Why isn't Rep account wide yet?

It does. Think it over again.

That doesn’t really answer the question though.

I’m trying to remember how it worked in GW2. I can’t recall if you could bank your armor or not.

I would imagine that the priest simply can not use the hunter gear, but if you rolled another mail wearing class they could, provided it isn’t class specific. Class specific would still be class specific because it has a denial for all other classes and denials trump permissions :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know in Destiny 2 you can swap weapons between characters via the vault, but the armor is still class specific. As in you can’t wear light level 1330 titan gear on a hunter or Warlock. Which was what I was getting at. You can’t really give something like cloth gear to a class that does not get any value out of intellect, as all 3 classes that use cloth are intellect based classes. Therefore it is not “entirely” account wide. So you still have to do the “grind” to get gear for a class that uses a different armor type as your “main”.

I know in Destiny 2 you can swap weapons between characters via the vault, but the armor is still class specific. As in you can’t wear light level 1330 titan gear on a fresh hunter.

I feel like weapons rings a bell. I mean, how many of us use a guild bank for personal banking is exactly the same as in GW2, except you don’t need guild bank to do it. all your toons can access the bank.

there were some other systems tied together on the account end. it just made it so much easier.

but yes, there’d naturally be instances where you can’t apply the logic cleanly and that’s fine, but there are other places where it works really well for the account as a whole. I feel like you could move armor and weapons around but its been so long.

Not quite. It’s a well backed opinion. Similar how multiple viewpoints in a debate can be seen by someone observing the opposing sides. It’s just typically the side that wins will be the one that can back the opinion with more supporting facts. The problem is here they aren’t giving any support to their opinion on the other side and just saying “WELL HMPH that’s just your opinion”

Old reps should be account wide, anything from the prior expansion and before. New reps should be character specific but with rep gain boosts like MoP

then buy a new account if you want to regrind reps multiple times

I’m surprised that they haven’t, at the bare minimum, standardized the MoP reputation increase for all reputations.

Considering how pointless reps are these days, I fail to see the ‘need to ever do them again’.

I haven’t played SL but I remember for the past few expansions reps being pretty much pointless unless you wanted cosmetic rewards or allied races. They aren’t required to raid or do heroics like in TBC.

I think reps should be account wide and this is coming from a guy who has only has only switched mains once since TBC came out and has a ton of exalted reps on a single character

Times have changed. If people want to buy transmogs on other armor types after they have exalted with the desired faction, then they should so. If you can’t find meaning in the game otherwise then it has failed.

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Rep rearranged is erp.

I’m of the opinion, if you didn’t earn it on that character, that character shouldn’t have access to it. You’re already “repeating” the game by starting at level 1 (or 8 or 10, depending on the Class/Race), so don’t complain about what you haven’t unlocked on a new character. You still gotta level it, to max level, even if you “already have a capped toon”. You want a different character capped? Level it.

You want that rep, on a different character? Grind it. The only thing “bleeding” the subs is content drought which includes being bored of your new characters because everything is unlocked for you, already thanks to all this account-wide nonesense. You want it? Go out and earn it.

Honestly, making everything account wide would completely change the game for me, and for better. The only reason I don’t have a million alts is because I can’t stand seeing them without the reputations filled and story lines without being completed, among other things. Like, an alt without maxed fishing? What is this madness?
Making everything account wide means I can log with any character I want, do anything I want, and progress in everyone at the same time. I would be a very happy gamer that way.


mmm I dont play multiple toons to redo the same storyline quests again and again. I make alts to either play end game on different specs or because I need profession monkeys. Its annoying as heck to have to do the rep grinds just so I (or anyone else for that matter) can get access to make a couldron for your guild raid run or an armor kit. With a few exceptions, the rep you have has no effect on how powerful your character is, its just an annoying grind fest. Like really, once youve gotten a rep to exalted it should just unlock for your account, your not getting any new experience or enjoyment out of doing the same thing on repeat.


Another chapter of the book “Make things account wide and allow people to unlock powers to classes they never played, specially in roles they never played, and see how good it gets”.

There are lots of ways to farm rep for your alts, particularly as the expansions age, they add them.

Why would it be? I mean if John is a hero of Stormwind, why would this dude no one has ever seen named Bob suddenly be?

Items and reputation are two very, very different things, I’m not sure how this comparison makes sense in your head. Making rep account wide would be a major undertaking that isn’t without it’s own issues, which is why in the past there were items you could buy at max rep that provided a buff to rep gains, which I’d like to see return much more than account wide reputation.

Basic leveling
Raid Progression

Is all “doing the same thing, on repeat”.

i didnt ‘earn’ my title on this character either but i can use it… strange

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