Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Interesting thread.

You’d be surprised how many people aren’t quick to forgive a scandal like blizzard had, and STILL Amorim remains in place. Add to that the lackluster nature of the last 2 expansions and the timing of the launch, and it all makes sense, probably a little bit of everything.

But, it’s definitely more fun to speculate that the minor falloff in box sales has a direct causal link with whatever pet peeve you have with WoW at the moment. For me, it’s guys named Timothy who never say anything nice and talk about loot they don’t have yet 80% of the time. If we could ban those people, WoW would be a better place.

Where are you finding this data?

I’ll admit that I have some “buyer’s remorse” as well.


I’ve played Blizz games for so long back to Warcraft. Can’t say how many hours of fun I’ve had in Diablo and WoW and Hearthstone. They’ve built up enough goodwill with me that I buy the WoW expansions hoping for fun. BFA and SL were definitely terrible. I enjoyed this expansion for a while because I love the talent trees. But it looks like I took a swing and missed again with my DF purchase which is fine. I’ll be up to the plate again for Diablo 4 and man it would be awesome if that game turns out to be good!

And better-er, too!

All this talk about hotcakes reminds me of an Ernie Kovacs tune! It’s corny and dated, but hey, it’s Ernie doing his thing:

Ernie Kovacs: Hotcakes and Sausage

I like to think the other issue is that MMOs in general are also not as popular anymore as people like to think they are. For instance, the two stalwarts of the franchise are now 10+ years old and are firmly cemented.

Setting is kinda garbage. It’s not miserable to play for veterans as SL was, but it’s really nothing too interesting for an average players


We dont know what the sales numbers are. I’m not disagreeing but we ultimately dont know.

Reminder: The sales record was “day 1 sales” meaning preorders; which makes sense probably why no new record got announced after SL

I’ve done more world PvP this expansion than any since WotLK.

They’ll be back, but it usually takes at least one expansion cycle to get the nostalgia strings tugging. The thing that will end up mattering isn’t whether or not Dragonflight is good now but whether or not Blizzard will be able to maintain consistency.

People take it for granted but one of the biggest reasons FFXIV is such a potent underdog isn’t related to the quality of the content (although that helps) but instead the fact that SE has content delivery down to a science. Every 4ish months there’s a content patch. Every 2 years you can anticipate a summer (June, July, August) release date for an expansion pack, with only Endwalker breaking that pattern, and purely due to COVID. And even then, it got released a few months later than intended.

This is in contrast to world of warcraft where year-long lag times between final content patches and expansions is almost a rule.



Seriously, I laughed aloud.


BFA and shadowlands made a real nice one two punch to get to people to leave the game.

add that with all of their corporate drama and people that won’t come back for those reasons.

and now you have a significantly smaller player base.


Everyone i knew in shadowlands season 1 and 2 who quit due to terrible pvp decisions hasn’t returned yet, despite significant pvp improvements. I think SL was just the last straw for a fair amount of players who found better pastures

Coming from bfa, SL pvp was monkey pawed and deceivingly hyped by blizzard when they withheld crucial information about pvp gearing that no one could have foreseen. “pvp vendors like in cata, mop and wod” was false advertising since blizz tacked on systems to it that didn’t exist in cata, mop or wod


I’m not. I know some people who left at the start of Shadowlands, and having played back then, even I question why I ever came back. Shadowlands was awful at the start.

It’s easier to earn new customers then it is to regain the trust of ones you lost.

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How is that relevant to anything I said?

Blizzard posts their earnings in a month so we’ll figure out how many copies sold. I doubt that it sold as well as Shadowlands did, but we might be surprised.

Every WoW expansion always has the initial subscriber count jump and then it drops over the next 6 months until the next patch bumps it up again.

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I will leave that as an exercise for the student.

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Because the damage has already been done, OP.

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