Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Maybe because blizzard has neglected pvp content for years.


They are cheaper to make at home and don’t require interacting with other people.


It’s because Shadowlands did irreparable damage to the brand.


I guess with all of the hype even two weeks after release I expected this DF to turn things around but I was looking at login trends and it really doesn’t look good. Already. ugh

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I’d say it’s due to it being thematically flat.

Dragon isles have 0 impact on the rest of the world and story of Warcraft, all that we care about the franchise has been deliberately sidelined so that with time the team can re-write it to suit their narrative.


Nothing beats Denny’s “Moons over my hammy.” So good. Maybe I should have used that metaphor instead of hotcakes. So good!


DF not selling well has nothing to do with DF itself. By all accounts DF is a good expac. The problem is BFA+Shadowlands, combined with a bunch of the controversies, has damage the Warcraft IP.


Which is shocking since the vast majority of the playerbase wants PVP only content.


A few things to keep in mind:

  1. Dragonflight SEEMS to have lower “box sales”. Meaning people who bought the expansion in the first place.
  2. Gameplay is IRRELEVANT for box sales because the thing is that people aren’t even picking it up to try it out.
  3. About half the people who do buy an expansion quit after the first month. Nothing wrong with that, it’s like a lot of other games that people buy and play for a month and then stop.
  4. Things like the theme, the marketing, etc. have far more impact on box sales than legacy gameplay issues.

I think anybody blaming DF low box sales on Shadowlands is really off-base. You’re looking at long-term trends with the brand that have turned people away, to have box sales dip.


It makes sense when you think of the DF advertising. SL had not only the pandemic so everyone was home, but it also focused heavily on the idea of Arthas, Uther, and the Scourge lore in general when advertising the expansion. Also Sylvanas who’s a fan favorite. DF really doesn’t have anything, as majority of people who play the game on and off likely don’t even know who the Dragonflights are. I feel there wasn’t much to hype the jaded playerbase with the theme of DF, but even after BFA hearing about the return of Arthas etc and the pandemic going on, people latched onto the hype quickly. Themes of expansions also hold much importance to players.


I don’t think you know what hotcakes are. You don’t typically get just one. Most people just get two or three. And they’re extremely filling and finishing all of them isn’t always possible.

This was a bad analogy, like most analogies made on the internet.

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Sidelining all of WoW’s major characters was a huge mistake.


I agree. Honestly I couldn’t care less about all of these dragons. Torch all of the dragon eggs, makes no difference to me. I’m not vested in them. I like the talent trees though.


Probably a good thing actually, since all Blizzard can think of is how to villain bat them on the Horde side then spend the expansion going the megalomaniac roller coaster express.

the wokes ditched the franchise and are currently playing some morally upright game produced by EA is my guess.


Well because alot more people played BFA and people thought that SL was gonna be good so everyone bought it, then it turned out to be bad… .so now DF came people thought its gonna be bad like SL


My guesses?

  1. As widespread lockdowns aren’t a thing like they were when Shadowlands launched, many people who may have bought that expansion probably don’t have the same free time to invest in WoW this time around.
  2. Shadowlands was REAAAAALLY bad and left such a poor taste in peoples’ mouths that many are done entirely with retail WoW, or are at the very least not willing to buy it until the expansion proves itself.
  3. Wrath of the Lich King Classic is occupying players who may have otherwise come back to try DF .

In terms of the marketing, the hype, etc., none of the major characters are here, the Horde & Alliance aren’t around…

You could remove the World of Warcraft logo from Dragonflight and slap a new fantasy title name on it, and nobody would even notice.


You know how the old saying goes.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, also shame on you.
Fool me three times, won’t get fooled again.


Again, I think the lack of core characters/franchise core is a much bigger culprit than bad reactions to the previous 2 expansions.

We’re talking box sales, here, which are the hyper-casual players. They don’t stick around long enough to notice anything about the gameplay.