Why isn't Rep account wide yet?

Mounts, pets, and other stuff in that tab are account bound now. Why isn’t rep account wide now instead of having the same rep grids across all toons?

To that note, why isn’t our inventory shared across the account yet either?

If we want to make things easier for Alt’s why not follow through with that swing and knock it out of the park?


I wish it was, doing rep, wqs etc on some other characters is :face_vomiting:
Even on one is annoying but w/e I can stomach that.

It’s what kills my drive to wanna invest time into this game.
[Not just the rep stuff but the lists upon lists of various things]


Certain parts of your character really shouldn’t be account-wide. Aside from collectible cosmetics, new characters are meant to be blank slates. They’re their own person, not just extensions of your main. So they have no gear, no reps or achieves, no inventory, nothing else really done. You get to decide how to build them separately.

Making reps account-wide deletes the need to ever do them again. A large part of progression and content in the world now has zero replayability so I think it’s a big loss. Like take Korthia for example. Say you finish it within a month on the first character, now for the rest of eternity you never need to go back there again.

It’d be convenient for the rewards, but it really just deals damage to world activity and to alts too, who now have a lot less things to ever do. The best solution I think is for Blizz to add more catch up mechanics to make it easier (I dearly wish they would revive the MoP double rep commendations) and to not make reps mandatory for end game progression, or at least as less as possible.


Disagree entirely. Almost everything should be account-wide. And yes, that includes gear.

Good. There is no new experience to be had filling up the same bar for something like rep. Stupid stuff like this is why WoW is bleeding subs. It’s disrespectful to my time.

That’s Blizzards fault, not ours. Make more content. I’m not obliged to care about your office drama.


There is still a lot of room to reasonably disagree on whether we are leveling a character or an account.

Personally I don’t think things should be account wide by default, but I think there are a lot things that would make sense as a “hey this alt, this is a friend of mine.” Or family.

Trading most currencies as well. Especially if you consider alts an extended family. There’s not a good reason to say you can’t give soulash you earned to a family member for them to spend.

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new characters are meant to be blank slates.

This is an opinion and now how I play or view ‘alts’

They’re their own person, not just extensions of your main

This is also your opinion and not how I view things.

Making reps account-wide deletes the need to ever do them again

You’re making my point. There are better things to do in this game than grind exalted more than once per faction. That is my opinion, and why I am asking.


Every time someone asks for it, Blizzard delays it by one year.

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There is still a lot of room to reasonably disagree on whether we are leveling a character or an account.

I agree. I feel the real decision is in the eyes of the account holder. How you view your account, your characters and their pecking order is up to YOU.

If we can buy something to make the grind easier it’s only going half way. The way I see it is giving at little as possible to continue to keep folks grinding in the lest fun places to grind.

There is a lot of content in this game, and not everyone has been playing for as long as the game has existed. To have to grind the same factions on multiple toons is silly. If not the faction, fully open up the goods on the vendors so they can be shipped to alts.


It’s still gonna be released before Star Citizen.

Well, it’s time for that to change. We’re not in 2004 any more, Toto.

SWTOR has, for years now, done it very well in the form of a “Legacy”. Your characters are, effectively, all part of the same family, and so they share a whole pile of stuff - including rep.

I’ve long thought of all my characters in Wow as a family - they’re all sisters (and a cow who’s a brother from another mother) and they all share stuff like profession materials, progress toward meta achievements and more.

There’s nothing wrong with this.

People keep saying no, you should have to build every character from scratch! which is almost always followed by your alts are not alternate mains and so on.

This is outdated thinking, and should be left behind in Classic where it belongs. It stopped being true the day we got account-wide mounts, pets, achievements and more.

Let it go. Let’s have account-wide rep like we’ve needed for years now. Trust me, the game will survive just fine (hell, SWTOR is still going, after all!)


I mean technically you just have an opinion also. It’s not like one is more valid than the other.

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I mean technically you just have an opinion also. It’s not like one is more valid than the other.

There is nothing technical about it. I have an opinion and I am sharing it via question. I never claimed my opinion was more valid. If you re-read you’ll also notice I stated I had an opinion. The only difference is that I am not insisting my opinion is how the game is intended to be.

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At the very least, if rep can’t be made account wide, all items from rep vendors should be bind on account, as well as any unlocks based on rep being account wide.


Well why ask a question and then go to the effort of trying to shut someone down for giving you an answer?

Was it a loaded question?

At the very least, if rep can’t be made account wide, all items from rep vendors should be bind on account, as well as any unlocks based on rep being account wide.

Yep. I just don’t find it awesome to have multiple toons parked in Korthica to farm the same stuff.

Well why ask a question and then go to the effort of trying to shut someone down for giving you an answer?

Was it a loaded question?

I’m not sure that is how a loaded question works. What I shot down was being told how the game is intended to be played with terms used I don’t use myself. I don’t have a Main, so my play style is different. Neither person has a wrong opinion or play style. what’s not right is telling someone else how it should be done because it aligns with your pallet.

I hope that helps.


Stopped being true the day we got faction changes. Pretty “immersion breaking” or whatever BS phrase they like to use. That’s just me :man_shrugging:t6:


Because you are playing a character, not an account.

I do not understand why people who play the game, don’t actually want to play the game.

How is saying “This is your opinion” an attempt to shut someone down?

Just say you disagree with him and move on. It’s not that deep.

because blizzard never made it that way

So you’re just on the forum to say “uh uh no no” and put your fingers in your ears while providing no real input other than telling people they’re wrong. Got it.