Why It's Time for Blizzard to Build Player Housing in World of Warcraft

The only one who has no idea what they are talking about is you. Keep trying to justify it in your head all you want.


I always love when someone who doesnt do group content let alone hard group content always make a comment on whats required rofl.

You have never played a team sport and it shows

I am not sure you know what the word required means.

I never did Torghast. I did it once or twice to check it out, never did it again it was definitely not REQUIRED.
I do World content but because its fun not because I have to do it, it is not REQUIRED.
I have run 4 or so Delves they are ok, but I don’t see myself doing them much if any, they will not be REQUIRED.

Funny enough, nothing in a game is required. You make it what it is for each person. Perhaps to YOU, those things were REQUIRED, but for the vast majority of the population nothing is Required. One of my best friends only levels alts to the start of the newest expac and then quits and levels a new alt. Even the newest expansion isnt REQUIRED.

Id argue the only thing REQUIRED in this game, is a monthly Sub and even that can be gained without money.

I would not be REQUIRED to do player housing anymore than I would Mythic raiding. Again, I don’t think you know what the word REQUIRED means.

What you probably mean to say is that you are afraid that if they do player housing they will make it have bonuses for someone like you who does higher end stuff. That may be true, the same way they require you to do Pet Battles to raid mythic.

Sorry, you’d be completely wrong.

I played FF for the specific purpose of seeing player housing.

It was spurious and silly.

The last thing wow needs is more player housing.

The garrison is enough.

I dont think you have any basic understanding of the requirements that is mythic raiding. Which means you have zero clue what you are talking about.

You also dont do any high end content. Just because you can get away with doing trivial content without any effort doesnt mean thats how it works in higher end content.

Whats really really funny is when people who have zero clue about mythic raiding make comments about content they have zero clue about.

And youd continue looking a fool and embarrassing yourself

You have zero clue what I mean. I actually feel bad for you.

Honestly man, looking at your achieves, you clearly bought your mythic Vault and Abberus and looks like you did finally join a Mythic guild for Amirdrassil, but looking at your parses you were carried hard. So I will give you for 1 raid tier you were a Mythic CE, though you were carried…so I guess for someone who is 1% of the player base your in the 99th percentile of that 1%

But keep telling us how much you KNOW about Mythic raiding lol…

I guess i could go buy my Mythic kills too, but truthfully I don’t find that to be much of a …wait for it… requirement to play the game.

ROFL keep thinking that. You are really clueless.

No one buys mythic Dathea.
No one buys Mythic Echo

How are you looking at parses for those tiers when I didnt play hunter then?

Imagine being so confident and being so wrong.

Those mythic gnarlroot kills in season 3. You should probably look at my ilvl as I was helping a friends heroic guild get some kills.

Lucky for me I havent had to buy ANY mythic kills rofl

But keep on thinking I bought my kills rofl

I think player housing would be cool, but there are so many problems with this game now, I’d rather see some core issues fixed, like the overcomplicated profession and gear systems, and a couple core design concepts that cause devs to concentrate on the wrong things a bit too often.

And we have a winner! For everyone keeping score, I believe the answer was: “She goes to a different school”


Thats a long explanation.

Blizz has released it already. It’s called Garisson. And to them it’s a reject. People should be on the Main Cities… not on their own garisson. Main Cities then looks like a Ghost town. Looks like it would never happen again.

LOL you really are clueless.

Keep wishing I bought my CE.

Whats next? saying I bought my arena achievments too?

I like my house in FF14. I need to save up and get a bigger one though, the small house is pretty small lol.

Truth be told, I support the idea that Blizzard needs to invest in new features for guilds and give them a comprehensive overhaul—whether it’s the UI, guild banks, or the Looking for Guild feature. All of it is outdated and has been left behind. I made a post about it here: Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft.

But the fact is, more and more people are playing solo. A big part of this is the difference in playstyles and the presence of toxic players—let me be clear, not all skilled players are toxic, just like not all solo players are. I’ve learned recently in another thread, I’ve Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People, that it’s not just skilled players who have a “rush” mindset. Casual players who don’t have much time also want to get as much done as they can in the time they have. Let’s face it, we’re not in school or college anymore—time is no longer our friend. But there are also many players who enjoy taking their time during runs. Both types of players pay for their time in the game, and both should be able to play the way they want without being told how to enjoy it.

The “massively multiplayer” aspect means that many players inhabit the same world, interacting with it and each other. However, this doesn’t mean every player has to engage in group activities all the time. For many, part of the role-playing fantasy is the freedom to choose how they interact with the world—whether that’s forming alliances, crafting, gathering, exploring, or yes, even playing solo.

Solo players contribute to the world in ways that often go unnoticed but are vital to the game’s economy and community. For example, many solo players are dedicated crafters and gatherers who fulfill orders for gear, gather resources, and help stock the Auction House. Isn’t that a form of interaction with the world and other players? It might not involve direct communication or group activities, but it’s a crucial part of what keeps the game alive and dynamic.

