Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Why should the game cares about these dinosaurs?

Because most of this playerbase are Dinosaurs. Vast majority, most likely.

This game is only alive because people who played 10-15 years ago keep it that way.

Who do you think is actually playing WoW? Its not teenagers and young adults like it was in 2004-2010. They have their own games now. This is simply the cycle of games and gaming genre life.


A lot of people got into browser gaming, WoW is like an evolution of that.

I think it’s like Star Wars. They could have evolved the story to make it more adult but had it in their minds they needed to focus the preteen market and alienated a lot of their older fans in doing so but Star Wars isn’t as culturally relevant now. If parents aren’t taking their kids to the movie so they both can enjoy it then the baton is never passed.

I’m not sure it’s age. I’m one of the older players in the game. I’m a genuine baby boomer who was in college back in the days of “Hell no, we won’t go” and guys burning draft cards. Back in those days we were very much in favor of civil rights for everyone (i.e very woke) regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender, etc.

Of courese that was in the North East. In other parts of the country they didn’t feel that way. So I think it has more to do with the region of the country than it does with age. In some parts of the country they just don’t believe in civil liberties and the unalienable rights of the people unless they look a certain way and and believe what people believe in their community, which is to say they are just not woke.


I think people like making it more than it is. Maybe they just dont want to see it. I mean its ok; some times you just have to go by the live and let live motto.

Just because someone doesnt want preached to, doesnt mean they hate or dislike religious people. I think this is a key people miss. Just because a guy doesnt want to watch 2 guys/girls kiss, doesnt mean he hates gay people or wants their rights taken away.

Anyways we are going down the path I didnt want to go when I brought it up, lol. I dont really want to argue who is good or bad, right or wrong. Just want to argue that the playerbase is from the early 2000s to late 90s. Do you remember what it was like back then on the net? These are the same gamers that continaully called each other racist names, derogatory gay names, etc. Not only that, people are always going to be divided on these subjects and its no argument that stuff like this was less openly accepted than it is today for those generations.

Point is, its not surprising to me if it had an affect on the overall sales of this expansion, coupled with all the other things I mentioned.

These are things Id argue that are more marketed to a younger playerbase, and its understandable. They want teens and young adults to play this game. But, you also risk not selling that well if your base thinks otherwise.

Anyways this is a small reason, I dunno why people get so up in arms over just talking about it. Its just one piece of the pie. Thats all it is.

All the other reasons I mentioned are vastly more important to why the game didnt sell well, than the more Woke aspects of it. Its just a piece.


I agree with most of what you are saying except one point. I don’t think it’s an age thing. For a long time the North has been pro civil liberties (i.e. woke) and the South has been more class oriented (superior people / inferior people). In fact we fought the Civil War over this 160 years ago.

But you are right in that some people are more tolerant of people who don’t look like them and live like them and some people are not.


I think the South gets a bad rap. I live in the South. Its much more progressive than people think. I think movies warp the perceptions of how we really are down here. I mean if you watch the news, all these horrible acts by police/government and things going wrong are happening in Northern cities.

I actually roll my eyes when you watch a movie and some guys travel 10 miles out of a city and all of a sudden everyone is straight out of Deliverance. This isnt the 1900s. Its a rediculous stereotype that is still perpetuated, even though most civil rights issues are happening in northern, democratic cities.

I mean we do have gay people and minorities down here, lol. How do you think they live? If it was so horrible why would anyone be down here. Times have definitely changed in the South.

Also, something I wanted to throw into my other post, is Riot is releasing an MMO. There are quite a few gay characters in LoL. I dont see this being anywhere near some kind of issue in Riot’s MMO as it comes off in WoW, and that will have a lot to do with the age group. Riot’s MMO is going to have a lot of Valorant/Esport/young players comparatively to WoW. You really dont see this kind of division in their games between playerbases.

So I do think age has a little to do with it.


I lived in the deep South for a while, varied between New York/New Jersey to Cuban/Puerto Rican cultures. Far more progressive than where I grew up in the Midwest where girls with piercings outside their ear lobes are obviously women of ill repute.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Apparently you must be one of those people that completely glosses over the heavily segregated inner cities in so many of those “woke” cities, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


How do you know how many have sold?

Since you keep comparing everything to something that sounds like an odd interpretation of FF (and I say that as someone who knows little about that game, but you sound like you have a huge chip on your shoulder and are unable to cohesively state anything without comparing it to an obscure mechanic in some other game you seem to be fixated on), I guess we have nothing to discuss. Keep pushing FF, maybe you can convince more players to go check it out.

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Those people get voted down. The north is a lot more suburb than it is urban and the 'burbs are very liberal and very tollerant. Even in the cities the segregated parts are a fraction of the population. That’s why the states are blue.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Who exactly are “those people?” Starting to show your true colors, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I like to break this out about where I grew up.

Because people are trying other options. DF is still good.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Such a great example of the tolerant and pro civil liberties North, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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I don’t know hoe North it is, definitely in a Northern state but racism and forced segregation have been part of this area for a long time. This happened here.

Those people would be people in the north who are against civil liberties for all citizens (i.e. anti woke). I can see you threw in a personal insult because you made such a weak argument but that’s OK.

You are probably one those who buy the Elite/Collector’s Edition every expansion then complain about how bad it is but still plays hours on end on a daily basis…

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