Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Ulduar patch just dropped in WotLK. Phase 2.

I know some retail die-hards will rage against the idea that this fact may potentially take away subs from retail.

But what do you all think? Is there a symbiotic relationship between retail and classic WotLK?

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I think people got wise to the snake oil approach WoW has to releasing a product… sell the expansion with obvious problems they were told would be problematic in beta and alpha and wait till the expansion is practically over to put fixes in and make the game actually somewhat fun.

SL was just kinda the last straw, for both developers AND customers alike. IF people come back from the BFA/SL fiasco, it’ll likely be in the last patch or the next expansion even.


Because mmos population are aging and we are not getting younger players with a lot of time in their hands. Most mmo players just went to other mmos that rewards them gears while only investing moderate amount of time on it. WoW has always been a time sink and its not just appealing to adults anymore


YES! I can’t wait to see what games they produce. They have two separate studios/teams.

As for the fellow commenting on the “cube crawlers”, I doubt anyone here would condone that behavior, but you can’t deny that the men and women of the old guard produced one of the most famous (and famously successful) games in history.

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I prefer the FFXIV gear system. You can get crafted gear that is almost as good as the raid gear. I just hop on, have my sugar momma get me gear and jump into endgame with her.


The story sucks end game is boring and is nothing but a rep grind for subpar rewards all the good stuff gets put on the shop or is a subscription bonus for promising to suffer for 6-12 more months

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I think this is one of the main reasons why people migrated to FF14 and left WoW. Also the main reason why it has more active playerbase than WoW now. In FF14, you can get crafted gears and be ready for the hardest content in game that gives the highest ilvl gear, also you can get the 2nd highest ilvl gears by grinding in its open world content and mega dungeons / 24man raids.

In WoW, you have to go through m+ and normal / heroic raids to get into mythic raids and even then, its impossible for casual players to get into mythic raids. Also the scarcity and the rng of loot drops sometimes feels like a waste of time for a busy adult.

I like FF14 gear progression as well but aesthetic wise, it just cant get into it. I like how it respects its adult playerbase tho and know that they have jobs.


I wanted to like it. But the class systems, even with actual talents, are garbage.

The game is dodge the headshot while you play whack-a-mole and has been since Legion.

I like that they tried to make professions more relevant, I like dragon riding, I like most of the new dungeons (other than Nokhud), and I like the laid back pace of world quests.

But then there’s the feast and other crap on a timer that sucks that is compounded by the heavy steps up in difficulty, the utter lack of guild relevance besides bleeding edge, and, again, the terrible class system design which yields completely unforgiving gameplay for the vast majority of the player base.

And yes, it’s not anecdotal. The majority of players are doing 20-25K DPS at 1800+ in M+ PUGs.


For all of the damage rhat WoD did i cannot deny that Draenor is gorgeous and feels very “Warcraft…ish”.


Runs are up though, at least in M+, unsure about raiding.

Keep in mind they’re in the middle of a merger undergoing scrutiny, they may be relaxing from success stories either way.

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too many carbs?

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the goal is to get the thread to 1000 go go go


Ok my 2 cents as someone who bought dragonflight and has sorta played on and off for a while now. Its boring, it has no real stakes and narratively it is a step backwards. At this point you have faced titans as big as the earth itself, death, the legion wich was a threat to multiple planets. Now you face… some dragon thing that can make bad weather. Feels like the world should have a few low level police to handle this slight menace. Some sarcasm… but thats how it feels to me. And i hate the skill tree’s return and the draco are underwhelming etc etc… Just doesnt feel epic.


Okay but nobody cares.


You really are dumbfounded? Well, maybe it’s because Blizzard has lied to it’s customers in the past, in the worst possible ways. Maybe they’ve come out as not the best company the way they treat their employees. Dragonflight was a chance to show the community they were serious about restoring the IP, and all they did was lie again, and revert to the same (but worse) tactics to take more money from it’s players. The game is trash, that’s why it’s not selling.


I like dragonlands but… SL was just so bad, and can we talk about the gigantic sword jutting out of the planet that we no longer care about? Also… when is Sargeras coming back?


Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn’t have responded.

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1.) No lockdowns
2.) Last two expansions were bloody awful.
3.) Blizzard itself are barely recovering cube crawl addicts.

There’s so many reasons. DF is a nice step in the right direction, but Blizzard has monpolized Ls for so long that it’s gonna take a lot of Ws to recover … if they even can.


WoW has been too old since 2008. There are too many different types of players that want conflicting design. And unfortunately too many players that don’t want to actually play an mmorpg.

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you are younger than WOW :open_mouth:

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