Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Shadowlands had hyped and completely dropped the ball.

It is like cata all over again ruining it due the following goated expansion

It’s not that "say insert gay character’ is bad.

I had a number of gay friends in college. They were decent people.

It’s not that "insert whatever else is bad.

My critique about it is when it feels whatever the issue is it’s going against established game lore.

If wow was only one year old. I could forgive a-lot more. I would say "the game world is well only one year old, their fictional foundation is still very new and not solidified yet at all, they can make a-lot of changes because they are new.

However, that is not the case in world of warcraft, since world of warcraft is the same world that warcraft 1 orcs and humans and warcraft 2 (whatever it was called) I forgot is in.

So what do I mean?

What I mean as one example here is let’s say that in the history of Azeroth, there has been a-lot of wars.

Meaning there had to be a certain population level in order for all those people to have been born in order to grow up and one day (the majority) picked a side and went off to war.

That implies (without having to state anything) that the majority of the population than is heterosexual only because well if that wasn’t true, the population in this fantasy world would have remained small (considering also that you are dealing in a world with magic but a much older period of technological development in a way as most fantasy worlds deal with), and if that was true that the heterosexual population in wow were small then how could all these people have been born to be in all the wars that Azeroth endured and endures until this day?

I don’t care if “you insert certain person” into a game world, but what I do ask is game developers stick to the fictional foundations they are laying out or to foundations that were laid out over a long stretch of time (which wow at this point has).

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SL was the worst expansion ever released. After BFA we thought SL was going to be Legion and so were tricked into buying it. Then SL was so so much worse that caused players to quit WoW forever. SL was the straw that broke the camels back. It has left a really bad taste in everyone’s mouth and drove away millions of players for the first time to other games.

People are reluctant to play WoW after SL. Has Blizz changed? Answer is No. There are still elements of SL that exist, bad design philosophies. Furthermore it will take time to heal from SL. People don’t want to be fooled again like in SL into buying DF.

Blizz still has a lot of work to do to “WIN BACK” they players the drove away in SL. Blizz hasn’t made steps to win them back fully and it will take time and rebuilding trust.

Also PvP in Retail hasn’t been good since WoD. It’s in an atrocious state with no real fixes on the horizon. There is no PvP stat still. No leaps in Class design. No new BGs or fixes for Epics.

WotLK is still what an expansion should look like. It’s design, it’s simple approach to a great MMO. Retail still lacks that. The Devs need to focus on making Retail like how the old expansions were. Fix Class design, gearing and removing toxic things like the great vault.

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And I will add one last thing.

I have already made the move to older mmos. So old in fact, that a number of things in these older game worlds seemed new to me when I started them again and now that I have a bit more time for them my few characters in these older game worlds have grown farther than when these games were new, so I am enjoying in essence a whole lot of old but new content for me.

Then add just a small number of indie games that are part of the ever-growing indie game market and I’m fulfilled in terms of “my recreational game time” and thus I don’t have any more time to even try wow again.

Most likely for years to come.

Woah, an Abomb sighting! OG prot warrior pvp / arena’er cool cool. I figured you would be all over prot warrior in WotLK pvp!

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because it really isnt that good and doesnt even come close to fixing the damage BFA and SL did. Legacy content is still trash, End game Loot systems are still RNG trash, end game progression continues to be walled off for a lot of players.

On top of that blizzard lost a lot of its trust that people will just buy what ever they put out, wow players put up with a lot of crap over the years and that is the groups that left, and it will be substationally harder to get that playerbase back, there will always be the core expansion players, the Elite / hardcore MDI players etc but the core MMO players, the blizzard fans of old etc etc those reputations are burned and i think a lot wont come back or its gonna take a lot more then a 2 steps forward 1 step back expansion.


Because it’s an average expansion that was released after 2 mediocre ones.


Oh and from what I have learned from older games.

