Why It's Time for Blizzard to Build Player Housing in World of Warcraft

WoW allowed people to Solo Level since Vanilla. Why can’t people play MMO’s solo since so many of them pretty much followed WoW’s formula? As well other online games like GTA Online?

it can be a solo game tho. :stuck_out_tongue:

Infact, you don’t even have to play the main pillars of WoW if you don’t want to and just play it all solo.

…I know you’re making an analogy, but i have to ask in order to make some sense out of this… where did we “Harrass” Blizzard to make them make more solo content? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They literally made solo content from the word go. Since 2004. That’s what separated it from Everquest. This is par for the coarse for this MMO.

Forums, you do realize what game version you’re playing on. Right?

…r…right? :confused:


Hah! I’ve been predominately a Classic player since 2019 but Season 1 of TWW is more compelling than Firelands, so.

“Back in the middle with you…”

I mean you’re welcome to ignore the fact that WoW has always catered to solo people from the word go and Retail caters to them more then ever.

…All it would do tho is make us wonder why are you even playing a game like that instead of something else like Everquest classic or etc.

Why does this read like a chat gpt blurt out?

…Now that you mention it, this werid line did stick out here the more i think about it… :thinking:

My thing is the lack of any kind of typos.

Whenever I think of PH, I think of how New worlds did it. Small little sections where you can place trophies and what not. Granted, the trophies had bonuses attached to them. Or Guild wars one and Guild bases.

I would only use PH though, if they had resource nodes we could purchase and that would respawn.

I don’t know if that is true.

I think they learned from Garrisons that the problem was that it was mandatory.

I also think Holly in particular would be a reason why it WOULDN’T be mandatory. She ran EQ1 and 2 for years and years before coming to WoW and ALOT of what Blizzard has been implementing since she came over is directly from EQ1 and 2. Both of those games have Player Housing that is 100% optional and are an evergreen system for those games.

So, no, I do not think it would be anymore mandatory than say Pet Battles or PvP.


This. This could work. I have enjoyed playing solo many years and I have also enjoyed being in a guild. The guild raid/M+ nights are one thing, but guild events that have nothing to do with any kind of progression are also fun. You could have a guild house with games/events implemented in it for no other reason than social bonding. Think trivia, Billiards, Name that tune, hell I’ve even done guild karaoke night over discord why not in a room together? It could work.

To the OP, sorry no. Not another Garrison.

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You all are are talking like you’ve never played or seen a game with a good player housing system (spoiler: it’s not garrisons). Player housing can be one of the most community-building features in a game if it’s done right. I’d cite UO and Star Wars: Galaxies as two examples, with FF14 being a distant 3rd place to those two.

It should be mostly a cosmetic/optional thing without feeling mandatory at all, and it shouldn’t be isolated to a single house per instance. There should be at the minimum a neighborhood sized area where you can build and hang out with your friends, if not a public zone where players can build small towns.

It could be guild-related, but I think it’s best if you give players individual control over how they customize their home (much more fun that way).


How bout a cod lobby instead. All mics on. Lets put war back in world of warcraft

The real PvP is in voice chat.


You know it would be unmatched hype to just bring in a dab of bloodsports. No more hiding toxicity behind kicks and reports

Imma learn some new words, son.

Got the notepad and pen ready. And knowing wow players, ill need a lot of ink

Skibbidi rizz no cap slay bussin.

Ah who am I kidding the average WoW player is a balding, heavy set, 39 year old father of two. They would probably insult my lawn care.

Yeah id expect more insults along the jim crowe lines. Gonna have to hold my hands over the speakers.

And ur lawn care is great man. Dont let no one bring u down. Just did my last mow of the year. Those lines better last…

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I hired a Jamaican guy I don’t know the name of to use his almost assuredly stolen lawn mower to blast out my yard every 2 weeks. We have not spoken since he initially waved me down from the street one day and gestured to my lawn. He does a bad job but it’s $20 and I’m not doing that yard in the 95 degree heat myself, so.

Insult away.


Am i the only one that just couldnt care less about Player Housing?

We already saw how wrong it could go with WoD, i would rather them just focus on other stuff.

If anything i much prefer the Class Halls where people actually hanged out together.

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We now have delves where you phase into an instance. That same tech could be used to create player housing.

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