Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Most people will just try to grab their narrative as the train leading everyone to its inevitable doom.

Objectively all of blizzard ips are in a bad spot the company still gotta heal after the scandals and mmos are not getting more popular at all but other genres are oh and pandemic is over. Anyone going far from these are just projecting.


This has been my experience aswell with my friends.
They just still in spite with the game.

Blizzard chance to recover its IP’s value in the market isnt even wow, its diablo 4.

I dont know how the financials for wow are going but i honestly doubt it didnt improve compared to the last year or so.

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There’s more PvP in Waffle House than WoW…


Do we actually have sales figures available for Dragonflight?

Oh, they still do. The DF-lie with “account wide” is going to come back and bite them.

They serve us, not we them.

Because they made everything lets all hold hands and sing . The War in World of WARcraft is gone and the game just isn’t the same game anymore. I’ve canceled my sub.

They already did that since bc.

Remember Shattrath?

Play nice. Team up to fight big bad.

That’s every expansion.

Dragonflight at least skipped both sides fighting at the start and has us acting like explorers.


Rep should be account wide.

And flying needs to be turned on for Korthia and the maw


i agree idk why i cant just level my renown continually by leveling all my alts thru the zones like half the stuff is cosmetics only so like just let me farm the cosmetics how i want to its kind of lame .


because ppl are not interested in MMOs

Because Shadowlands traumatized people.

It was so bad, that my entire friend list stopped playing. I also did during that horrible first patch, and returned at 9.2

Dragonflight is a good exp so far, but people still dont trust the devs and their ways.


The age point of players in their late 20s or 30s, with respect, I find ridiculous. First most of the people I played wow with or even random folks you pug with (so in the early days of wow talking in groups was more common than now) we’re in their 20s and 30s back in 2004. Today they are breaching late 40s (like myself) or 50s.

Also the 20s and 30s crowd play games more than folks in my age group do.

So I guess making everything harder

M+ scaling
Raids in general

isn’t working out for them? Who could’ve predicted such a thing? :man_facepalming:


These are the same core problems WoW has had dating back to BFA. The problem as we all know is Ion’s team and Ion himself. The philosophy that he talked about in the preach interview is still too embedded in this dev team. People have said it once, and they’ll continue to to keep saying it.

“Ion has no idea what the casual player sees or does, and he certainly has no idea how brutal the pugging scene is in WoW.”


Let’s say there’s a restaurant.

And you like this restaurant, in fact you used to eat there as a kid.

But then they served you a plate of food with rat droppings on it.

So lots of people stopped going there, and they kind of closed down, but now their re-opening with a new menu and swear they addressed the issues they had with the rats.

It’s understandable that people wouldn’t want to go back, even if most of the issues are solved.


Aaaand here we are.

It’s pretty simple, really…DF ain’t Warcraft.


No it’ s not that it’s old.

I left wow and this new expansion for a much older game.

I used to love this game. It’s not because the game world is old. It’s due to a number of changes they made (probably starting around BFA) to now that I feel

has completely disrespected a number of fictional foundations that were established in the game more than 20 years ago.

Putting in elements that really when one think’s about seems separate from the fictional world they are now in.

In other words, elements being promoted coming from issues in the real world that are being placed in a fictional world where they don’t entirely make sense because they feel they go against either pre-established lore or as a I said older fictional foundations that were laid out into this game world more than 20 years ago.

I now play a much older game than wow and this time around I didn’t even try the new expansion after taking like 5 minutes looking at an intro screen for it.

In essence it’s not in my opinion because the game is old (graphics etc).

I play a-lot of other games with worse or a bit older graphics than wow currently has and I find them interesting.

Why? Because the game worlds try to stay true to the fictional world boundaries that were created for them.

Wow now is more like a e sport with a fantasy coat and like a place on the internet promoting ads or social issues to make certain people “appear to be good”. It’s called pandering. “Appear to be good” based on whatever the mob dictates are good for the present moment, even when “insert cause” seems to go against the original game world lore and fictional foundation that was established decades ago that gave the world it’s specific ambience.

