Age is definitely a factor. Every product has a life cycle, and this isn’t exactly coke.
The price would also be a factor. I think as a Canadian I pay something like $20-$25 a month to play. Compare that to their main competitor, FFXIV, where I can subscribe to it for about $11 and get a higher production value experience.
Then honestly add to that the PR issues. For years people were concerned that Activision was ruining Blizzard, but the company kept claiming they had no say in Blizzard’s day to day operations. That has since been proven drastically wrong, and as a result a lot of people refuse to play WoW out of principle.
And then there’s the gameplay. ESO and FFXIV have amazing housing systems, the content these games make is never obsoleted like WoW’s expansions are, and frankly Blizzard uses a different metric to make development decisions: “Engagement”.
That is to say, they will look at the statistics of how long you do a certain thing and conclude that therefore, you must like doing that thing.
This is why world quests have sucked for so long. The game makes us do them as a way to progress at times, even though they aren’t really fun.
And lastly…it’s just a dated game. Blizzard should have started development on WoW 2 like a decade ago. Up the poly counts, reinvent the game systems, take a ground-up approach and make a proper sequel. Instead they just slap a fresh coat of paint on it every expansion, tweak the engine a bit and honestly…people get bored of it. Zone questing design is out dated and crap, open world content is generally boring and not engaging, boss fights don’t have the production value of WoW’s competitors (Well, maybe ESO)…it’s not great.
So honestly, other than these few months a year that I sub to the game to check out the new content and get my PvP fix…why SHOULD I subscribe longer? Once I’m done here, I can go back to FFXIV and I have almost a years worth of patch content that feels more meaningful (especially since alts are completely unnecessary in that game), with a competently written story, decent acting, and better PvE. Even though I dislike the ultra-cheeky anime themes, the overall quality is just leagues above.
And even then, let’s say WoW still had no competitors. Why should I put time into growing a character here when there are other monthly services like game pass that give me even more content with even higher production value? Or I can buy steam games when they go on sale. WoW’s pricing model is vastly out dated.
And to top it all off, WoW’s archaic design philosophy also means it usually has the most toxic fanbase. No thanks.