Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

The irony of her statement “This world is a prison, and I will set us all free”
She was referring to Azeroth, and it seems she has done just that, she set a lot of WoW’s player base free from the world (of Azeroth).


What in the engine is keeping them from doing it?
If they can place a cottage or an Inn somewhere, and then add furnishings to it, then so can we, they just choose not to.

Same with armor dyes, they claim the engine can’t handle it, meanwhile, they add armor sets in several different color shades…

They have proven over the years the ONLY thing they care about working on is their favorite classes and high end raid or M+ content, they view anything else as a waste of time and anytime we shout at them about something we’d like to have in game they dig in their heels like stubborn children and drag their feet, monkey paw it, and make excuses to not do it.

WoW was successful not because of them, but in spite of them, if this was any other MMO based on some unknown lP it would have been dead and buried many times over by now.


I think they do – a lot.

But not in the way we think - like “go back and learn from it” way. More of looking back on the old stuff the way younger brothers look at their heroic older brothers - the ones who set the yard stick they have to live up to. And then the envy sets in, and desperation to “put their own mark” on it.

Which wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t so laughably incompetent.

Ion and the idiot farm dev team (Fail Team Six) look back in envy and jealousy - not with any intention of learning what made it great. They are determined to do what they want - not what will make the game great once more.


They made a TON of good decisions of Dragonflight. In terms of “systems” it is one of the best expansions ever with a few flaws like M+. I think most of it comes from the feeling/story. At first I didn’t give too many thoughts about it but the more I play the more I don’t feel much for the World of Warcraft story at the moment. I grew up with WC3, absolutely loved Wotlk, WoD for theit themes. Dragonflight feels too Disney and disconnected from its core which is probably why there are more people that are simply not interested in this expansion.
While WoD had the weird time thing going on almost nobody understood at the beginning it was still a huge success with over 10+ million players at launch. It only fell down cause of content drought until Legion basically. Why did it sell so well? Because it went back to its roots. It was kind of advertised as TBC 2.0 with the best cinematic to date, extremely well done short stories (Lords of War). It was brutal, savage, WoW.

With Dragonflight we have almost none of that. While its ok to have a more light hearted expansion you can still clearly see the difference between Mists, which was more light hearted on the surface but serious below, and Dragonflight which is just Disney in so many ways. Star Wars 7-9 failed cause it incorporated this Disney feel into a franchise that was not made for it and therefore failed spectacularly.

I hope with the return of Chris Metzen we will return to its proper roots once again in the following expansions. WoW huge potential now again, but the story and theme needs to be right again and Dragonflight is not it in that regard. It just feels off.


I agree with everything you said.
They locked the story behind a renown grind, but the story isn’t interesting enough to make you want to grind the renown out to see it.

I leveled my warrior, got to 383 Ilvl and renown 22 and lost all interest in going any further, put the warrior on the back burner, and leveled up this pally.

Now the Pally is 383 and at the same renown level and again, it’s MEH and I’m thinking about getting another character going this weekend and when I think about falling behind in renown and the story, I just don’t care.

Apathy is the theme of this expansion, it’s the " I don’t care about any of this" expansion.


Why put all the blame on Shadowlands? Maybe there’s a lot of people like me who aren’t fan of dragons and this return-to-our-shores-but-offshore

This. There’s something about the DF intro quests that makes me go back to Shadowlands and do some stuff. Even after a month of availing the holiday offer (DF expansion+1 month game time), I still haven’t gone past the Waking Shores


Because 6 people can ban you by reporting you. Especially if they scam others. There’s no gm system


I was discussing this with someone in real life.

People don’t have the time for the same formula anymore. (110 levels of renknown?!, same endgame, etc)

Blizzard you can’t make the game just for the retirement crowd/unemployed anymore (no offense to those) but you have to factor in those of us middle aged and have job, family, responsibilites.


They pandering is absolutely awful and takes most people out of it, if you get aware of the situation. The first two zones didn’t feel like WoW, until we meet up with Kadghar.


there is.

