Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

That’s another thing to note, they pretty blatantly fudged the numbers claims for BFA and SL.

I would say a lot of it has to do with the fact that Dragonflight has not added any noteworthy features amongst the back-to-back poorly received expansions and the internal scandals.

Dragonriding is cool and all but at the end of the day it’s no more than flying with a twist. I hardly doubt this will sway the prospective gamer.

It’s the same ol same ol with less chores and a storyline that is entirely too safe so im not surprised at all Dragonflight hasn’t sold well.


I put most blame on the same thing many others have said: SL burned too much.

I have played loosely since Vanilla and have had quite a few brakes due to RL stuff, but SL was the first time i quit due the game not being fun.
If it wasnt for a group of friends returning and bugging me to join, i wouldnt have come back either and so far, im having a blast. Being able to do dungeons without feeling vastly underpowered if you didnt “work” on boring stuff for dozends of hours is just great.

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I think the issue is hot cakes. Out of pancakes, hot cakes and flapjacks, hot cakes are usually smaller. There isn’t as much cake as the other two. Not to mention, they aren’t even traditional cake. Who wants frosting first thing in the morning? None of this makes sense!

I want my Blueberry pancakes like at IHOP!

because they turn fun stuff like professions into more like chores which i just passed on this expansion at this time in any other expansion all my stuff would be maxed so i hardly long in wasting time doing professions. they get rid of annoying things people complain about whether it be covenants legendaries or whatever and add new super annoying things again. and the fact i’m bored to death no matter what spec i’m playing cause i feel like i’m still stuck in shadowlands playing the same specs and farming great renown again i mean they basically did nothing to make dragonflight better oh the biggest feature we have is dragonriding pass why would anyone be excited to buy dragonflight it’s just the same old wow with one new feature dragonriding oh boy.

The problem is that there is actual competition for WoW these days. In the early days, there was Asheron’s Call and EQ and a few minor ones. That was it - and they weren’t even that good compared to Vanilla/BC/WotLK. Then, good alternatives were released and Blizz was forced to try and keep up. For a while, they did but as some of their better devs left the company to pursue their own projects, the game stagnated.

The real reason I would say is complacency…but, don’t worry: if MS buys out Blizz there will be lots of bug-ridden expacs coming out each week…

Blizzard is going to have to truly prove themselves. A lot of players are sick of their crap. Me I’m happy with the game.

I could not even finish it. Got to 70 and stopped. Went to Classic WotLK. Retail is awful. Empty, meaningless content with a toxic community. Really bad combination.


I still feel these offensive things they have done. Garrosh and Arthas were deleted just so they cannot come back, ever.

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That hit me in the tides of darkness.

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If people actually believe that there is a significant amount of people that quit because Dwarfs and Orcs can group together, they are delusional.


My thoughts on any reasons for possible DF sales woes:

Because the real world economy kind of sucks and the price of everything but WoW is going up?

Because Blizzard’s bad PR of the last couple of years has made them and their products radioactive to potential customers?

Because Blizzard fought its own audience on flight for so long that making fancy flight a marquee feature of a new expansion was, at a minimum, a mixed message?

Because the last expansion wasn’t very good, ended with a wet fart of a climax, and didn’t build into the current expansion at all?


There are too many variables to identify tbf. Between the Holidays, New Years, and any number of events, there is probably a reason for it.

Regarding the game, yeah its the same rebranded content.

I have several friends whom Ive played with since vanilla. Most of them quit during CATA/MOP. I continued to play on and off as the game got progressively worse. Then came the first season of Shadowlands, it looked and felt great for the opening weeks. A few of them had played classic recently so I was able to convince them to come back. For several weeks we had fun, did a ton of PVP, and cleared the raid. Then the insane monotony of what we had to do outside of our chosen content set in. Torghast, and rating locked gear forcing you to sit rating and farm honor elsewhere. Coupled with the terrible zones and awful story, it became to grindy/boring and they all let their subs lapse once again. This time several of them vowing to never play the game again. Dragonflight is great and fixes all of the problems but truth be told, they are completely done with the game. They’ve played other MMOs and they’re just better in every way except combat feel. Several of them now are even playing Warhammer Online. Blizzard and their AP era destroyed the fan base, and they simply don’t want to come back. WoW is inherently time consuming, and gamers who experienced the AP era will always find a hard time trusting blizzard.


Wow has become a gating game where Bobby and his bunch are doing all they can to slow players , removing fun at the same time


I think the poor quality of the last two expansions has probably cost Blizzard the reputation they once had with fans.


Because the invasions are bad :crazy_face:. Bringing back talent trees is about the only thing exciting about dragonfail imo. Also pancakes sell better, and are a lot cheaper, than this expansion.

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It’s still the same.

Campaign still timegated behind renown. This will no doubt be unlocked near the end of Dragonflight.

More rep levels and renown this time around.

Lonnnnnggggggggg profession grinnnnnddddd (if done legtimately) that feels like will take years.

Something seems to have changed though.

I find it suspicious streamers, like Preach, returning after quitting and running a propaganda piece. (Give us your bread and circuses)

Not to mention Blizzard’s past history.


Sub running out in March and I have no intention to resub till they fix the balancing of the specs in PvE.

  • Prot warrior is ahead by miles when compare to other tanks. BrW is so bad I had healers outright drop our m+ group when they saw a BrW is the tank. Port warrior needs to bring down a few levels and BrW needs to major buff (the tiny buff they had today didn’t do jack)

  • Healers is also no balance. Resto shammy, Disc and to some extend Holy pally and MW, and holy priest are all a few levels lower than Evoker and restro druid. I haven’t seen a disc or resto shammy once. Resto druid and Evoker are too OP Atm

-Dps. Holy smoke not only is balance is so bad right now in terms of dps and damage done. Is also some class just have 0 utilies to bring to the table. When you compare a WM or DH to a SV hunter or a fury warrior the dps and the utilies is day and night. Let’s not even mention range as this time they are at a major disadvantage (is lie BFA all over again)

-Profession. The whole rework for profession is such a fail. Get rib of the whole work order system. Make gathering easier and have more nodes. There are so many times when i am dragon riding and miss a node since I am flying way too fast and trying to turn around to find the herb I miss. Then there are the odd times the nodes are in such werid location you can only get to with dragon riding but coz you are flying so fast you will most likely missing landing.

-Time gate. Main story quest is still behind rewon. Get rib of it. Let people do the quest. Rewon and req grind needs to die. They serve no purpose but to time gate content that no one likes.