Why isn't there a blue post celebrating this layering idea?

That was the only saving grace the whole day for me. He promised a few weeks. While i hate the idea, i can accept a few weeks.


Nahh, casuals play and enjoy it. Tourists swing by, take a name, post in chat, hit some mobs, decide the boars are too hard, and leave.


Just going off of previous experience. Have you ever played on Tich/Blackrock/Stormrage during a server launch? Queues were bad back then.

Now many players who have quit will be coming back. So yeah. I expect it to be bad.

It’s not making up numbers. I’m making an educated guess based on past launches I’ve experienced and what I’ve read about during actual launch in 2004.

I’d say 5+ hour queues are very reasonable.

Same here.

Here’s to hoping he keeps his word. :crossed_fingers:

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I played on Mal’Ganis and Tich. I remember queues. I sat in them and then enjoyed the game.


That’s what I’m afraid of, actually. Ion says that it won’t last longer than Phase 1 - but that’s months. Sure, it might actually only last a few weeks, but that’s obviously based on the presumption that the majority of the player base might quit the game after a few weeks. The goal is obviously to leave layering enabled until the populations evaporate. What a prosperous plan.

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Good then we are done here.

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That’s my concern too.

He promised a few weeks. He emphasized promise. I suppose all we can do is hope, and wait and see. But you bring up a good point. What if a few weeks down the line the game is doing much better than they expect, like Vanilla did? Will he keep that promise or go back on it? Only time will tell.

Could someone please link this video for me? Can’t seem to find it for the life of me, much appreciated!

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To paraphrase Ion.
“we’re going to layer the community and gradually reduce it with the aim of removing it by phase 2”

Your post looks heavily salted. Careful, not good for your heart.

Answer to OP: So that they can get our honest feedback, let us get the rage out of our systems, then have a less chaotic blue post.

It’s on one of the classic cast channels, they were given exclusive interviews

Was more of a rhetorical question, really. It’s standard damage control when announcing bad news.

What happens if player retention is exceedingly high? The returning players already know they like the game, and retention rates amongst that group is going to be sky high. Retailers are a wildcard. Will they be more likely to stay because they already play WoW, or less likely to stay because they play a very different version of WoW?

As Luuni has stated, WoW had a 30% retention rate, but that was from random people trying the game. Classic has too many confounding factors to just assume that 70% are going to leave.

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Blizzard’s entire business model for the last decade has pretty much been Ion telling lies or half-truths and hoping consumers believe them long enough
A system that only works if ~75% of the player as quits in the first two weeks for every single realm seems destined to fail


Sounds like the perfect part of the population to alter the game for

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Yep, some of the most popular and notorious places in Vanilla were STV, Hillsbrad, and BR Mountain because of all the stuff that can pop off there
This could make it very likely for it to happen less often, depending on how it works

It works because criticism has a negative association. It’s just written off as complaining.

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They knew most forum dwellers can’t grasp how brilliant it is as a solution.
So why bother making a blue post about it.

For me it sounds like the optimal solution for the population issues Classic will be facing during the launch period. Good job Blizzard.


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