Consider this: how many WoW players are solo players or prefer a mix of solo and group content? Compare that to the dwindling number of guilds, partially due to the difficulty of finding groups where everyone respects different playstyles. It’s important to recognize that not all solo players are opposed to group content; some simply prefer to engage with it on their own terms, perhaps joining in for specific goals like transmog runs or old content. If players who never group for content want to have a house and decorate it, let them. It won’t hurt those of us who are still doing group and guild activities. But solo players must understand that any solo content will never offer the best gear like M+ or Heroic Raid content. Group content will always be harder because humans are more dynamic and unpredictable, making encounters more challenging.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone to be respectful to each other. Not all skilled players are rude, just like not all solo players are.

Remember, guys, be kind to each other. We’re all members of the same community. Yes, we will encounter rude people, but that doesn’t mean everyone is like that. Let’s keep the community strong and supportive!

I could get behind Guild Halls with benefits that encourage more socialization. Player housing doesn’t do much for me though.

Same for me—I’m not particularly interested in player housing, but if they add both Guild Halls and player housing, that would cater to different types of players. Guild halls would provide a space for socialization and group activities, while solo players could have their own homes to decorate. I’m a firm advocate that rewards should be earned based on the content you do.

If players want raid rewards to decorate their house, they should either wait until the raid becomes soloable or find a group to run the raid with them to earn that trophy or whatever house decorations raids might give—same for dungeons and everything else.

Quoting what I said in another post:

"I never suggested rewarding people just for being in a guild. Everything I proposed involved new content that players would engage with and work towards, just like any other system in the game where you get a reward for completing it. I would never say to take away PvP mounts, rewards, titles, or anything else just because I don’t enjoy PvP, or do the same for raiding and the special mounts and cool armor sets that come with Hardcore and Cutting Edge achievements.

Nothing should be removed or excluded just because I don’t enjoy participating in that type of content. Players engage in many different kinds of content, and having more options and variety is always a good thing. We even have special rewards for people who enjoy pet battles.

What you’re really getting at is, ‘I don’t like it, so I don’t want something I don’t enjoy standing between me and a reward I want,’ but I’m sure anyone could say the same thing about something you enjoy. If you don’t like guild content, simply don’t do it—don’t join a guild, reward or not. I don’t like Hardcore PvP, but I still want the really cool PvP mounts. However, I’m out of luck, and that’s okay. Let the people who enjoy it have something to show for it.

Even bringing back the old guild leveling system to unlock perks would be something I’d want, so that perks aren’t just given out for being in a guild."

If you want something from a type of content, you need to go do it. Everything should have its own unique rewards, and I’ve always believed this.

Strongly, strongly agree. People who clearly haven’t played many (or any) other MMOs often retort with “well we had Garrisons” – no, Garrisons are not housing. Not even close. They were just a fancy shell around what was essentially a mobile game and a quest hub.

Player housing has been at the top of my wishlist for many years now. It feels like a no brainer for me because it introduces an entirely new reason for people to subscribe, ie true evergreen content.

The Trading Post has already shown us that the technology exists in WoW for mannequins that can display transmogs; they stand right next to the trading post. Imagine being able to customize your house with mannequins to display your favorite transmogs; people would spend months farming old raids to display their favorite sets. Displaying gladiator sets that are no longer obtainable would be a huge flex.

Old raids could suddenly be made relevant again – have each old final boss drop a housing decoration that can be displayed.

Virtually every other modern MMO has housing, some very robust at that. I’m not saying we should get an extreme housing shortage system like FF14, but the fact that one of the OG MMOs still has no true player housing is absolutely wild.

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Garrisons are not housing. Not even close. Go look at what games like ESO, FF14, or basically every other modern MMO do.

Player housing isn’t suddenly going to make everyone super-social and want to hang out at your house party.

So what does Housing is? Barbie-game… or Sim’s game? Dress up game and dressing up your house? This is not that game.

I dont want AH to be filled with non-sense cosmetics to beautify your Living Room Housing. It’s a waste of nonsense resources.

in regards to this i agree with runescape in both aspects osrs and rs3 being an example not overpowered but also useful mainly for quick teles or crafting and stuff like that, earned through skilling, which also at this point i would think with warbands the cap on skills could be let up too, let one character be multi faceted maybe at a cost vs a specialized alt but tying multiple skills on one character would make a lot of professions easy and usable again rather then the few who could do it. The player housing could honestly be tied into arch for some deco purposes, just like other professions make some things more useful then just making equipment and also optional small buffs or something dumb, especially now with warbands, those characters can be the npcs wondering the house of “azeroths champions” shiet even make them visitable and WAM HUGE influx of peopl that just want a customized shed or castle or fort. like yes i wanted to have my own thing like in wod but with a lot more “me” like dude it was my fort and i shouldve been able to make it how it shouldve been. Also the few that complain about influx of things to see, its 2024 and the game literally implemented a filter now soooooooo your excuse is moot now, smart enough to download install and play and also dont lie add the addons to make life on the game easier. you are more then smart enough and not so lazy to add a simple one click filter excluding housing items… no excuses anymore dudessss

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