Why isn't there a blue post celebrating this layering idea?

The phrase doesn’t even appear in the classic launch announcement post. This critical nugget of information was practically buried and yet it has managed to cut straight through the would-be hype for the release date/beta and completely overtaken the conversation. That anyone could be so deluded to think that this was a good decision is laughable. That it could potentially last until Phase 2 - months - is absurd. The “it’s just temporary” argument means nothing if it has the potential to last that long.


I think people here really overstate just how much the average Classic player gives a dang about sharding, layering, etc. They just want to play and if that means sharding/layering for a month they wont really care.


It’s not uncommon for Blizzard to use developer interview for information. It’s hardly “buried” when those interviews are being plastered all over the forums and reddit.

Though yes, a blue post to clarify some things for us is something they should do.

They prolly don’t want to talk about it gummy. Why did you shut down felmyst.

They know that their defense force will do the work for them.


it’s only taken over the conversation for the negative people focusing on it. There are way more positive thread than negative threads.


the activision stockholm syndrome players


I think you underestimate how many people think sharding is one of the worst design decisions in MMO history


Maybe but I think the larger crowd understands as long as its a short term solution its not a problem.


The solution was a queue, Blizzard wants to use a system that is inauthentic.


Yeah good luck with the forums when people get home from work and sit in a 6 hour queue and can’t play.

They want to avoid that.

The same folks saying they want a queue will be the first in line to call for the queue to be abolished because they don’t want to wait 6-8 hours the first month to play.


And a good chunk of people would rather see that than a queue.


Wouldn’t be 6 hours

nice number changes

i guess the 13 hour queue would be too much

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The chunk is smaller than the majority i believe.


Given that the basis for this decision is predicated on the larger crowd quitting the entire game, I’d say you’re wrong. Supposedly this “solution” is meant to alleviate the pressure of an onslaught of retail tourists that will eventually quit - but they’re the only ones who won’t mind this junk


We don’t know how many people they can handle on each server. If you do, please share. :slight_smile:

But yes, the average WoW gamer is 20+ and has a job at this point. They’ll take a week or two off of work and then come home that third week with everyone else and there will be long queues.

If they get home at 5:00pm and have to wait in a 5 or 6 hour queue, they’re not going to be happy.

This exactly.

People who want to play will wait
People who don’t want to wait will come back later
People who don’t come back never wanted to play


I just watched the video of the interview with Ion that someone posted in another thread.

Earlier I was very upset and discouraged when I first heard about layering. I still don’t like the idea, but after watching the video I feel a bit better. In the video Ion says it will only be for a few weeks and he actually promised that. He said that after a few weeks all the layers would merge into one.

If he keeps that promise, I think I could deal with layering for a few weeks. As much as I would rather not have it in the game, I much prefer layering as opposed to people phasing in and out in front of me like happens with sharding. If I see any form of sharding though, I’m out.


They should be able to handle more than servers hosted in russia. so more than 20k theoretically.
I don’t think we would hit 20k a server if done right.

I’d say 25+, maybe even 30+ is a better estimate.

once again, you are making up numbers. Thank you for sharing though. :upside_down_face:

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I love this term tourist. It’s the new “casual”.

Also… 70% or something of all WoW accounts quit before they were level 10.