don’t know how you stand it.

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I remember when they wanted you to make your pet vegetarian, even though cats are completely incapable of such diet.

Or when they stole a chihuahua from its house and killed it in like 2 hours.


I’m the B in that letter arrangement.
I never actually noticed I was apparently not being represented, and it didn’t bother me. Even if they hadn’t started adding representatives, I probably still wouldn’t care.

By shoving my thumbs into my eyes and pretending Twitter isn’t real.


PETA operates hundreds of kill shelters. When they talk, I ignore, unless it’s an ad featuring a naked celebrity. Then I ogle for a minute.


Why not just make your own game?

The dragons can be trans, the NPCs can all be in dramatic gay relationships arguing over who is more victim of oppressive straight white male society. The animals can be bi and mate with all the other cartoon animals and create hybrids that grow into manifestations of frustration and the world randomly breaks out into proxy wars fighting and dying over world resources. Weed out the weak, to hell with evolution!

Warcraft is escapism to me. I’ll be damned if I want it tied to anything in my real life. I am here to skin bores and sleigh dragons. The way I see it, LGBT… it’s everything you are and it must be in every aspect of your life! You are so consumed by that tag that you can’t even play a game without your sexuality factoring in! It is your entire identity!

Even in fake games!


You ever had both straight and gay people attack you?

It’s a weird feeling

Easy. I don’t use Twitter. At all.

I do have a tumblr but I wouldn’t say it’s a preachy blog. It’s just “here things me like.”

I usually just put a comment saying how the are hypocrites and murderers and move on.