Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Op,I can tell you now ,why. Come here and in game ,you’re playing the way you wish to play the game (your money no one elses) you get the message, "You are nothing you don’t play the end game ". This and others like blocks with rep, gates in grouping,etc. people see this and say,

"Here we go again "

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According to statistica . com about 207.49 million Americans consume dry pancake and waffle mix each year - so, I think that it would take WoW a lot to catch up with those kind of figures…


The carrot hasn’t been replaced with a potato in your analogy it’s been ground up, smothered on the floor, and been told to lick it up fetch your carrot bits.

I didn’t throw around 110 reknown levels out of thin air. (It’s up from 80 from SL probably the worst xpac after WOD if not THE worst)

Crafting is its own nightmare.

This shouldn’t have been increased it should have been decreased. Eliminated? Of course not but definitely not increased. What’s the right balance? But increasing is definitely not balancing.

It’s not just me no matter how much people try to white knight defend Blizzard and that’s what definitely changed. This has increased as well.

Twitch views are down for a reason.

They haven’t announced sales for a reason.

They offered the dracthyr trial for a reason.

They had a early promo of game time with dragonflight AGAIN for a reason.

Things are unreasonable and the anecdotal clues agree with me.

The game you fear is losing players appears to be already and it’s for the increase in this nonsense that you call time investment. All that is artificial time gating (didn’t work for FF14 1.0 which is why they had reborn) in what Blizzard think will increase engagement. Reward means nothing when it’s unobtainable.

To have real power over others? In a game? Yeah I think this is going to be my only response to you.


People were burned the last 2 expansions and they do not want to get burned again. They are holding out watching what Blizzard does. Personally it sounds great to me I am just waiting for regular flying to be added. If they do not add it then I am skipping this expansion. I have zero care for the new Dragon Riding.I want to fly in my druid flight form.


Look I understand that you’re frustrated but look at yourself. You sound like one of those kids who peaked in high school and thought he was going to be the next Michael Jordan only to find out that most people CAN’T do what the professionals do. Should the NBA just shut down their doors because MOST people aren’t able to play? Should Microsoft stop designing content that only caters to less than 0.001% of the population because you or common people don’t have the time or skill to do it? Look at how you benefit from having those pros playing this game. I’m not trying to insult you but I will say that you look sad. Most people would just tell you to “deal with it,” but I’ve just given you more courtesy than most by explaining how it is.

Don’t pretend like you can’t play or enjoy 95% of this game without being at the very top. Some of those things you mentioned you’ll have plenty of time to do over the course of the next years before the next expansion releases. I’m not telling you to stop trying either, but know your limits and maybe focus on what you do have time for instead of complaining and depriving other people of joy.

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lol, i like how you can’t even consider that people might have different preferences than you. i, and many others, loved it from start to finish, and no amount of gaslighting will change that.


Different moment, during SL it was in the start of Covid, everyone was playing something…

DF is good, they need to build on it and come out with as much content as they can, they need to stop trying to make WoW an Esport and just be an MMORPG. Esport people aren’t going to stick around but MMO people will…

What they need to do is build on the foundation and keep trucking even when it gets hard…

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And I love how in the same sentence you talk about “preference” you turn around and call it gaslighting. Adorable.

you’re the ones trying to convince people that the only reason they like Legion so much is because they’re misremembering. that’s gaslighting.

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To be perfectly clear I also don’t think Legion was great. But when compared to the Ion era of WoW —WoD, Legion, Bfa, Shadowlands and DF, Legion stands out as better of that sad group, paling in comparison to Vanilla, TBC, Wotlk and Cataclysm (my favorite leveling zones in the entire game).

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MoP introduced timed dungeons, which I think was one of the expansion’s great contributions

Do you have examples of the casual content from MoP you missed and should be reintroduced?

Actually, legendary acquisition was pretty widely hated. I didn’t make that up.

As was early AP. Again not made up.

Whether or not you like Legion, largely depends on whether or not you like it in spite of those things (or forgot them outright). I hated it precisely because of those things.

To each their own.

100% agree, my wife asked me why did I want to stop playing wow and part of me couldn’t explain it besides saying I was bored, few weeks in to dragonflight and all I could say is that I am bored. I keep going to other games like Skyrim, Baldurs Gate 3 and Monster Hunter world. Then I realized how old the game feels, World of Warcraft is old. The graphics look much better than when it came out but compared to everything else out there? still subpar. The systems feel old, the world content has barely changed, pretty much all your points, plus I am a big in class fantasy and customization and wow lacks a lot in that department.


Ah I should’ve noticed this before even replying the first time.

Yep I stand by not wasting my time replying with you.

Probably a somewhat unpopular opinion but DF isn’t very good. Is it better or worse than shadowlands is the question. It’s too early for me to even answer that. Things could really make a turn for the better as the content patches roll out. As it stands now it’s very underwhelming and straight out boring to be honest.


That is a very gnomish reply, and I am here for it.

In response to OP’s post, Blizz has lost a lot of good faith between SL being a hot mess for a variety of reasons and company issues that need not be named so it’s no surprise that the return to DF is not as enormous as others would have been.

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ill throw my 2 cents in. I think the biggest issue is that the time investment is still too high. The account wide stuff was mostly lies and still requires a ton of work. IMO new professions sounded good on paper but are showing major weakness in practice. Raids still take entirely too long (time between bosses).



Me thinks you only play with pvpers.

I would say the vast majority of the players play for PVE. Remember that PVP expansion? I sure don’t.


Good? I give this a 2/10.

It is incredibly woke and boring.


What do you mean by this

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