Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

All I’ve learned here is that Alliance players don’t know what “cold war” means and don’t understand the foundations of the game.

Kids these days. I swear.

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I love the implication that people not spouting your same opinions is some kind of conspiracy. Lol


It’s more that people just repeat the same meme replies over and over again, regardless of their lack of merit. All while ignoring the elephants in the room.

But that’s the internet in general.

Or maybe, just maybe they genuinely don’t share your opinion, and it’s not the elephant in the room you think it is.


You can’t serve people poo plate dinners 2 nights in a row and expect them to be excited for night 3. Oh boy I bet it’s a big plate of…again!

In the beginning Dragonriding didn’t bother me as it was new and interactive way to get places, and could be faster. But with having to recharge your dragon I find I don’t explore as much because stopping too much is punished. I want to collect herbs and kill elites without having to sit and wait for orbs to charge.

Herbing use to be relaxing, now it feels like a chore.


maybe the ppl are fed up?

its a whole lot of the same. has got to get old.

probably a lot of us staying in just to keep the routine were used to. one great game away from vanishing :wink:


There are two reasons:

  1. Shadowlands was so garbage that it convinced a lot of people to abandon WoW for good.

  2. This may be entirely speculative, but I think a lot of the hype going into Shadowlands (and subsequently its success in sales) can be primarily attributed to it being something of an extension of WotLK. Aesthetically speaking, it is far more aligned with WotLK than any other expansion which is undeniably Blizzard’s most popular expansion for WoW. The Lich King took on a major role, the story felt like more of a continuation of the events that took place during Frozen Throne/WotLK, and many characters that were beloved throughout WoW’s history came back into the fold. Naturally, when you’re taking a lot of characteristics from WoW’s most popular expansion, people are going to get excited for it.

That said, I think Shadowlands burned a lot of people with its clear mishandling of the WoW lore and narrative, its incessant grinds, and general lack of interesting systems at play. I wouldn’t doubt if it left a stain on WoW for many people.


It’s not an issue of opinions, it’s more the outright lying that goes on around here on a daily basis.

Op,no,just most people have forgotten what it feels like to have enjoyment in gaming,we are so use to the way it was for the past few expansions that those people have left remembering just how bad it was and don’t wish to repent it again.

The game is not bad nor old it just needs the love of human immersion .

Blizzard has yet to redeem themselves. DF is a good start, we have to see how well their roadmap goes and if everything delivers. I looks like it should but people are playing wait and see with this expac still.

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If we assume it’s true (which there are good indicators, but no real confirmation) it’s not hard to understand why; the game shipped two laughably bad expansions in a row.

Like I’m not saying there aren’t people who enjoyed BFA or SL well enough, but across a population they were not well received and that’s going to do some damage. Everyone has their own opinion on what was a good or bad expansion, but there’s definitely an overarching consensus when you put all of those opinions together.

Even if DF is the golden child of expansions it’s going to take time to rebuild trust and get people to come back.

Well typically when people are like “Faction conflict” are wanting world pvp (and look that doesn’t work well, look at new world for example) That dynamic typically gets set aside for the Big Bad. The Dragons are inviting us to the dragon isles and they said no to fighting with each other… theres also factions within the factions that would make sense to actually work together any way and those are the two we are currently dealing with (the reliquary and the explorers league making the dragonscale expedition)

Watched a good video forgot from who sighting a SL patch that burned to many people. So many have not returned. Add the bugs and the confusing crafting system and that is why. Other than that I have seen more return who have not played since Legion and are really enjoying the game.

Really interesting viewpoints in this thread, glad I made it. Somehow it hasn’t turned toxic either, gj.

edit and query: Has anyone at Blizzard posted on social media or anywhere else that Shadowlands missed the mark?

This is it. for people who liked gameplay it was a nightmare thanks to the renown, the maw, and the covenant system. for lore fans it burned so many with the massive amount of retcons, and just strait character butchering.


DF isn’t a bad expansion but it isn’t great. BFA and Shadowlands was a back to back disaster. That fact plus the investigations made for a terrible time for Blizz. Diablo IV better be good.


Because SL was the final straw for a lot of people. They are going to wait that launch out.

DoA faster than you can say “Overwatch 2”.

Two major reasons:

  1. They didn’t quite pull the same accounting trick they did with Shadowlands, where sales were considered final on release day despite actually occurring months before.
  2. Shadowlands caused a LOT of people to quit… like a serious crap ton. The game will take time to recover from that because it nearly killed the game.
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