Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

I’m just telling you, no one cares.


If that’s the way you feel, why are you still subscribed?


Maybe because the game only has content for sweats beyond a month or two.


Sub is about to run out, I haven’t played in 3 weeks. Probably shouldn’t have subbed for another month.


The balancing is what’s really annoying me. Every expac they rework specs no one asked to be reworked and ignore the ones we ask for. Then they make really odd and confusing changes that seem obvious to most that they don’t make sense (talking current bear rework and mm hunter DT removal with nothing to replace it with).


Your note implied that you have been very unhappy with this company for a while. Took you a while to pull the plug?

Turns out public image and brand image are kind of important marketing factors.


Id argue its more the fact the playerbase is aging, and nothing WoW does appeals to a younger audience or a new playerbase. Its just an old, aging playerbase, with no real way of drawing people in. 2 bad expansions to run off portions of your middle age playerbase didnt do you any favors either, considering thats 4 years ago; thats a long time for an average playerbase I would put squarely in the 30s to 40s.


How many times are people willing to give the current leadership before they start to realize that nothing is going to get better under them!


I find that whenever I renew my sub and try playing again, I weirdly can’t figure out what I want to do in game. WoW was always my main MMO up until BFA and I don’t know if it’s because I fully experienced other MMOs… but doing anything in WoW feels pointless now. I’ve thought about this a lot and I came to the conclusion that I feel this way because Blizz builds features around expansions and not the whole game… WoD’s garrison, Legion’s class halls/artifact weapons, BFA’s Heart of Azeroth, SL’s covenants, and now DF’s dragonriding which is also only usable in new zones. I’m tired of Blizz killing content, parts of the game, and releasing new content just for it to face the same fate.


I don’t think this has ever been the case, and I doubt even more that this is the case today with how Endwalker is turning out to be.

The usual mid-expansion open world zones that made FFXIV really pop as a MMORPG and that used to make up for its abysmal open world content has been cancelled so they can make pointless solo stuff that lasts 2 weeks. (Amusingly, one of those thing is functionally a Garrison themed around farming on a tropical island. I wish I was making this up…)

Meanwhile Dragonflight is really popping right now, it has meaningful open world content that has you group up and play with other players, and it fixed a lot of issues with BfA and Shadowlands. (ie No borrowed power.) WoW is a lot more attractive to me today than it has ever been since Legion.

Also, a lot of content creators who moved to XIV seemed to have come back to WoW too.

It sounds like what you want is for the game to be turned from an MMORPG to a tiny game with a cult following, that specializes in your content and people who like your content alone. No one else would be welcome to play.

There aren’t enough players exactly like you are imagining to keep the game populated.

FFXIV has been gaining market share while wow is losing theirs. The game makes no requirements of players as wow does. People continue to log in even though they haven’t completed the story. They can leave and come back without penalty or falling behind, and many do.

It sounds like FFXIV is not for you, which doesn’t mean that nobody likes it and it’s going downhill.

This is your interpretation. You are clearly the target demographic. People like you are very happy. However, there are many who are not like you, who would disagree. Many who heard in advance that world content would force them to group up to get any reward at all did not buy. Removal of world quests has been a big deal for people who liked them.

And spackled them onto casuals with the revamp of the profession system, which is an infinite grind designed to have them spend lots of money on leveling a profession that it is already too late to catch up to exploiters who got ahead with Blizzard’s blessing.

The ones who like the same content you do are again playing wow. However, wow videos and streams are getting fewer views. Fewer people care enough to watch them.

Take a look at mythic+ participation at higher numbers. It looks like they decided to repeat the same mistakes they made with dungeon design in cata (content more difficult, requiring coordination, and way more crowd control, while healing was made more difficult). Looks like they’re going to have to nerf hard. Did they learn anything? Inquiring minds want to know.

There are several videos on the situation of how difficulty is affecting dungeon completions. I won’t link to them. It’s not helping.


2 expansions of crap in a row will do wonders in permanently damaging your game, no matter how good the next expansion is.


I give the game a chance every expansion. This will most likely be the last time for that. Blizzard is getting into really bad territory, and the remaining community just is not even close to what it used to be.


People got really burned out by Shadowlands. There’s a lesson in there about making things too “challenging”. Our guild that has been active and raiding almost every week since 2007 finally started to break down in shadowlands. So far we haven’t been able to get anyone do do anything beyond regular mythics and a few low keys. The fight that did it was that pain master dormazain fight with the rolling balls that turned out to be bugged with “trapezoidal” openings or something like that. we lost a healer and a top 3 dps and haven’t been the same since.


Citation needed.

Pray tell, what are normal raids, alliance raids, trials, hunts, the forbidden land of eureka and the save the queen content? That’s right, FF endgame forces you to group up far more than WoW ever did, and you want me to believe these solo MMO players complaining about having to group up in DF are enjoying post-MSQ FF?

The perfect MMORPG for solo players who want zero interactions is Guild Wars 2 not FF. Post-MSQ FF is still garbage for solo players, even with the bots they’re shoehorning in the old dungeons.

Removal of titanforging has been a great deal for people who liked it too, doesn’t mean it was the wrong decision.

The point of world quests compared to dailies is to make the world feel alive again, and after they removed incentives to group up for them in BFA it stopped working. Making world quests 3.0 require grouping makes a lot of sense to me.

Players have been complaining for 10 years that professions in WoW are uninspired and bland. Crafting and gathering in WoW was worse than GW2, worse than ESO, worse than FFXIV, worse than New World and worse than BDO. Literally the worst crafting of any modern MMO, that had to change.

Blizzard can iterate on the system if they think it’s too grindy, but either way this is a huge leap forward for the game.

How does that contradict anything I said? Do you really think DF’s shortcomings are driving people to watch FF content?

Also given that I hate mythic+ and played FF more than WoW since 6.3, I don’t think you understand what kind of content I like in an MMO.


I guess retail will never recover from Shadowlands.
They did dirty to Arthas. And Arthas don’t take crap home.


i feel like heroic plus may have changed this entire discussion? Refreshing to have a new, novel addition to WotLK? It certainly feels novel…

Interesting theory. Have any proof that it was Shadowlands that caused subscriptions to drop? Several other theories have been advanced as the *** ONLY *** reason subscriptions are off. Among them:

  • When WOW was first created it was one of the only D&D like MMOs around. Now there are hundreds of new ones each year.
  • In an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is an antique, WOW is an 18 year old game competing with tons of new technology.
  • The trend these days is toward social media and mobile where WOW doesn’t play well.
  • Some say it’s the story writting particularly in BFA and ShadowLands.
  • Or it’s the toxic culture of the players that’s causing people to leave.
  • Others point to specific abilities like “borrowed power” that have been taken away.
  • Next we hear that it’s time gating
  • Death. Wow players aren’t getting any younger, and younger players don’t share the same attraction to MMOs… particularly ones dominated by older people.
  • The questing requirements are not long and grinding enough.
  • The questing requirements are to long and grinding.
  • They heard Activision say: “If you don’t like the game, go play something else.” or… “The game is not meant for you”.
  • SL had too many mobs close together.
  • And now: The Horde/Alliance cold war.

Feels bad running Culling of Stratholme

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