because LFR players suck and wouldn’t be able to complete a heroic raid, causing the entire system to be without an audience - hence a waste of resources.
the good part , it can b 1 boss then like join q get more boss , do not want detrimaltion thing of heroic but u keep trying 2 do it u get kill after all ppl dont no the fight leave it , can do 1 boss , 3 boss
Honestly it really is not that bad in other games. You can que for the equivalent of normal/heroic raids in FFXIV…Almost never had any problems as a healer.
On the other hand it’s heavily mechanical influenced raids so maybe that’s the thing. Don’t have to worry as hard about numbers.
They can barely do the dumbed down LFR version, do you honestly think they would do any better at Heroic? You can usually find pug groups doing heroic, just join one of them and save yourself the trouble.
I have also thought it should always be available as an option. just by having a higher item level requirement, and only releasing a few bosses at a time would be totally reasonable. I mean very slowly releasing them.
I’m simply not convinced of raid difficulty the way many others are. Mythic zeros should have matchmaking, but definitely not keys. About a month into the expansion the heroic raid is just basically lfr anyway
they need 2 do it so u need 2 complete lfr lfr and then u can do lfrnormal do not get 2 do it if u did not do it lfr only , but it is same amount of hard 4 450 ilvl to do normal as 430 to do lfr and somebody always come in 2 carry , good dps do 100k now can count as like 5 dps hahaha hahahahah
I think that after the next tier starts, normal should be queuable for the previous one. Then after the following tier starts, heroic should be queuable for the one now 2 tiers back.
I think the development goal is to make it so difficult to pug it will force everybody into guilds where only those who are best buddies with the gm will ever have a chance of stepping foot in a raid. This will surely make raiding epic again!
You are driving me away from the game. That isn’t doing your kind any favors.
“I’m so rich your poor would make me poorer!” That’s how stupid that sounds.
When I was playing, I didn’t overstep and STILL ran into the likes of you and issues. So that is a reality for me.
Why bother when SL is looking to be worse than BFA, which made me quit?
Insert gigantic staircase and Elitist MMO Purist Bootlickers having extremely long legs meme here
Even without your initial ad hominem, this would have easily broken your argument due to Preach being taboo on GD. Preach does not speak for everyone. Neither do I. But I’m making my damndest SL is not a steaming pile of Elitist MMO Purist Bootlicker Gumbo.
Your kin are making me not want to play. That’s toxicity, not laziness.
Different strokes for different folks.
False. I’m usually stubborn during wipes and am very patient. People like you aren’t. And I’ve dealt with WAY to many people like you.
Same as above.
You’re insulting me now. You aren’t doing anyway any favors. Remember, input hostility, get it back.
Kinda like you, Anastasi, Akston, Angorwhal, etc.? What separates me from you is at least I favor a fun experience for all. You just plain don’t, and your kind have convinced themselves of a mantra that has made the game stale.
MMO Purism is cancer. Change my mind.
Personally, I wouldn’t hire you for any position knowing you bootlick for the likes of Trump or Putin. Politics aside, again, your kind are on the wrong side of the tracks and are spreading a misinformation mantra since Cata.
I told you to sit down and shut up. Since you aren’t, I’ll say it again.
You are making casual players distance themselves from the game as a whole. You aren’t doing anyone any favors.
As do you.
The less people telling people to quit by taking away things like JP/VP (Which was introduced in BC, by the way) and severely hindering queuing and other means of insurance, like you, the better. Maybe once people like you are gone the game can go back to tens of millions of subs like it was in Wrath.
The cold hard truth is people like you gatekeep and make the game worse. But we’ve argued that already.
Ah, so I’m going to ram Politics into this again. Nationalism ain’t doing you favors. Neither is kissing Putin’s rump.
WOD attempted it with Heroics. They should have moved that into Mythics and made Mythic 0’s queueable.
I’ve had that happen too. But usually, when the stakes are higher (Premade Groups), emotions run hotter. I’d rather take the emotions out of my gameplay.
Honestly, you’re also acting like a child. What separates me from your kind, however, is that you side with bad ideas and dictators.
If that were the case:
Why is Torghast nerfed?
Why are we arguing?
There already is and you want more. Got it.
I want things to do and your kind are preventing me from doing them.
I like fun stats and want more of them. I’d sim them anyways, but yeah.
As are you.
3.3 was one of the greatest patches I’ve ever played in. JP/VP, back then Triumph/Frost, allowed me to find guilds and have fun. That magic is gone now.
I feel like there’s more of you than of me.
You didn’t address that your kind are blocking people from content by shutting down ideas is what’s causing the carry spam.
Your kind’s whole argument of “make your own group” is a joke. Just so you know.
You technically, no wait actually, are.
Making the game like Dark Souls is actually hurting your MMO Purist agenda, by the way.
i do not think it is fair 2 do heroic raid lfr edishin with detemilaton bc some raid will not do with it , i want the vershin lfr clear 4 normal 2 q for it , then no detemilation debuff in normal