Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

I don’t mind it persay, but its hyperfocused for some reason. How many quest lines in this expansion explore the love between straight people (I can’t say h e t e r o wtf)? None right from what I can gather and definitely not a focus of any kind.

Its okay to have these type of relationships but when its the only thing they add it tells me they aren’t doing it for the benefit of a story. Its just blizzard going “hey look at me I’m soooooo inclusiveee wewwhoo” or cringe writers who are doing self inserts (I have no idea how these people are getting hired).


I hardly believe this. Why would anyone want to care for him?
His attitude stands for everything what went wrong with the game the past years. A bean counter trying to evolve the game so much that “fun” becomes a second priority. The core loop system in DF is a direct result of this because he was wrong and ruined the game. I enjoy playing less this time around and have time to do other things. It’s a blessing, actually. I have no stress, I’m not forced to play longer than I want to and I started to have other RL-activities because of that. Life is better now.

What has WoW to offer besides raids? Nothing, despite being this big. Most of the fun parts take a backseat for the sake of listening to the 10% of the player base. WoW is not supposed to be Diablo, it’s supposed to be a game where you can express yourself and play in an immersed role. If I log in to do chores, then I rather go on a private server and play the game in a better experience.


I just hope that the higher ups at Blizzard are thinking
“It’s going to take us time to build back a fan base and re-earn their trust”
and not
“We pulled a WoD and cut Shadowlands and increased staff by 50% and it sold LESS than the last one?!”


This may be so, but it’s also nothing like WOW was 20 years ago. WOW was far, far more successful in the tbc/wrath era. The more they change and move away from that design the more subs they have lost.

They are steadily moving away from MMORPG and turning WOW into a twitchy esport catering to the ADHD insta-gratification crowd. M+, encounter design that requires almost constant movement, dungeon and raid design that is designed around esport and forced repeatability (rather than designing new content they just keep reusing and adding “affixes”).

So no, I don’t think WOW being old has anything to do with it. If WOW was more like it was originally I think it’d be more successful than it currently is.

I think it’s a you problem TBH. I’m not a fan of forced wokeness in the slightest, but that particular questline felt natural. Nothing like bowlsoffruitgate.


Yeah the esports scene is cringe af. Its just not successful compared to other esports, I have no interests seeing people speed run content or world first nonsense. Thats the end game sadly, thats all it is. I have ADHD (diagnosed) It does not appeal to me one bit. And people defend it but can’t see that the stagnation decline is still going despite efforts to make an MMO more of an esport.


People like me wanted a Warden class that was based off of Maiev Shadowsong for the night elf race, or Spell Breakers for the blood elves. My brother wanted a Tinker class, that was based off of the hero in warcraft 3.

NO ONE asked for Dracthyr, but we got that. I made one, but out of all 13 classes it has the lowest priority when I go down my list of classes that I have to farm pvp on, and if I had to give it up I would in a heartbeat.

If they add the warden class and make it work like the Warden hero from warcraft 3, then I’m totally rolling that and prioritizing it above some of the older classes in the game. DH and DK were great additions, I can play them well, but I’m useless as a devastation evoker… I can only heal on that class with some success.


They said this. They say a lot of things. Garrison technology could be converted into player housing with very little work.

The reason players don’t have housing at this point is that they don’t want to give players housing. Having permanent housing would mean players would become too attached to what their main has built, and not be willing to reroll when the nerf bat hits. This totally doesn’t fit into their vision of wow as an esports only mobile game.


So many ridiculous statements

When dragonflight is one of the most friendliest expansion in modern World of Warcraft. Due to the fact that the game has gotten rid of most Warlord/Legion/BFA/Shadowlands design elements.

Complaining story being gated behind reputation isn’t new pandaria did the same exact thing and no one complained about it. And to say Dragonflight doesn’t have solo activities when it does have it.

Dragonflight story is a fresh start to the story in this game sure lambast it since most of you love to hate on the story.


