Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

It was truly bizarre to me that after Shadowlands they gated the campaign behind brutal renown grinds… of all things to gate? …the story? The thing you can already just watch on YouTube?


Yeah, and the story isn’t even worth the grind. The storytelling has seriously gone down in quality over the last two expansions.


Really? I really liked SL. What makes you say it was all that bad?


Its Simple blizzard has a massive End game problem. Mythic+ and Raiding has created this MDI / E sports competitive wall around literally the only end game the game continues to still have and overtime as its gotten more walled and more toxic.

so when players get through the " Honeymoon" phase of the expansion there left with what do we do? Legacy Raiding is still broken thanks to BFA , WorldQuests become completely garbage once you hit a certain point, so you are left with 3 options if you dont got a good guild or group of friends.

  1. sit in group finder for hours hoping the elitists will choose you to even run in mythics 0
  2. suffer in some of the worst time vs reward LFRs to date with an atrocius loot system
  3. suffer in group finder again and hope you can get into a raid, and hope you can even get a boss down and again hope that group loot doesnt screw you.

All 3 of those options are absolutely atrocious options for a lot of the players that left, or the player base that gets ignored or just beaten down in forums. I know most will reply and disagree and think its fine, or say get Gud etc but its that kind of arrogance that has led to a constant down shift in returning or retaining players. Hate to break to you guys but this is an MMO and without that broad player base it cant stay healthy, so until blizzard understands that and continues to be arrogant with End game it will continue to plummet, and after SL finally killing that MMO middle player base, DF is going to need some major long term changes fast, i mean they cant even fix loot that they manged to somehow make way worse then it already was.

FF14 manages to have Single player content, competitive content, hard content, pvp content, it manages to have broad appeal for all types of players, because the creator has followed 1 simple rule, you cant have a theme park for only the Thrill Seekers, and that is exactly what blizzards problem is and has been pretty much since MOP was over, and imo this applies to all there games.


Yeah no, WOW story has always been mid.

I think it was meant that the story went from mid to bad fanfic… The story was never a modern masterpiece but it was decent enough to invest in. Now? not so much.

WoW was always trope heavy but there was a decent spin on it to keep it interesting and facilitate game play.


This is my opinion based on what I have seen and read on the forums for the last couple of years. If they do not add it looks like Ill be skipping this one altogether. Blizzard has improved in some areas, but they have failed again in learning what players really like and dislike. This expansion I have held back on purchasing because I saw some of the flaws and just waiting to see how Blizzard reponds to it. If they add regular flying I will buy it just to level through the content. I will buy it also if I see Blizzard reacting to things players are concerned about.

All I ever wanted from this game was content to do. I did not need to have my class revamped. I like flying as it was and from the beginning of every expansion. I want to fly and enjoy my flying mounts while exploring a new expansion. I want a lot of things to do with lots of rewards for doing it.

I DON’T want new ways to play and things that change what I like. My perfect WoW game would be basically Classic through Wrath as far as talents and game play. LFG for dungeons only no Raid Finder. Transmog is a good thing so I certainly want that. I do not ever want to see systems like Shadowlands and BFA had ever again. I do not want ANY PROGRESSION GATING PERIOD!

Players do NOT like being restrained. I have said this before this game needs challenging solo content for players that like to play by themselves, but enjoy a live MMO with real players to interact with from time to time. You should put equal time into this just like for group content. Both need a lot more content. I would like to see patches with new content coming out sooner than later. I hate it when you design an expansion around a feature like the last 3 and including this new one. You basically designed the game around dragon riding which was a mistake! You should NEVER design a game around a feature. It should have been added as optional content for players to do. Let them choose if they like it or not. I think as time marches on your going to see more players griping about this as they already are beginning to tire of it.

I am calling it now. If you do not get regular flying into the game or allow players fly their other mounts like they fly the dragon flying mounts then your going to see a lot of disappointed players quitting the game or going back to classic.


Because gay centaur marriage is fkn stupid.


I guess I missed this storyline leveling to 80. I skip over everything.

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He is no good fit for the position. A superb raid designer but that’s it.
Nothing else has value what he does. A mismanagement to give him the position and letting fate decide the outcome of the game.

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Don’t most people love him though?

Because BfA and Shadowlands lost Blizzard all of their good will. Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually have a lot to do with Dragonflight itself.

Why? Why does it even bother you?


Why is it stupid?

Some players who played this game doesn’t want real life culture within their games.


A lot of people only need to get kicked in the nuts once or twice before they stop opening that door.

  1. BFA
  2. SL
  3. Wanna try me too?

I think it does have something to do with it being a 19-year-old game. There are players on it right now that weren’t even born when it first released. The formats are old. Most of the environments are old. It’s a slow-paced game compared to more modern games, and it’s never going to have great graphics cause this is straight out of 2004 no matter how much they clean it up.

There are two main reasons that I’m considering quitting right here myself before I spoil the good feelings I had for it:

(1) It’s the glitchiest World of Warcraft game I’ve ever played. I’m playing with recommended specs, but I frequently have skips and slowdowns in Valdrakken. My dragon won’t load, the NPCs take 2 minutes to load, and I often have glitches in parts of the game I’ve never even had them (like traveling back to Pandaria). I think the code is broken, and they probably need to keep a profit, so they’re not fixing the game. A broken game is no fun to play.

(2) They are gatekeeping the campaign behind renown, and renown is a flashback of an expansion I hated: Shadowlands. Because they don’t have dailies, I am now so far behind in the storyline that I have no clue why I’m doing anything for any of the factions. They unlock questlines as you get renown, which takes what a month? Two months if a person is really busy. I don’t even remember what the story is at this point. I think they did this to limit people’s playtime and save themselves money, but what it actually does is kill any motivation I had to go through the story in the first place.

Mostly it’s the glitches, though. The game doesn’t play smoothly and weird graphics glitches happen all the time even on a comp with recommended settings. They keep blaming everyone’s computers, but if you release a game with recommended settings, someone has those, and it still won’t play, you’re more like No Man’s Sky.


The game is almost 20 years old.

They’re really going to half to rebrand it somehow. I am in full support of a new IP called Azeroth if they ever decide it.

And it better have VR support. They could stop the war with the Horde and Alliance and focus on the adventure again. We could still have raids and PvP though.

WoW was pretty innovative for it’s time. And it still tries to be.

But this is where I’m at with this.


Because I’m opinionated and don’t need that woke culture garbage being shoved into every thing I used to enjoy.


That’s one word for it I guess.

How does a game representing a group of people who aren’t you hurt you exactly?


Because it makes me want to vomit. Why do you care anyway unless you’re part of that group.