Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Is it not? Would love to see a source on this it isn’t selling well claim.

And there’s no Waffle Houses in Canada. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I’m afraid to go to Waffle House around me. The whole place is sticky.

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That’s just syrupy goodness. And perhaps some blood.

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Because DF atm, just isnt that good.

Look, gamers and MMO gamers even more so, fall prey to “greatest / worst thing ever” syndrome. There was more trepadation in BfA and Shadowlands due to the games “projecting” forward into the future so poorly IE: the new stuff is half baked so the future being called into question happened more naturally.

Even with that said, BfA and SL were far from being “bad” expansions at this stage of their release.

DF is more damning than either for me. Why? Because the fat is trimmed, the wires are untangled. No system overload. Just WoW at its core, revamped professions and talent trees. A clean foundation essentislly. Talent Trees need work especially class trees, but i applaud blizzard for the job they did overall. Professions, not as much, they kind of suck, BUT they do matter and the groundwork for their future is at the very least, in a much better spot.

Outside of that? A new class thats…fine. Nothing special but Preservation seems to be well received. A new, small continent, that feels smaller because of Dragon riding and…its the same game.

The open world content is still a joke, so its M+ / Raid / PvP.

Raiding is…fine. Vaults been a solid raid overall imo. Not revolutionary but still relatively high quality.

M+ is… Its downright embarassing fkr Blizzard to put so little effort into what should be a huge focus of theirs. Five player content is why and will continue to be why M+ remains the core endgame for most. Relevant challenging content for small groups.

Its as if they know its going to see good participation due to the nature of it being far more accesible than raid content, so they just dont try.

The dungeon balance, the design essentially requiring the use of multiple addons just to have a clue, the same lame affixes, almost ZERO iteration since Legion. This is the content that should have the most love put into it, and its recycled crap that seemingly gets worse each time they recycle it.

PvP is…idk. Havent touched it in so in so long. Seems to be okay for an MMO but, its an MMO. Why bother when there is a plethora of pvp focused games that can dedicate all of their resources towards pvp?

WoWs just…past its prime at this point imo. The honeymoon phase has worn off and i think people are realizing that yes, its nice to not be bogged down by poorly designed half-baked systems, but the core game itself is…unremarkable in 2022.

You throw in the community and outside of eSport level PvE (if thats your thing) i just dont see much of a reason to play it over something else.


The fat and the systems are the main reason most of us quit rofl.


You didn’t like a word someone used (dare I say it offended you) and so you blocked them, while announcing your displeasure to the world.

And you think they’re the ones being PC?

This. I like the idea, but paladin and Druid trees, the two classes I play the most, are horrible.

… you mean, other than Everquest, which was arguably much closer to DnD than WoW is?

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Skinner box daily quest grinding to remain competitive in combat, but what they probably mean is the fictional faction divide that the vast majority of people are sick of.

It’s good that both are gone, obviously.


Yeah, that is what I figured. That user has no idea how much the faction war hampered the story telling of wow because “factions need to be at war always”. There is more to warcraft than just faction wars, there are smaller scale battles we can do without making one faction the good guy and the bad guy.


Idk about you guys but I’m seeing more players in Dragonflight than I did during all of Shadowlands


Same, Valdrakken is bumping, RP in Org on WrA seems fairly active whenever I pass through, world events have so many people in them that it lags the whole zone.

Also what does “box sales” even mean anymore? I haven’t seen a WoW expansion actually sold in a box at a store since BfA.

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Maybe it depends on the server but ours always had tons of players in Shadowlands. In particular, every week when I went to get my 20 souls out of the Maw it was always a scramble with groups everywhere grabbing them as soon as they would regenerate.


I’m more of a Waffle House kind of person. IHOP is super busy, expensive, and they cram 100 people in an area not fit for 25. I haven’t been in a Denny’s in 15 years.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Wows game design isn’t enticing to new players and more and more old players are just moving on. It’s a slowly dying game and unless something major is done it will fall into the same status as so many other life support mmos.

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Neither has a health inspector at ours.


My brother wont get the expansion after seeing how dragon flying sucks. He hit the nail on the head when he said that it was like driving a Tesla.

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bcuz the renown grind sucks and wqs feel like a slog and chore . idc what ppl say idc about my alts gaining rep i really dont care i care ABOUT MY MAIN getting the rep .