ohh you poor child lol lies are boring.
Dear, Blizzie,
Please scale up my speed-gear to ilevel 450, thank you.
signed. me
Before this thread gets deleted, can you please let me know if someone still believes I’m a member of a premade community?
If you are I’d assume you’re bringing them down from the inside.
Why do you think its going to be deleted?
The main post isn’t even flagged
If you want to have a conversation you can ask her yourself.
Brianna#7770 (Discord) PAWGERS#1423 (Battlenet)
Y’know I was expecting a lot more people to be against scaling, but it looks like most of y’all are roughly on the same page. I don’t know what that whole other discussion about politics and a discord is, but, it’s all good lol
He says to the guy that had thirteen fully conquest geared characters midway through the previous season.
There are two types of people who gear up.
- The people who gear up hoping to have an advantage over other players (you)
- The people who gear up so they won’t be at a disadvantage against other players (me)
i never understood the weird flex of letting people know you play an unhealthy amount.
Now that is an LOL for sure and quite the backtrack! Conquest cap is easy to hit on multiple characters. Don’t be so lazy, scrub!
Thats not true even with gear a player that doesnt cc or cd trade or cd rotate or know the basics gets stomped.
Yeah, that would be awesome, i remember back in the last Legion season jsut queing with my characters and doing BGs, it was the first time i played pvp and i loved it, the experience wouldnt be the same with uneven gear like we have today.
I think even gear would bring many players to try pvp.
Fo’ rizzle!
This is true, but i’d argue PvP in any game shouldn’t be taken seriously ~unless~ you’re actually earning real $$ for it. Everyone else, it’s just a game and for fun.
I think most players are for scaling - though the vast majority do not post on the forums. I think blizz unfortunately bases many of their PvP decisions on the rated/elitist scene because that’s where they believe they can make more moolah at the end of the day.
Forums are a minority of the player base in reality. My main gripe with all of these scaling posts is people wanting those with higher ilvl to be scaled down and have everyone be on an equal playing field. This is an MMORPG with character progression as a main aspect, gear progression should still exist even in PvP but the experience during gear progression shouldn’t be such a grueling experience.
Scale those with terrible gear to a minimum ilvl, encouraging them to still progress to honor gear and then conq. gear.
Depends on what kind of scaling and where.
I think more meaningful PvP content would bring in many players to try PvP honestly, not even gear.
i stopped reading half these responses because they were really weird but:
theres a reason why blizz is trending towards gearing being easier/less relevant
in ranked pvp gear should not matter its really that shrimple
someone with a mastery 50 hero in dota 2 doesnt deal 20% more damage than someone with a mastery 30 hero, because that’s just goofy
Yea that’s what I was sayin, because Dota is a MOBA, wow is a RPG, they are different genres. In Rpgs gear should matter.
ya i dont care lmfao
Okay, we’ll agree to disagree then