Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Ill repeat it again. The story is not interesting for the majority of people of interest in this game. I personally can’t do much with this story, its simply not appealing. On top you have the woke stuff which is ok if its not over the top but not if the overall story and theme is too disney.
Why did WoD sell so well? Cause the trailer was ultimate hype. That was true Warcraft. Dragonflight is just disney with warcraft printed on. People who are into this kind of stuff are not the consumers of WoW. A simple failure of target audience.

Player retention will also be interesting. I personally am already done more or less. I do a weekly 20 and thats it. And that will stop very soon with potentially not resubbing till next major patch. Why? Cause the higher end content is far too limited and cumbersome. You have Mythic raid which is gated as hell by 20m / no crossrealm and M+ which has only one mode called toxic timer with annoying affixes. Lets not talk about PvP its been terrible since forever. Well thats it. I cleared 7/8 HC around new years. I did my fair share of higher end M+ and do not enjoy its iteration.
As long as blizzard doesnt implement a high end PvE option for smaller groups / pugs that isn’t a sweaty toxic time run the population will decline as there is no real point in playing. The Mage Tower back in Legion atleast gave a good incentive to get good gear and progress your character. On top you had the best iteration of M+ (minus the loot chest).


Hello, I see you replied to my post. Almost as dumb as immediately referencing race and sexual preference when replying to a comment where neither was mentioned in any way, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


“Woke” in the way it is commonly used is a dog whistle for attacking sexual preferences and race. If you claim you don’t know that, than you are purposefully not telling the truth.

Welcome to ignore for your hateful speech.


The expansion isn’t selling as well because the game is bad. Usually games that are bad don’t sell well. Blizzard should hire people who know how to make a good game so the game will sell more. (this advice is on the house :wink: )


Hello, I see you replied to my post. That is some serious projection, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


grooming the kids isn’t cool bro.


… a call to action where none is required, in the name of phantom -isms so social grifters can score clout and enrich themselves. It’s a cult. You’re in a cult.


It’s just the same thing over and over. MMO’s all have a similar formula. I love open world games so it and games like Skyrim always attract me but I think the communities really scare people off. What has killed the game for me is doing something as simple as trying to get a normal raz kill and spending HOURS UPON HOURS (When I am incredibly limited on time each week) in groups who just can’t do enough dps or who fail mechanics again and again. It’s disheartening to come across toxicity from elitist players and constantly failing raids because people won’t learn basic mechanics. Solo open world is more pleasing to some people because I just rely on me not other people to progress.

I feel like it was the combination of a good story and some expansion-specific feature that you could experience distinctly for each class. I never got much into the min-maxing of getting geared up–it was just being able to feel your character progress meaningfully through a good story, and you could choose how far you took them.

I kept waiting for the hook while getting loremaster this time around, but my character really never gained anything and the dragon riding is a quality of life feature for the expansion.

It might just be me, but that’s what I really enjoyed about the previous expansions from Legion onward: Be a [class] with access to [expansion-specific ability/borrowed power] to help [solve big problem]. Rinse and repeat with alts and I was pretty happy.

This time round, it’s been like flat diet cola.

(edit for grammar)


I played this way as well. Getting characters to cap and then doing it again. That was the fun I enjoyed each expansion. I have a lot of alts now, admittedly. I had to delete some…to make more alts without having to make another account.


Woke is part of a bigger movement that has been going on for centuries. One early example would be philosopher John Locke’s work in the late 1600s where he said that rights are not given by the creator to the king to be given out through the nobility, rights are inalienable and given straight to man. Thomas Jefferson quoted this woke idea in the Declaration of Independence.

Since then we fought the Revolution over those woke ideas, fought the American Civil War over the woke idea that slavery should not be allowed, then segregation should not be allowed and the woke idea that everyone regardless of race, gender, gender orientation, etc should have equal rights.

Of course there are people against woke. There have been dating back to John Locke and even earlier. In fact when you think of it the Barons revolt against King John of England and forcing him to sign the Magna Carta was a woke moment.


As many answers as there are subscribers, I think they lost trust and people wait to see how it’s received and some have lost their sunken cost feeling and won’t return.

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Even hotcakes sales are going down these days.

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BfA and SL hurt the brand. DF is amazing and is a huge leap in the right direction.

All they have to do is par the course and people will come back. Well, that and maybe make things a bit more noob friendly. The game is too easy for those of us who have played forever and very hard for newcomers, there needs to be a better balance or maybe a difficulty selection or something…I dunno… just my opinion.

That being said, the xpack is just starting… give it some time.






one outta four ain’t bad!

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Seems to be holding up better though.

Not going to brag about sales during merger scrutiny, though. I wouldn’t expect that.

Either way, I don’t think this is going to be an expansion to bring in a flood of new people. I think this is the light, airy expansion to buy time for an 11.0 world rebuild supervised by Metzen.

one outta four ain’t bad!

Most boomer post i’ve seen in ages. Nothing beats vapid narcassism cosplaying as wit.


The problem with Woke, and why I brought it up, is because of the average age of the playerbase. Woke is basically just a term so you dont have to type out every single thing. But the point is, these things are either less cared about, or thought of as favorable, to younger generations.

Meanwhile they will most likely be disliked in some way, by older generations. I’m not trying to get into an ideological debate on it, just pointing to the elephant in the room that it had an effect on sales, since older generations are more conservative, and I dont mean political, compared to younger generations. Just more conservative by the definition of the word.

And WoW’s playerbase is old. Easily majority middle age +. Look at the thread where people give their ages; every one of them is over 30 at the very least, lots in their 40s and 50s. Its just how it is when a game came out 2 decades ago, and cant replenish its playerbase.

This is a conversation on why the game didnt sell very well, and its a potential reason why.


See you next patch.

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Why is this thread still going xD