For example: I was one of the people I suppose in the minority that liked the idea of void elves.

I thought it wasn’t bad that a small faction of mostly blood elves played with the void. They were warned to stop doing so as it could damage the sunwell right? They ignored the warning, were exiled and were altered forever by the void.

It wasn’t bad.

Then some people who wanted high elves pressured the dev’s to add all the necessary colors to pretend their “void elf” was really a high elf.

Now I don’t care if some players wanted to be high elves. What I did care about was that instead of the dev’s making another racial option “high elf” for the alliance even if that meant to be fair to the horde they give the horde a sixth allied race, which by the way would have meant that high elf players would have had their own unique racials .

Instead what did blizzard do? They gave the visual options to players as I stated to players to pretend to be high elves and they essentially made true void elf players who wanted their void elves to reflect the new lore that defines void elves a minority now in what was supposed to be a new race.

Again, they just ignored the new lore they established (pretty recently) to do this lazy way of giving some alliance players their dream of being high elves.

And I might add even more.

I think this will apply to Activision Blizzard now.

What I am about to say here is my impression of this corporation yes, based on an article I read a number of years ago.

So this article was stating that one of the things that developers never did was either form a union or professionalize like doctors.

Instead, this article said that what has or happened gradually in the tech industry is that the developers were eventually controlled by the business class in these companies.

A business class by the way that made all the big decisions regarding tech or in this case game development.

Now one might think that if you are an executive (again according to what I read in this old article); that making more than 200k a year would be good enough and you would be grateful.

However according to this article that wasn’t the case for many in this business class making the big decisions in these tech companies. Instead, a number of them were envious of their other classmates that apparently were making five to seven hundred thousand dollars in the real estate market?

So in other words, the article was stating that these elite business class people running these tech companies are some of the bottom of their class graduates compared to their higher class graduates from whatever school I suppose is necessary for them to attend to get these elite business degrees?

So in essence, you have people running these tech companies and in this particular case tech game companies that only care about these games for the profits it brings in and the people who might have passion for the project are overruled by this class of people.

So once upon a time games were designed by gamers for gamers. Like the old Fallout games. I think that model now is long dead.


I agree with everything except this piece here. The social issue thing is just inclusivity that people have become accustomed to within society. That’s not terrible in my view.

This part is exactly on the money though. The issue is WoW took the formula that the old MMOs laid out to it’s logical conclusion and basically to stay relevant in the current game market added Diablo 3 mechanics and systems to increase playtime and replay ability.

The fundamental issue WoW is missing now is the social atmosphere that most players have now has been replaced with actual social media. When WoW launched facebook wasn’t a thing, at least it was, but only for college students, which at the time were a giant chunk of the playerbase, but not to the degree you see now.

In 2006 when Facebook went publicly accessible for everyone with an email you can start to see the siphoning of social mechanics and interactions in the game. The reason this happened was because MMORPGS didn’t fill that niche that was missing from the internet. For example MMOs had a built in live chat which increased social aspects of the game. In 2008 Facebook exploded and most high school students and soon-to-be college millennials had an account. This supplanted the space most MMOs and WoW held.

Really we want to get to the heart of the issue for where we are it’s that MMOs aren’t social anymore because people would actually prefer to be social with real life people the know rather than Gromdar the Orc Warrior. Yet WoW still has this mentality that the social mechanics are still a good thing for the community. But as we’ve seen with subs dropping after the honeymoon phase that other games, particularly within the MMO space, have adapted and met the market demand better than WoW has.


No. It’s all speculation based on questionable criteria. Unless Blizz releases sales numbers no one knows for certain.

Yikes. I preferred Shoney’s when they still were around.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

This is interesting, if true. I am older too. I have teenage children and they do not like WoW at all. Too much work to get to end game and leveling is boring they say. I tried hard to get them to play.