Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

and faction not being divided was a huge help

Is that why BFA sold so well?

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Try it!


DF doesn’t have a single innovative new feature or gameplay mode like Legion (world quests, invasions), BfA (islands, visions), and SL (Torghast) did.

The Shadowlands honeymoon period was better for me personally as a solo player because I was holding out hope that Torghast would be the start of instanced content that scales to solo players and actually provides power progression.

Dragonflight developers seem to have given up on the concept entirely and are only looking to reiterate core game features for raid, M+, and rated PvP players.


Solo prog sounds good right about now.


It was definitely a factor. A lot of people who never would have dreamed of unsubbing found they no longer cared to log in. Many people who prepurchased because they always did said later they regretted doing so and would not again.


no, that was because Legion was so good


Yeah that would be my guess as well, even if SL sucked hard we all still had a crapton of free time so it was like better than staying locked at home doing nothing.


you force me to make lake perch. I HOPE YOUR HAPPY WITH YOURSELF! :watermelon:

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that would actually be a good idea it would be weird to play wow again with tons of people.

It would be nice to be able to do content and learn as I go and overcome the challenge instead of being expected to study youtube videos before ever setting foot in a dungeon!

I pre-ordered expecting after how bad BFA was it was gonna be Legion 2 and be a total turnaround, instead of Ion and co arrogantly doubling down on every single thing people have hated about the game from the last several years. He sure showed me!



When one accepts all mmo’s have the same things…you can do them anywhere. Some now turn to finding the game that leads to goal they like. wow’s dopamine model has flaws. at some point some go I don’t need that dopamine that much. We find other dopamine hits in other games.

MOney grind. Level (skill point for eve) grind…all do it.

so…go do it where you like it more. what some who left, are leaving, or never even returned are doing.

hence bleed off to FF, i have been in new eden (eve’s space as a whole) more tha azeroth (both games) of late. I’ve actually seen a a few other wanderers from azeroth in new eden too.

We still grind…its where the grind leads to that matters.


Dragon riding is NOT the issue here (Hell if anythings its trying to spice up something thats kinda gotten stale) but everything that happened along with it as I stated.

It’s not just “Shadowlands was subpar”, its the backlash that came along with it, namely the revelation that many of the old guard were actually horrible people and the whole “frat boy atmosphere”, the sexual harassment, the infamous “Cosby Suite” and a LOT more dirty laundry.

Basically people were driven away by all this and are holding back on purchasing Dragonflight and lets be honest, probably any other Blizzard related games, merch, and memorabilia until they see some true, genuine, honest to god change.

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It doesn’t have a great marketing hook, so even if the game is brilliant, people aren’t automatically going to start paying attention just because of that.

Cataclysm and WoD both started with a huge spike in interest and mostly only fell from there; Dragonflight feels like it could be more like MoP. Both launched with a neutral race for furries, a class that doesn’t have the same edgelord anti-hero appeal that DKs and DHs have, etc.

If you think about it, the fact that the main feature of this expansion is called “dragon riding” (when you’ve technically been able to ride dragons since TBC) is going to confuse people who haven’t stayed in the loop

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Or uh, you know, any kind of basis in the game’s lore or connection to the game’s past. :roll_eyes:

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I have high hopes for D4. I want it to be spectacular.

I…have not preordered however. Cosmetics for wow? yeah…I don’t see renewal in feb. not a rage quit. Just a vacation I don’t know how long it be really. I can wait to see the game live again later.

they got me with D3. oh crap this build is farming too good nerf it. now this…nerf it. I got tired of having to read patch notes for sometimes 2 times a week balance passes.

Its a single player game…let me kill and loot for pants how I want to. Leaderboard crap? yeah…those dudes funnel gear in group sessions to then do solo runs for higher gr’s for better times. the “solo” leaderboard ranking was already not applying. most of the work was in groups lol.

I hope d4 does not do this. and then…they get my money.

Because WoW players have a reputation for being toxic, so people have moved to other more friendly MMORPGs

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I mean nothing stops one from pvping? as for story im gonna suggest its just a mutual cease fire on the dragon isles cause its not a territory either want to fight against (the horde vs dragons and the alliance or the alliance vs the horde and dragons) also they always seem to join forces against big bad anyways so the core is kinda there it just does feel like a step back cause the evil guy is a dragon right now vs corrupted death titan old god corrupted death titan

Last 2 xpacs cleaned house pretty good.


people realized there are in fact games other than world of warcraft and not only that but they’re better