Why LGBT representation in games matters:

I haven’t even played the first last of us and I was fuming over how bad the sequel was. Only good parts I’ll admit were the voice actors. But I’m a smidge biased because it was Laura Bailey and Ashley Johnson and I watched them a lot on Critical Role.

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I get why so many of these threads are made. What I don’t understand is why Blizzard doesn’t suspend the authors. If I made one thread titled something like “I want more white and straight representation”, I have a feeling I’d get a six day time out.


Laura herself said she hated Abby.

Probably cuz there’s a difference lol

The only difference is personal perception and media bias.


Sure, ignore the fact being white and straight is the majority and has tons of representation already

As a character or did she hate the gig?

The media is fully consumed by Wokeness, whatever they said means absolutely nothing.


You’d most likely get permanently banned.


You’re ignoring the fact that pretending gay people don’t exist hasn’t been a thing for twenty years. They are accepted. Threads like these are either a) trolls, or b) people who want to shove their particular lifestyle into absolutely everything.


I think it was both.

Saying that after the first day (the game is divided in 3 days aka chapters for each character) she still didnt liked her.

And also mention how she didnt liked her performance, saying it was terrible.

T decided it hated LGB recently, haven’t you heard the :face_vomiting: cotton ceiling arguments lately?


lgbtq+ includes more than gay people

I’m sure you understand a bit part as a side character that’s in 1 episode doesn’t really measure up to the endless representation you get

Is not about rejecting aspects, it’s about focusing on things that actually set someone apart as an individual.

Everything outside the basic things someone is are the things making someone an individual and those change from person to person, from character to character even if the share said basic things.

I won’t automatically relate to a character just because they share my gender, I will relate to them if I can put myself in their shoes and, everything else doesn’t matter.


There are a billion sub factions within that community. I learned what a TERF was recently. Why do people like this exist?

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I do feel bad for her since people were threatening to hurt her, her husband and her toddler son. That ticked me off something fierce.

Unless you’re Jojo Siwa and you get swatted shortly after you come out as gay on twitter

We are so not accepted. Not completely anyway.

They’re all basically trolls. Regulars of the forums know I’ll talk your ear off about lgbt matters yet I never make my own threads for this reason.

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Blech. Can’t stand them. I’ve been called “Gender Traitor” by a few just because I’m a trans man.


These daily new threads are just making you look like a big troll.


I don’t know who Jojo Siwa is but I’m sorry to hear that. It’s disgusting and I wish people like that didn’t exist. However, LGBT people aren’t the only ones who suffer that kind of retaliatory behavior. You can have said some mildly offensive slur twenty-five years ago and have your life ruined today, no matter how apologetic and genuinely repentant you are.

Cancel cancel culture.


Remember kids, don’t be a TERF, nobody likes TERF’s