From my experience it is just locked behind the automated system and then the ‘we need as many tickets cleared as possible’ crew and then you might get someone who is willing to invest enough time to puzzle out everything. You just need to fight through the other levels first. which can take several days and attempts

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dude i stopped playing after 2 ish weeks.
nothing to do. not much to get excited about doing.
talent trees where just… bland…
no allied race. single class race with non buff options…
no new customization options.
idk what they thought while making this expansion.


the game was always playable with people that had busy lives but what you could do then and what you can do now are totally different. people played an mmorpg back then to make friends, read the quests, explore the world… it took months and months just to get to max level and a lot of players never reached the level cap from the previous expansion until the next one released (years). I think what you mean to say is that you want to be competitive without investing large amounts of time and unless you want to hurt the competitive scene, the top level players, and the longevity of the game that’s just not possible. If you destroy the carrot on the end of the stick or let’s say try to replace it with a potato then how many people are going to care about this game? That drive and ambition and work is what makes the game.

People have hidden what it feels like to have exclusive power (and I mean real power) over others in their subconscious, such as how the arena gear is maybe only 20% better than quest gear. In vanilla I remember 1-shotting players in pvp since I had pvp gear and they didn’t, back when you could raid a city leader before the guard npcs did more damage than the players.

You could argue that I’m biased and have no intention of doing end-game content but I’ve been on both sides of the equation and I know why players are “blindly” racing to the top and I also know that people don’t like to be unrewarded looking back at their work.

I know I’m not their core audience now and I’m okay with that but when I resub I want to come back to a thriving, prosperous game not a half-dead beta game where the cities feel listless and the pinnacle of success is doing your daily world quest.


I had flap jacks for breakfast
I thought you guys should know


only thing they did was nerf and created cosmetics … no real new systems like the original adding of mythic dungeon + for gear… we don’t get something new just new flying and same game.

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Well I was thinking the same thing and it brought me to one clear point, even though the game is more “balanced” does it really feel good to play? Pve the game plays great but when you move to pvp because of the nature of the TAB targeting system it does not feel great and on top of that a super busy rotation the game feels like a button mashing fest. This to some people does not seem like a huge problem but it really hurts the game. Let’s say your class has 4 CC’s well you now have a Ctrl and Alt for the off-targets in arenas making one button 3 so that makes have three times that amount of key binds just for CC and in a game with pacing this fast it, but how know maybe this can be fixed

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Are you kidding? Some of us could finally play characters without skills attached to legendaries!


I hated legion. Legion is the reason we had all of the systems like AP/AK/Azerite all of that non-sense.

There are some major rose-tinted goggles with Legion, where people mostly remember it for the last patch.

The launch of Legion was pretty awful. Super RNG legendaries, that were soft-capped for a while.

Farming AP.

AK wasn’t inherently just given out weekly you had to go to a trainer and queue it up.


Not me. Personally I’m faciniated by the number of people who know the “Only” reason why subscriptions are down. In fact I’ve made a list. Here’s the latest:

  • When WOW was first created it was one of the only D&D like MMOs around. Now there are hundreds of new ones each year.
  • In an industry where 5 years is middle aged and 10 years is an antique, WOW is an 18 year old game competing with tons of new technology.
  • The trend these days is toward social media and mobile where WOW doesn’t play well.
  • Some say it’s the story writting particularly in BFA and ShadowLands.
  • Or it’s the toxic culture of the players that’s causing people to leave.
  • Others point to specific abilities like “borrowed power” that have been taken away.
  • Next we hear that it’s time gating
  • Death. Wow players aren’t getting any younger, and younger players don’t share the same attraction to MMOs… particularly ones dominated by older people.
  • The questing requirements are not long and grinding enough.
  • The questing requirements are to long and grinding.
  • They heard Activision say: “If you don’t like the game, go play something else.” or… “The game is not meant for you”.
  • SL had too many mobs close together.
  • And now: The Horde/Alliance cold war.

Yep people tend to forget that legion was a nightmare until argus. like the fact that if people did not get your class’ BiS legendary as the first one people would delete their characters and remake them. or the fact that some classes needed to gun for specific artifact powers or the spec was unplayable.


Uhm … how well do hotcakes actually sell?