I think another thing that has hurt retail wow is this idea that every bad guy has to be some cosmic level being.

Back in old wow, I felt of course there were important npcs but my character was part of the world.

It’s okay to have important people in any society (real or fictional) but wow in the beginning was more of an adventure of the personal establishment of say my toon coming from possibly very humble origins and over time progressing gradually to extreme greatness.

In other words, maybe my character would never be a King but he could start out from say very quaint status to at least some high level knight status and the fun wasn’t just getting to that point but the entire journey of my character’s life from beginning to end.

When babies are born, for example someone doesn’t press fast forward to skip forty or sixty years to see what they might finally reach before the end of their lives.

No, that person’s life is about everything they will go through from birth to death.

And so even when a character reaches super or elite levels, the enemies should be much more powerful than at the beginning, but they don’t need to be cosmic level either (or at least not as much or all the time).

And even that old model, the focus I think would still be on your character’s journey so the player feels they are making a difference (even if only so much being one person) in the fictional world.

In recent years, it has felt I am basically pointless and I’m following a-lot of famous characters around and for what exactly I’m not sure because the lore was so confusing at times, most of the shadowlands expansion I had no real idea what was going on at all?

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And what is an MDI player anyway?

Professional M+ players.

Oh you mean the people who actually participate in those e-sport events and one team actually makes money from it at the end?

Yes. That’s who they’re referring to. It’s a small portion of the playerbase. Arguably one of the smallest I’d imagine.

But WoW pretext now dictates you have to mirror them to have any type of reliable player base.

Trauma from SL probably.

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What data source is this discussion using?

I also think that two of the main components of what people in the MMORPG space were complaining about is the endgame and the harsh gatekeeping that occurs around it.

Ion said that they neglected players who don’t enjoy this content. They thought talents and professions would bring them back, but so far it appears it’s more of the same.

Ion said that the gear gap between the top and the bottom was too large, and it appears they again did nothing to address this.

The issues have been the same it looks like from my reading of the MMORPG online community since 2014.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. WoW has core issues with the middle-of-the-pack players, and they can’t seem to bring themselves to address that portion of the community properly.


Not that I believe it is selling like hotcakes, but how do you know it isn’t? A Youtube vid, do you have numbers, how many people are back after a long time and not raiding?

I already told you my take on this game in wow.

Anyway, even though I haven’t played wow in months and I don’t even own the new expansion.

I wish you guys well in life and sometimes I still like to talk to you so while I have game time this is why I gave my take.

Even if you don’t agree in full or in part with my critique and there is so much more I could say but I have a feeling people like me who still play games are a minority and Blizz doesn’t care what I think.

You guys have a nice day though.

I been all over it in DF to but Blizz has most of the design philosophies wrong. They keep nerfing them in PvP and make Tanks take extra damage. In Wrath we had perfect design and everything in PvE and PvP did the same. You didn’t need to nerf specifically for PvP (because design philosophies were perfect) Which is one reason why Retail is bad.

It’s really disheartening that PvP has been bad for nearly 7 years in Retail. So we check it out for a few months and leave. With that said PvE isn’t in a much better state either. Their gearing and design is also wrong. There should be Valor vendors where you go and buy BiS gear. No ranking needed.

WotLK is the model. You did a heroic dungeon got a badge went to the vendor bought a BiS item. There were Raid Vendors. The gearing path was clear and you were motivated to log in. You know you were getting your item this week.

I just don’t understand how the Toxic great vault can still be here and the Devs are happy with it. The vault drives away players. Doing Mythics over and over and never getting the item you want drives away players.

I want to say good things about the Devs but they don’t listen. They need to take a long look at how the original expansions were done that made WoW the MMO it is and do that.

DF honestly is just SL 2.0. Some stuff on the surface has changed but they refuse to make the real changes needed to make WoW a great MMO again.

And what would be at least some of the “real changes” needed to make WoW a great MMO again?

Delete all character flight.