The problem is the new hires at least based on what has been released, developed and also said on Twitter, appear to be the sort that don’t give a crap and go “Oh well. Bye phobes!” If this sentiment is cast in error, My deepest apologies but silence on the subject and the uplifting of posters who antagonize these forums such as Talon/Tul/ etc. leads one to believe this may be the case.

It’s not that most players actually are phobes, but rather the ongoing, repeated, and antagonistic efforts of some to shove their politics or sexuality somewhere that no one wants to hear about it.

Sure, give them some representation. Everyone deserves that.

But doing it 20 times till you can literally guess at it the conclusion ANY time there’s two same sex NPCs? It comes off as overboard and a creepy as hell. It also is not the sort of game that I will pay for. Oh and for every ideologue who claims “phobe!” Kiss off and cry your faked indignation into your alcohol stained double chin. You are a liar and I don’t listen to twits like you.

My issue would be exactly the same as well if it was always male / female couples too. No. Too many sexual overtones in any game about high fantasy make me think this is becoming a trashy Newgrounds date simulator.

The irony of all of this? If the Blizzard Developers really think engaging in wish fulfillment for a minority is going to be profitable, or that their work won’t fundamentally be altered or outright deleted on private servers, they are kidding themselves. Admittedly, it’s kind of funny in a defeatist sort of way.

Do you know what I ultimately base all this off? For one, the melt down some of these people had about Metzen a few weeks back. One would think that a group that is passionate about Warcraft would and should of been happy about the fact that the creator himself was coming back to help!

…But no. It was horror unbound judging all the ranting, incoherent rage on Twitter. Whether this was also happening and is a sentiment within Blizzard Entertainment or amongst it’s employees or not, I could not say. I hope not.

The fact that the mobs of psychology however ‘were’ screaming about how Metzen was involved with the scandal when he was NOT, tells me that a lot of people never gave two craps or were outraged about the scandal. The fact that Blizzard never restored the original Voice Actor for Kael’thas to his job even when he was found innocent, tells me that appeasing the mob; is more important than doing the right thing.

So really it makes a strong case that all that any of these posturing demagogues are, are liars who wanted to take advantage of a crisis, and who would just as soon falsely accuse someone to get a promotion as tell the truth. Again, this is not a charge I levy at Blizzard. I truly hope Blizzard is not populated with such mindsets because if it is, it’s a company I will not support ever again and I suspect neither will many others.

I have never been a fan of private servers, but that’s where many of the players leaving will probably go. You don’t like that news? Sorry, but don’t shoot the messenger for stating the obvious. It is also quite likely that when such players go, the server operators are going to delete or fundamentally alter anything that they perceive the players are pissed at the Devs over, as well as restore lines that they feel were wrongly removed.

For people like me who prefer to remain law-abiding, it’s back to FFXIV.

Better figure out where you stand on this quick Blizzard. Good luck. You’ll need it.


WoW has lost sight of the key audience IMO. OR more they know it but don’t know how to keep them interested. Think of where the people are who started playing this when it launched? Late 30’s, 40’s with kids and more responsibilities.

And I hate to say this but…Wokeness drives a lot of people away.


im sorry to necro. im also sorry to be late to reply.
computer went poof the magic money eating dragon on me.

big facts.
those legendary effects some of which weve had since legion >.<

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Which would not be a problem if the story bits weren’t so bite-size. It’s so hard to stay immersed in the story when you get little fragments so infrequently.


add Bacon

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the Old Guard is now called Dream Haven :slight_smile:


ive been playing 14 off n on and gave LotRO a try and i like it

and people are balls deep in ESO and GW2

that trading post has people concerned


It’s directly related to the awful back to back expansions of BFA and Shadowlands, which is a bummer because DF is great.

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I disagree this is what is going on. I think things like this are intended to be a distraction, to keep players from asking hard questions about what the heck is going on with the game development philosophy.

Most people wouldn’t care about this or that if the gameplay loop was fun.


For the company’s sake, and for this franchise’s sake. I hope that you are correct.

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Okay and you’re point? Non-straight people exist. It’s 2023. Grow up.


The Cube Crawlers?