Why isnt there a greater outcry?!

You say people want permanent wotlk servers but, have you seen how dead wotlk is right now? Each server has decreased by at least 40%. Permanent wotlk servers would be a bust.

This is coming from a person who has 12 80s and about 160 days played time just in WOTLK alone (according to my details)


playing on a server with there is no new content being released is rather boring after a while. even if you start a new character your progression is:
level to 80 → pvp → gammas → icc w/ 25% buff

(actually if you have a AV weekend in the mix “level to 80” and “pvp” might be the same step)

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Sort of wondering why this is the choice instead of Heroics, since those only involve dealing with 4 idiots instead of anywhere from 9 to 39 idiots.

if you can find a group for normal heroics sure, last i knew not a lot of people were queuing for them though

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U can log into any WOTLK server right now! They are dead. Everyone is on break for Cata.

IF Wrath was so popular they would still be packed.

0/10 on troll job effort.


And most of them have already gone back to it? For free? What are you arguing here?

No people do quit when the gear they expect to have forever will be replaced. Same happened in original vanilla where I think after naxx was out there were some leaks of tbc. We can see that in the chain of events we had after trial a resurgence of people with the number dropping off because people love wrath. After the announcement that there is no plans for wrath era right now the playbase did drop off.

So no everyone is not breaking for cata everyone is breaking because there will be no wrath.


And all of you crying about a perma server…did it classic as well. Nice era servers you got going! Only needed a whole new system to keep it alive. Bottom line to all the wrath era shills…theres a home for you. Its called the private server you loved and played on before this. Quit bloating my blizz app with more useless wow icons!

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I feel its cus classic was hijacked by people who didn’t want any of the first 3 installments of classic to begin with.


I feel its cause all of classic was hijacked by people who never wanted it to begin with.

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It’s a literal line of text in a scroll menu that you have to actively click to see. You’d live.

Is that the new cope?
Besides, people that started 2019 wanted to play Vanilla and not Wrath or any expansion.

Have you ever posted on a main?

Constantly, on the EU forums where I play, but since Blizzard keeps this utterly archaic form of region separation for the forums, here I am.

Come say hi!

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Aw i see so your input is always about your exp on EU servers. Got it. Checked your post history for NA. Always a bait, or just a look at me for a second, never anything with substance. So either you come to these forums to troll, or selecting your region is too hard. (Archaic design LOL)

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Obviously, do you really believe there’s a huge difference between how EU and NA play WoW Classic?

Besides EU being ahead of the curve anyway?

I personally feel like it is because alot of the classic players are on hiatus currently. I mean, ICC was finished pretty quick. And ruby sanctum was boring when it was released back in original wrath in 2010. So maybe this might be why.

Alot of players probably signed off of wow for a bit once ICC was finished.

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Or we just see the writing on the wall since we didn’t get TBC era either while they keep making various classic iterations.

Outright announcing it as early as they did was a big mistake though, especially combined with releasing SoD. People don’t want to continue playing if they don’t feel like there’s a future for them in the game, understandably so.


Reminds me of a song, cry me a river…

They didn’t announce it. People asked lol. Saying “We have no plans for it” is the only answer they can give